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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 379 COCA: 477


less1 /les/ ●●● S1 W1 adverbadv  
1 LESSnot so much or to a smaller degree 更少地,较少地;较小程度地 OPP more
 Maybe he would worry less if he understood the situation.
 In recent years she has appeared in public less frequently.
less (...) than
 Tickets were less expensive than I had expected.
much/a lot/far less
 Social class matters a lot less than it used to.
not ... any the less/no less (=not less) 同样
 Your second point is no less important.
 It’s a common problem but this doesn’t make it any the less disturbing.
 I know he’s done a dreadful thing, but I don’t love him any the less.
be less a ... than a ... (=be not so much like one thing as another) 不是更像
 ‘Will you please come with me?’ It was less a request than a command.
2 less than helpful/honest/enthusiastic etc not at all helpful, honest etc 一点也没有帮助/一点也不诚实/一点也不热心等
 He was less than enthusiastic about the idea.
Examples from the Corpus
3 less and less LESSused to say that a quality, situation etc gradually decreases 越来越少;越来越小 OPP more and more
 As the years went by, he seemed to care less and less about his reputation.
5 Smoking in the workplace is becoming less and less acceptable.
n Smoking is becoming less and less acceptable.
Examples from the Corpus
4 much/still less NOTused to say that a greater thing is even less true, likely, or possible than the thing you have just mentioned 更不用说,更何况
 These people can scarcely afford to buy food, still less luxury goods like perfume.
 I didn’t think Dave would ever read a book, much less write one himself.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
less2 ●●● S1 W1 determiner , pronoun  
1 LESSa smaller amount or not as much 不那么多,更[] OPP more
 Doctors recommend eating less salt.
 People today seem to have less time for each other.
 Most of us got £4 an hour, but some received even less.
less of
 The map covered less of the area than I’d thought.
 Flying is less of a risk than driving.
less (...) than
 She knows less than I do about it.
less than 10/100 etc
 a distance of less than 100 metres
much/a lot less
 It costs much less to go by bus.
Less, not ‘fewer’, should be used before an uncountable noun. 不可数名词前应用less,而不用fewer
Less electricity is used.
Sometimes people use less before a plural noun, but many people think that this is incorrect, so it is better to use fewer, especially in writing. 有时有些人在复数名词前也用less,但许多人认为不正确因此用fewer更好尤其在书面语中
There are fewer delays (NOT不说less delays).
延误次数减少了 。
nUSAGE: Less, fewer
You use less before an uncountable noun:
These light bulbs use less electricity.
You use fewer before a plural noun:
There were fewer cars in those days.
Don't say: There were less cars in those days. Although you will hear people say this in everyday spoken English, it is considered to be incorrect.
2 no less 
Examples from the Corpus
3 nothing less than something EMPHASIZEIMPORTANTused to emphasize how important, serious, or impressive something is 简直是某物,绝对是某物
Examples from the Corpus
4 less and less a decreasing amount of something 越来越少 OPP more and more
Examples from the Corpus
5 in less than no time FAST/QUICKSOONvery quickly or very soon 很快地,迅速地
6 less of something British EnglishBrE spokenSTOP DOING something used to tell a child to stop doing something 不要做某事〔对小孩说的话〕
Examples from the Corpus
less3 prepositionprep formal  
COUNT/CALCULATEtaking away or not including a particular amount 减去,不计 SYN minus
 What is 121 less 36?
 He gave us our money back, less the $2 service charge.
-less /ləs/ suffix [in adjectives]  
1 NOT HAVEwithout something
2 XXnot doing or using something 的,不用
3 XXnot possible to treat or affect in a particular way 不可能的,不会
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
lessless /les/ prepositionprep
taking away a particular amount
$150 less what you owe in taxes is $102.
Origin -less
Old English -leas, from leas lacking, false

See also: little

BNC: 379 COCA: 477
BNC: 379 COCA: 477
less adv.
more or less almost
BNC: 379 COCA: 477

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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