SLMOVE/CHANGE POSITIONchanges in your body position and movements that show what you are feeling or thinking 身体语言,肢体语言
It was obvious from Luke’s body language that he was nervous.
Examples from the Corpus
body language• Upon meeting them you instantly see what they look like, and quickly observe their facialexpressions, gestures and body language.• Electronicmedia, filteringtone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinderfeedback regarding how recipients are reacting.• This includes facial expressions, body language, and the like.• Was this going to be the ultimate in body language, or a pointlessgimmick?• Imaginepolitics without communication-without newspapers, without television, even without talking or body language.• This responsiveness to body language also affects the way horses react to humans.• The man stared at Bonnie whose body language was screaming, "Leave me alone!"• Yet body language often tells us so much more than mere words.• If he perceives your body language wrong, he can do major damage.