9 it’s the same old story TYPICALused to say that the present bad situation has often happened before 又是那老一套〔表示目前糟糕的情况以前经常发生〕 It’s the same old story – too much work and not enough time. 情况还是跟过去一样——工作太多,时间不够。
it’s the same old story• It's the same old story - too much work and not enough time.
15 end of story EMPHASIZEused to say that there is nothing more to say about a particular subject 不必多说了,到此为止了〔表示对某话题再没有什么好谈论的了〕 As far as I’m concerned, Terry is still a friend – end of story. 对我来说,特里仍然是我的朋友,就是这样。
end of story• The fish will get their wheatgerm this autumn, end of story.• Another good restaurant bites the dust -- end of story, right?• Mark a ballot, lick a stamp: end of story.