twid·dle /ˈtwɪdl/ verb 1 twiddle your thumbs informal to do nothing while you are waiting for something to happen 百无聊赖〔等某事发生〕 Let’s go – there’s no point in sitting here twiddling our thumbs. 我们走吧——坐在这儿干等没有用。
twiddle your thumbs• I sat there and twiddled my thumbs.• The rest of us could just sit and twiddle our thumbs and drink iced coffee.• Till then, its quarry sat twiddling his thumbs and not quite smirking. 2 TURN[intransitiveI, transitiveT] to move or turn something around with your fingers many times, especially because you are nervous or bored 〔尤因紧张或无聊用手指〕捻弄,摆弄twiddle with She was twiddling with her earrings. 她在摆弄她的耳环。
—twiddle noun [countableC]