fall into place1 a) UNDERSTANDif parts of a situation that you have been trying to understand fall into place, you start to understand how they are connected with each other 变得一清二楚;变得条理清楚;变得明朗 Suddenly, all the details started falling into place. 突然间,所有的细节都明朗起来。
b) START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCif the parts of something that you want to happen fall into place, they start to happen in the way that you want 〔事情〕按照意愿[设想]发生 I was lucky because everything fell into place at exactly the right time. 我真幸运,一切都来得正当时。
2 a) REALIZEif things fall into place in your mind, you suddenly realize and understand what is really happening 〔情况〕突然变得清楚 Things were beginning to fall into place in my mind. 事情开始在我脑海中清晰起来。
Everything suddenly fell into place. 一切突然豁然开朗。
b) START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCif plans or events fall into place, they start to happen in the way that you hoped they would 〔计划或事件〕按所希望的方式发生,上轨道 Eventually I got a job, and my life began to fall into place. 最后我得到了一份工作,生活开始步入正轨。
fall into place• Mechanisms to ensure gender balance in appointed government bodies were also falling into place.• I am like the painter of that mosaic, the small pieces are falling into place and I need your help.• That was our greatest moment together, I think, the moment when our whole future fell into place at last.• But just in time, it fell into place.• Another piece of the jigsaw had just fallen into place.• The route had by now fallen into place.• Yet it was not until researchers extended the same effort to the oceans that the bigger tectonic picture fell into place.