de·scent /dɪˈsent/ ●○○ noun → dissent1 [countableC, uncountableU] formalDOWN the process of going down 下降,降落 OPP ascent Passengers must fasten their seat belts prior to descent. 乘客在飞机降落之前必须系好安全带。
descent from/to The descent to Base Camp took about two days. 往下走到大本营大约要两天时间。
2 [uncountableU]SSFCOME FROM/ORIGINATE your family origins, especially your nationality or relationship to someone important who lived a long time ago 出身,血统of Russian/Italian etc descent young men and women of Asian descent 亚裔男女青年
descent from The emperor claimed descent from David. 这个皇帝自称是大卫王的后代。
by descent They’re Irish by descent. 他们祖籍爱尔兰。
3 [countableC]TTR a path or road that goes down a slope 下坡路 OPP ascentdescent from/to There is no direct descent from the summit. 没有直接从山顶下来的下坡路。
4 [singular]BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS a gradual change towards behaviour or a situation that is very bad 沦落,堕落descent into alcoholism/chaos/madness etc his descent into drug abuse 他堕落到吸毒的地步
5 [singular] British EnglishBrEVISIT a sudden unwanted visit or attack 〔不受欢迎的〕突然到访;突袭 the descent on the town by a motorcycle gang 一个飞车党突袭该镇
descent from/to• She lived in Colorado and died at eighty-eight on her descent from her fourteenth climb of Pikes Peak.• King Laius of Thebes was the third in descent from Cadmus.• The truck roared and ripped down the last descent to the river valley.• Her morning descent to the kitchen was for her a moment of happiness and importance.• We took four hits, and immediately, we went into a rapid descent to elude the machine guns.• Murren is very limited, with one spectacular descent from the famous Schilthorn.• He had two options, he thought, as the plane began the descent to Brussels.• The descent to Base Camp took a further two days.