ac·ces·so·ry /əkˈsesəri/ ●○○ noun (plural accessories) [countableC] 2 DC[usually plural] something such as a bag, belt, or jewellery that you wear or carry because it is attractive 装饰物,小配件〔如手袋、皮带、珠宝等〕 a set of fully matching clothes and accessories 一套完全相配的衣服和饰物
3 law someone who helps a criminal, especially by helping them hide from the police 同谋,帮凶,〔尤指帮助藏匿的〕从犯accessory to an accessory to murder 谋杀案的帮凶
an accessory before/after the fact (=someone who helps a criminal before or after the crime) 事前/事后从犯