guzzle• Chris has been guzzlingbeer all evening.• But he guzzled from bottles and broke his own heart.• When you sweep through the house guzzlinggin.• And very important ... the wine - as much as you can guzzle - is free!• Champagne was guzzled like lemonade and flexible friends took care of the bill.• Old refrigeratorsguzzle lots of energy and are on 24 hours a day.• All they seemed interested in was guzzlingplatefuls of sausages and going back to the counter for more.• Her kidsguzzlesugar all day, and the house is an absolutemess.• The chick in the burrow below will now be guzzling the partly pre-digested fish food regurgitated by its newly ringed parent.
(1500-1600) Perhaps from Old Frenchgosillier“to talk a lot, vomit”