1.[countableC]DHBAmerican EnglishAmE a bed for a baby or young child, with bars on the side to stop the baby from falling out 〔有围栏的〕婴儿床SYN British English cot
2.[countableC]British EnglishBrE a bed with high sides for a very young baby, which you can move gently from side to side 〔有围栏的〕婴儿摇床SYN cradle
4.RRC[countableC]British EnglishBrE a model of the scene of Jesus Christ’s birth, often placed in churches and homes at Christmas 〔圣诞节时教堂或家中陈列的〕耶稣诞生场景模型 → Nativity
5.[countableC]British EnglishBrE informal a book or piece of paper with information or answers to questions, which studentssometimes use dishonestly in examinations 〔学生用于作弊的〕夹带
6[countableC]American EnglishAmE spoken the place where someone lives 住处
somebody’s crib
I’m not at my crib, I’m at Jed’s house.
7.[uncountableU]DGC the card game of cribbage 克里比奇纸牌戏
crib2 verb (cribbed, cribbing) [intransitiveI, transitiveT] especially British EnglishBrE
SECOPYto copy school or college work dishonestly from someone else 抄袭,剽窃〔功课〕
crib something off/from somebody
He didn’t want anyone to crib the answers from him.
Examples from the Corpus
crib• Steve Prefontaine was, to crib a line from Bruce Springsteen, born to run.• He was accused of cribbing an article for his speech.• Naturally he cribbed it for the title of a pamphlet, when what I actually meant by it was some advice.• Unfortunately, Bournonville cribbed it from somebody else.• Washington cribbed the best phrases for his reply, as was his habit.
crib something off/from somebody• Matt was caughtcribbing the answers from his friend.
Old Englishcribb
(1700-1800)crib“to steal from a basket”((18-19 centuries)), from → CRIB1