patrician• Originally, ancestor-worship and its attendant family structure were confined to the patrician class.• But his presence was every bit as formidable in its modest way as that of the patrician Heifetz.• Peterson's patricianimage• It was impossible for Stevenson, the patricianintellectual, and somebody like Sen.• There the master is a humanearistocratpossessed of a fine library, progressive opinions and a patriciankindness.• Here, mostly you just get right up their patriciannoses.• Nicky is not quite a chip off the old patrician Oppenheimer block.• Yet other friends point out that Rawls comes from an old southern family and has a patrician sense of noblesse oblige.
(1400-1500)Frenchpatricien, from Latinpatricius, from patres“senators”, from pater“father”