Word family nounconnivanceconniververbconnive
con·nive /kəˈnaɪv/ verb [intransitiveI] 1 LET/ALLOWto not try to stop something wrong from happening 放任,纵容,默许〔错误的事情〕connive at He would not be the first politician to connive at a shady business deal. 他不会是第一个默许不正当商业交易的政客。
2 connive (with somebody) to do something PLANto work secretly with someone to achieve something, especially something wrong (与某人)秘密合谋[串通]做某事 SYN conspire They connived with their mother to deceive me. 他们与他们的母亲串通来骗我。
—connivance noun [uncountableU] We could not have escaped without the connivance of the guards. 如果不是警卫默许,我们是逃不出来的。
Origin connive (1600-1700) French conniver, from Latin connivere “to close the eyes, connive”