lead·ing1 /ˈliːdɪŋ/ ●●○ W3 adjectiveadj [only before noun] 1 IMPORTANTbest, most important, or most successful 最好的;最重要的;最成功的 The army played a leading role in organizing the attempted coup. 军队在策划这场未遂政变的过程中起了最主要的作用。
the leading industrial nations 主要的工业国
a leading heart specialist 最好的心脏病专家
leading members of the government 政府要员
2 leading edge a) technicalAV the part of something that is at the front of it when it moves 〔物体的〕前缘
b) ADVANCEDthe part of an activity where the most modern and advanced equipment and methods are used 〔技术的〕前沿,尖端leading edge of This is the leading edge of medical technology. 这是医疗技术的前沿。
→ leading-edge 3 leading light IMPORTANTa respected person who leads a group or organization, or is important in a particular area of knowledge or activity 受人尊敬的领导者,有影响的重要人物 The two women were leading lights of the women’s union. 这两位女性是妇联的主要人物。
4 leading question ASK A QUESTIONa question that deliberately tricks someone into giving the answer you want 诱导性问题 Don’t ask leading questions. 不要提诱导性的问题。
5. leading lady/man APTAMthe woman or man who acts the most important female or male part in a film, play etc 扮演女主角/男主角的演员 → leading article