long1 /lɒŋ $ lɒːŋ/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp longer, superlativesupl longest)1 great length 很長的長度LONG measuring a great length from one end to the other 長的 OPP shortthe longest tunnel in the world 世界上最長的隧道
He stretched out his long legs. 他伸開兩條長腿。
a long line of people 長長的一排隊伍
2 great distance 長距離LONG continuing or travelling a great distance from one place to another 長距離的 OPP shortSpringfield is a long way from Chicago. 斯普林菲爾德離芝加哥很遠。
Liz lives in Cheltenham, which is a long way away. 利茲住在切爾滕納姆,那地方很遠。
long journey/walk/flight/drive etc (=a journey etc over a large distance that takes a lot of time) 長途旅行/步行/飛行/駕駛等It’s a long walk to the shops from here. 從這裏去商店要走很遠。
3 large amount of time 大量的時間LONG TIME continuing for a large amount of time, or for a larger amount of time than usual 長時間的,長久的 OPP shorta long period of time 很長一段時間
a long history of success 長久以來的成功
He has a long memory. 他記性很好。
(for) a long time/whileHe’s been gone a long time. 他已離去很久了。
I haven’t been there for a long while. 我好久沒有去那裏了。
It took a long time to get everything ready. 花了很長時間才把一切準備就緒。
She died a long time ago. 她很久以前就過世了。
long silence/pause/delay etcThere was a long silence before anybody spoke. 沉默了很長時間才有人說話。
She’s recovering from a long illness. 她病了很久,現正在康複。
Doctors often work long hours (=work for more time than is usual). 醫生經常要工作很長時間。
the longest time American EnglishAmE spoken (=a very long time) 很長的時間It took me the longest time to figure out how to open the windows. 我花了很長時間才琢磨出怎麽開這幾扇窗。
4 particular length/distance/time 某一長度/距離/時間長度LONG used to talk or ask about a particular length, distance, or time 長〔用以談論或詢問長度、距離或時間〕How long is your garden? 你的花園有多長?
How long is the film? 這部電影多長時間?
The cable is not quite long enough. 電纜不夠長。
two metres/three miles etc longThe bridge is 140 feet long. 這座橋長140英尺。
two hours/three days etc longThe speech was twenty minutes long. 演說歷時20分鐘。
5 writing 寫作LONG containing a lot of words, letters, names, or pages 長篇的,長的 OPP shortHe has a very long name. 他的名字很長。
He owes money to a list of people as long as your arm (=a very long list). 他欠了很多人錢,債主名單排起來有很長一大串。
6 clothing 衣服DCCLONG covering all of your arms or legs 長的 OPP shorta long-sleeved shirt 長袖襯衫
7 tiring/boring 累人的/無聊的 spokenLONG TIME making you feel tired or bored 漫長的It’s been a long day. 這一天好漫長。
8. vowel 元音 technicalSL a long vowel in a word is pronounced for a longer time than a short vowel with the same sound 長音的 OPP short 9 how long is a piece of string? British EnglishBrE spokenUNCERTAIN used when there is no definite answer to a question 很難說‘How long will it take to finish the project?’ ‘How long is a piece of string?’ “這個項目要多長時間才能完成?” “很難說。”
10 the long and (the) short of it spokenRESULT used when you are telling someone the most important facts about something rather than all the details 長話短說,總而言之The long and the short of it is that we missed the train. 長話短說吧,我們沒有趕上火車。
the long and (the) short of it• There you are, the long and the short of it.• The long and short of it is that I had too much to drink and said something I shouldn't have. 11 the long arm of somebody/something written the power of someone or something that has authority, especially to catch and punish someone 某人/某事物的權力[權威]〔尤指逮捕和懲罰某人的權力〕He won’t escape the long arm of the law. 法網恢恢,他插翅難逃。
12. long face a sad or disappointed expression on someone’s face 愁眉苦臉long face• Never-ending telly, Mum's long face, and a turkey dinner that nobody wanted to eat, not even Henry.• He was in his early thirties with dark skin and a long face from which protruded a sharp, aquiline nose.• A long face, hangdog, sad-sack, and dusty hair, reddish brown.• Do they really physically raise a sardonic eyebrow, and make a long face, or only metaphorically?• His long face, punctuated by a pencil mustache, is a place of jowls, creases and inflammation.• Their faces slipped through her mind, round faces and long faces, thin, fat, smiling, sombre.• His eyes were wide-set, and his long face was fair-skinned: seen from certain angles it had an almost feminine prettiness.• Worst of all, his long face was more contorted than ever in the fury of self-pity. 13 long in the tooth informalOLD/NOT YOUNG too old – used humorously 太老了〔幽默用法〕I’m getting a bit long in the tooth for this sort of thing. 做這種事情,我太老了不合適。
long in the tooth• Some of our vehicles are getting a bit long in the tooth.• A real character, but getting a bit long in the tooth.• Although they were solid and durable, the old machines were getting a bit long in the tooth.• DataEase is a worthy contender, although it's a bit long in the tooth.• It's worth the extra money Hewlett-Packard's DeskJet 840C looks, if anything, a little long in the tooth. 15 long on something having a lot of a quality 頗具〔某種品質〕He was short on patience, but long on a sense of his own worth. 他耐心不足,但自信有餘。
long on something• DeSantos was long on hope, but his team lost anyway. 16. long odds PROBABLYif there are long odds against something happening, it is very unlikely that it will happen 極小的可能性long odds• Even with the delay, Lee now faces long odds.• Has slipped down the weights and could surprise at long odds here.• Highbrook will be at longer odds than she should be as a result of her defeat last time out at Newmarket.• Talbot would have taken long odds that he was cold sober.• Exactly thirty years after completing their only Wembley triumph, Leigh are at long odds to go all the way in 2001. 17 in the long run/term used when talking about what will happen at a later time or when something is finished 從長遠來看All our hard work will be worth it in the long run. 從長遠來看,我們的一切努力都是值得的。
18 long shot someone or something with very little chance of success 成功可能性不大的人[事]Chelsea are a 20–1 long shot to win the championship. 切爾西隊奪冠的賠率爲1比20,希望渺茫。
long shot• City officials and securities experts think the activists are betting on a long shot.• He had not told Rory everything, not by a long shot.• With all the interest the article had generated, Fanshawe no longer seemed like such a long shot.• This is a long shot, but I still want to try it.• It's a long shot, but well worth trying.• The 45-year-old candidate remains the longest of long shots for the Republican nomination.• Its brief revival was sparked by Dziekanowski who fed Tarasiewicz and for once a long shot had Shilton in trouble.• She had looked everywhere else and, although it seemed a long shot, she might as well look in there. 19. long time no see spokenHELLO used humorously to say hello when you have not seen someone for a long time 很久不見〔幽默用法〕long time no see• Uh, and says, uh, long time no see, .
20. take the long view (of something) to think about the effect that something will have in the future rather than what happens now 從長遠考慮,從長計議(某事)take the long view (of something)• Any time we set out to change our lives or the world, we have to take the long view.• But I think you must take the long view.• One had to take the long view.• The fox of Damascus, ruthlessly in control since 1970, has always taken the long view.• It was an error to take the long view in the face of moral objections. 21 a long way very much, far, or a great amount or degree 很多;很大程度We’re still a long way from achieving our sales targets. 我們離完成銷售指標還有很長的路。
Psychiatry has come a long way (=developed a lot) since the 1920s. 自20世紀20年代以來,精神病學已有很大發展。
Your contributions will go a long way towards helping children in need (=will help to reach a goal). 你的捐助對生活困難的孩子大有幫助。
by a long way/shot informal (also by a long chalk British English) (=used when something is much better, quicker, cheaper etc) 絕對,遠遠It was his best performance this year, by a long way. 這是他今年最好的表現,遠勝以往。
not by a long way/shot informal (also not by a long chalk British English) (=not at all or not nearly) 絕對沒有,遠遠沒有He had not told Rory everything, not by a long shot. 他沒有全部告訴羅裏,遠遠沒有。
22. long weekend three or more days, including Saturday and Sunday, when you do not have to go to work or school 悠長的周末,周末長假long weekend• About half the normal amount of trades took place as traders were reluctant to place bets ahead of the long weekend.• The long weekend also gave me time to myself to rest and ponder on all that had gone and was to come.• During the school year, long weekends are good opportunities to explore together.• Or get an early start on that long weekend commute, then catch up from home.• It had been a long weekend for both of them.• So for a little over £100 it is easy to spend a long weekend in Paris in the spring, summer or whenever.• Would you like a long weekend in the country courtesy of Citroën? → at (long) last at last3(2), → it’s a long story at story(10), → cut/make a long story short at story(11), → a little (of something) goes a long way at little2(5), → have a long way to go at way1(19) THESAURUSlong continuing for a long time 長久的,長時間的The film was very long. 這部電影非常長。
There has been a long period without rain. 已經有很長時間沒下雨了。
lengthy continuing for a long time, especially longer than you want or expect 長時間的,過長的Drivers face lengthy delays on all roads out of the city. 駕駛者在所有出城的路上均會耽擱很長時間。
Police are going through the lengthy process of re-examining all the evidence. 警方已進入複核所有證據的漫長階段。
He faces a lengthy prison sentence. 他正面臨漫漫刑期。
long-running [only before noun] continuing for a long time – used especially about disputes, campaigns, or shows 〔尤指爭執、運動或演出〕持續很長時間的He has been involved in a long-running dispute with his neighbour. 他與鄰居陷入了長期糾紛。
The programme is one of the longest-running series on television. 該節目是歷時最久的電視系列片之一。
a long-running campaign to prevent the airport from being built 旨在阻止興建機場的一場長期運動
long-lasting continuing for a long time – used especially about effects or relationships 〔尤指效果或關系〕持久的Stress can have long-lasting effects. 壓力會産生長遠影響。
While at the school, she made many long-lasting friendships. 她在學校的時候和許多人結下了長久的友誼。
protracted formal continuing for a long time, especially an unusually long time 〔尤指異乎尋常地〕持久的,拖延的Despite protracted negotiations, they were unable to reach an agreement. 盡管經過曠日持久的談判,他們仍未能達成協議。
The couple have been involved in a protracted battle for custody of their children. 夫婦倆陷入了爭奪孩子監護權的持久戰。
prolonged continuing for a long time, especially longer than expected, or longer in a way that makes a situation worse 持續很久的〔尤指超出預期或使情況惡化〕He returned to work after a prolonged absence. 他缺席很久之後才回去工作。
Studies have linked prolonged use of the drug to cancer. 研究發現長期服用該藥與癌症相關。
a prolonged period of economic decline 長時間的經濟衰退
extended [only before noun] continuing for a long time – used especially about visits, trips, breaks etc that last longer than was planned 長時間的〔尤指訪問、旅行、休息等時間超出預期〕an extended stay in hospital 長期住院
He took an extended break from work after his father died. 父親過世後,他拖了很久才去上班。
She didn’t like being away from home for extended periods. 她不喜歡離家太久。
lasting [only before noun] strong enough or great enough to continue for a long time 持久的;耐久的The negotiations were aimed at achieving a lasting peace. 這些談判旨在取得持久和平。
This affair has done lasting damage to the president’s credibility. 該事件已對總統威信造成長久的損害。
The book left a lasting impression on me. 這本書給我留下了難以磨滅的印象。
enduring continuing for a long time – used especially about memories, influences, or feelings of liking someone or something 〔尤指記憶、影響或對某人、某事物的喜愛〕持久的,持續的One of my most enduring memories is of going on holiday to France with my parents. 久久留在我記憶中的一次經歷是同父母一道去法國度假。
the enduring appeal of Conan Doyle’s stories 柯南·道爾小說經久不衰的魅力
his enduring love for Ireland 他長期以來對愛爾蘭的熱愛
marathon [only before noun] continuing for a very long time and needing a lot of energy, patience, or determination 馬拉鬆式的〔需要大量時間、精力、耐心或意志力的〕It was a marathon session of talks which continued until 3 am. 這輪馬拉鬆式的會談一直持續到淩晨3點。
He arrived after a marathon journey across Europe. 他經過橫跨歐洲的長途跋涉,終於抵達。
too long 過長的long-winded continuing for too long – used about speeches, answers, explanations etc 〔尤指講話、回答、解釋等〕冗長的a very long-winded answer to a simple question 對一個簡單問題的冗長回答
He gave a long-winded speech about the company’s vision for the future. 他就公司的未來前景做了一個冗長的演講。
interminable very long and boring 冗長乏味的,沒完沒了的They faced an interminable wait in the departure lounge of the airport. 他們得在機場候機室裏無休無止地等下去。
The journey seemed interminable. 旅程仿佛永無盡頭。
long-drawn-out [only before noun] used about a process that continues for much too long 〔過程〕持續太久的The news heightened expectations that the long-drawn-out investigation might be coming to a close. 這一消息使人們更加相信曠日持久的調查可能即將結束。
n If there is more than one adjective, the adjectives are usually used in a fixed order.
You say: I had a nice long bath.
✗Don’t say: I had a long nice bath. You say: She wore a long black coat.
✗Don’t say: She wore a black long coat.