duffel coat• Cocteau in a duffel coat with Chanel.• The acridodour of paraffin, winter-dead trees and hedges, and the strangewarmth of a duffel coat.• Wearing a duffel coat over yesterday's military outfit, he was feeding hazelnuts to a squirrel.• She was wearing a navy blue duffel coat with a tartan-lined hood, black stockings and pointedshoes with very high heels.• Dwarfing his bicycle, he hunched over the handlebars, his duffel coat in constantdanger of tangling with the spokes.• His hair was rumpled, and the toggles on his duffel coat were done up wrong.
Originduffel coat
(1600-1700)duffel“heavy woolen cloth”((17-20 centuries)), from Dutch, from Duffel town in Belgium