quarrelsome• Although colorful, active, and good feeders, they are apt to be a little quarrelsome.• They became cranky and quarrelsome, and stopped most of their activities in order to conserveenergy.• Even quarrelsome members of the leadership, like William Joyce, appear to have been attracted to the movement by such motives.• Conversely, to be angry, quarrelsome, or brave marks one off as not human.• Leese had a pronounced anti-authoritarian streak in his behaviour and a quarrelsomepersonality.• They are quarrelsome, politically unstable and poor; some are preoccupied with fighting.• He depicts his noisy, disordered, life-loving, quarrelsome, self-absorbed family with a historian's detachment.• Previously you had to be part of a quarrelsome, uneconomicunit of orthodoxy known as a church.