Word familyadjectivewhiplesswhiplikewhippywhiptailnounwhipperwhippinesswhippingwhipbirdwhipcatwhipcordwhipjackwhiplashwhipping boywhipping creamwhipsawwhipstaffwhipstallwhipstitchwhipstockwhipwormwhip
whip·ping /ˈwɪpɪŋ/ noun [countableC usually singular]
whipping• A record is said to exist of a whipping which took place in 1624, when a man was whipped to death.• He hatedcrowds and dreaded the Sunday service and its aftermath, which was usually a good whipping.• A judge allowed the appeal after a vet told the court that whipping could have encouraged the horse to free itself.• Some rules exist about these whippings and a number of public statements have been made by the school administration in their defense.