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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 1538 COCA: 2803


ADJECTIVE | VERB + AIRCRAFT | AIRCRAFT + VERB | AIRCRAFT + NOUN ADJECTIVEfixed-wing, jet, light, low-flying, supersonic固定翼/噴氣式/輕型/低空飛行/超音速飛機Three men were flying in a light aircraft at low altitude when a passenger jet approached.三個男子正駕駛着一架輕型飛機在低空飛行,這時一架噴氣式客機跟了上來。attacks by helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft直升機和固定翼飛機的襲擊single-engined, twin-engined單引擎/雙引擎飛機manned, unmanned有人駕駛的飛機;無人駕駛的飛機The army is using unmanned aircraft to survey the area.部隊正用無人駕駛飛機勘察這一地區。microlight, ultralight (NAmE) 微輕量級飛機;超輕型飛機cargo, civil, civilian, commercial, passenger, private貨運飛機;民用飛機;商用飛機;客機;私人飛機attack, combat, fighter, military, reconnaissance, stealth, strike, surveillance, transport攻擊機;作戰飛機;戰鬥機;軍用飛機;偵察機;隱形飛機;運輸機enemy敵機model (especially BrE) 航模His passion is making model aircraft.他酷愛製作航模。VERB + AIRCRAFTfly, operate, pilot駕駛飛機;操縱飛機The aircraft was flown by a young American pilot.飛機由一名年輕的美國飛行員駕駛。land使飛機着陸board登機The passengers boarded the aircraft.乘客上了那架飛機。hijack劫持飛機destroy, shoot down摧毀/擊落飛機To be an ace you had to shoot down five enemy aircraft.要成為王牌飛行員,你得擊落 5 架敵機。AIRCRAFT + VERBfly, operate飛機飛行;飛機運轉There are approximately 6 700 commercial aircraft operating in the United States.美國正在運營的商用飛機大約有 6,700 架。land, take off飛機着陸/起飛The aircraft is due to take off at midnight.飛機定於半夜起飛。crash飛機墜毀carry sth飛機運送⋯attack sth, bomb sth飛機襲擊⋯/轟炸⋯AIRCRAFT + NOUNindustry飛機製造業production飛機生產manufacturer飛機製造商maintenance飛機的保養engine, parts飛機發動機/零件engineer飛機工程師commander飛機機長hangar飛機庫carrier航空母艦a US Navy aircraft carrier美國海軍的一艘航空母艦noise飛機噪聲Significant progress has been made in reducing aircraft noise.減少飛機噪聲取得了重大進步。He claimed that aircraft noise was the worst form of pollution.他聲稱飛機噪聲是最嚴重的一種污染。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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