1in a place 在某處 [intransitiveI]STAY/NOT LEAVE to remain in a place rather than leave 停留,逗留,留下
They stayed all afternoon chatting.
stay (at) home
I decided to stay home.
stay for a year/ten minutes/a week etc
Isabel stayed for a year in Paris to study.
stay in
Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids.
She stayed late to finish the report.
stay here/there
Stay right there! I’ll be back in a minute.
stay to dinner/stay for lunch etc
Why don’t you stay for supper?
stay behind/after
Some of the students stayed after class (=remained after others had gone) to talk.
stay and do something
I should stay and help.
In written English, people often prefer to use remain rather than stay, because it sounds more formal: 停留,留下〔在書面英語中,remain比stay更爲常用,因爲remain更正式〕
nMany people opted to remain in their homes.
nShe remained as his deputy for ten years.
2in a condition 處於某種狀態 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep, linking verb]CONTINUE/NOT STOP to continue to be in a particular position, place, or state, without changing 保持原狀,維持SYN remain
Rollings will stay as chairman this year.
stay adj
Eat right to stay healthy.
It was hard to stay awake.
Nine women gained weight, and four stayed the same.
stay away/in/on etc
Stay away from my daughter!
You stay on this road for a mile before turning off.
stay around
Most of her boyfriends don’t stay around (=stay with her) very long.
nGRAMMAR: Linking verbs
Stay is a linking verb in this meaning. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun:
They’re just trying to stay alive.
I hope we can stay friends.
3live somewhere 住在某處 [intransitiveI]STAY WITH SB, IN A HOTEL ETC to live in a place for a short time as a visitor or guest 暫住,留宿
How long are they going to stay?
stay at/with
My mother is staying with us this week.
stay in
They’re staying in the same hotel.
stay the night/stay overnight/stay over (=stay from one evening to the next day) 過夜
Did you stay the night at Carolyn’s?
4stay putspokenSTAY/NOT LEAVE to remain in one place and not move 待在原處,不動
Stay put until I get back.
Examples from the Corpus
stay put• Locals were told to evacuate, but Duane stayed put.• Water exchange is limited, and any pollution will just stay put.• But since it was extremely dark and nearly dawn, we stayed put.• If you had been out in the middle of space, far from anything else, they would have stayed put.• DearPrudence would dictatestaying put and waiting for air to come and retrieve him.• He won't stay put long enough for me to take his photo.• When she stayed put, the men began pounding their fists on the tables as well.• Everything falling in exactly the same way is what is natural, not everything staying put the same way.• If we stay put they can stay up there and fry the valleybottom, and us with it.• I'm just going to stay put unless you need me to help you.• I've decided to stay put until after Christmas, but after that I want to start looking for a new apartment.• If you stay put, you'll be even more miserable in a year's time.
5be here to stayUSE somethingto become accepted and used by most people 被普遍接受[使用];成爲風尚
Professional women’s basketball is here to stay.
Examples from the Corpus
be here to stay• Perhaps it is time we had a choice between parties which agree that liberal free-market economics are here to stay.• The Classicsis here to stay.• Without question, the Africanized beesare here to stay.• Teams are here to stay, and participating in them is the only option.• Hence the extent to which Conservativecriminologyis here to staydepends on more than mere changes of political parties.• Running is here to stay, even if Baby is gone.• Managed care is here to stay, experts at the conference agreed Wednesday.• He believed that Money Advicewas here to stay, whatever happened to the economy.
6.stay after (school)SESPUNISHto remain at school after the day’s classes are finished, often as a punishment 放學後留校〔常作爲懲罰〕
Examples from the Corpus
stay after (school)• I had a friend who worked for the oil people, and I decided to stay after a visit to this place.• But Lucie stayed after all, to play Balaam, and Izzie to play her pipe beforehand.• Some stay afterclass and follow me devotedly around the campus.• I stayed after hours doing murals on tailgates.• Keegan is desperate to stay aftersavouring his first taste in management by keeping United in the Second Division.• She went so far as to make specialtransportationarrangements for some students to stay after school to finish their assignments.• In May, when the time changes and the weathermellows, the team will stay after the games to picnic.• I have never once heard a staffmember say that wouldn't stay after the school day for some activity or other.
7stay the courseinformalSUCCEED IN DOING something to finish something in spite of difficulties 〔克服困難〕堅持到底
Dieters should try hard to stay the course.
Examples from the Corpus
stay the course• Republicans are vowing to stay the course.• My son had stayed the course.• Perhaps three out of ten who began Jesuitformationstayed the course.• Remember, most dieters fail to stay the course.• Ya wan na defend yurself, ya stay the course.• Congratulations go to everyone who participated - they all stayed the course and helped to raise a staggering £2,180 for Cancer Research.• Instead, the focus was always on staying the course, keeping at it and not quitting.• Some loverssplit after three days, some stay the course until they die.• Investors who stay the course would have none of this.
b)used to say that you should look or listen for more information about a particular subject at a later time 繼續留意〔信息〕,繼續關注〔消息〕
The project is still under discussion, so stay tuned.
Examples from the Corpus
stay tuned• Could the same thing happen in the stockmarket this year? Stay tuned.• MusicCentersources say, so stay tuned.• Stay tuned, because the Carrey saga should get interesting.• Stay tuned for more on this late-breakingstory.• And some of us stay tuned to David Sesno.• The entire world will have to stay tuned to find out.• Even with remote controls at our fingertips, we are likely to stay tuned to the channel we have been watching.• And they wanted us to stay tuned to the secondhalf-hour for a thing on Vanna White.
10.stay somebody’s handliterarySTOP DOING something to stop someone from doing something 阻止某人做某事
Examples from the Corpus
stay somebody’s hand• There is little we can do to stay his hand without damaging East-West relations.
11.stay an order/ruling/execution etclaw if a judgestays an order, ruling etc, they stop a particular decision from being used or a particular action from happening 暫緩[延緩]執行命令/判決/處決等 → stay in touchat touch2(4)
Examples from the Corpus
stay an order/ruling/execution etc• Rivals got a stay order from the courts, though after a backroom deal in mid-March the government got its way.
stay to not leave a place, or to be in a place for a particular period of time 停留,逗留
Stay where you are and don’t move.
John only stayed at the party for a couple of hours.
remain formal to stay somewhere. In written English, people often prefer to use remain rather than stay, because it sounds more formal 停留,留下〔在書面英語中,remain比stay更爲常用,因爲remain更正式〕
Some 2,000 protesters remained outside the building and refused to leave.
The judge recommended that he remain in jail for the rest of his life.
linger to stay in a place a little longer than you need to, because you are enjoying yourself, or because you hope to see someone or something 流連,不願離開
He lingered outside the lecture hall, hoping for a chance to talk to her.
There are plenty of small cafés where you can linger over a cappuccino.
loiter to stay in a place not doing anything – used when you think someone is waiting for the chance to do something bad or illegal 遊蕩〔伺機做壞事或違法的事〕
The two men had been seen loitering in the area on the day that the car was stolen.
hang around informal to stay somewhere not doing anything 閒蕩
There are gangs of boys hanging around on street corners.
I don’t mind hanging around for a few minutes.
nThe boss doesn’t like being kept hanging around.
stick around informal to stay in the same place or situation for a period of time, especially while you are waiting for something to happen or someone to arrive 待在…附近,繼續處於…情況中〔尤指等待某事發生或某人到來〕
I decided to stick around and see how it all turned out.
nMake up your mind. I’m not going to stick around forever.
12stay inphrasal verbphr vto spend the evening at home rather than go out 〔晚上〕待在家裏
I was tired, so I decided to stay in.
13stay onphrasal verbphr vCONTINUE/NOT STOPSTAY/NOT LEAVEto continue to do a job or to study after the usual or expected time for leaving 〔在通常或預定的時間後〕繼續留下來工作[學習]
He resigned as chairman, but stayed on as an instructor.
a)to remain away from home during the evening or night 夜不歸宿,晚上不回家
He started staying out late, drinking.
b)stay out of something spoken to not get involved in an argument or fight 不介入,不幹預〔爭吵、打鬥〕
You stay out of it. It’s none of your business.
Examples from the Corpus
staying out late• There were rows at night over her staying out late with Sally.
stay out of something• In exchange, Harris gets up to 32 percent of Panopticom's stock and promises to stay out of Auerbach's hair.• Hey, staying out of Dogpatch is motivation enough for any sane person.• Through it all, Daley stayed out ofsight.• He should stay out of the criminaljustice system.• We stay out of the kitchen in the mornings while she is getting ready to go to work.• I did my best to stay out of the politics.• Switzer is regarded as a figurehead who basically just stays out of the way.• Stay out of this, Ben - it's none of your business.• After she calmed down she reminded me of our bargain, and of how she had stayed out oftrouble all year.
15stay upphrasal verbphr vto not go to bed at the time you would normally go to bed 熬夜,深夜不睡覺
We stayed up all night talking.
I let the kids stay up late on Fridays.
Examples from the Corpus
stay up• Kate stayed up all night by his bedside.• You guys go ahead and go to bed. I think I'll stay up for a while.• That night Carl stayed up into the small hours, preparing work for the next day.• Didn't you even stay up on election night?• We went to bed, but Julie and Kate stayed uptalking and playing cards.
stay up late• She stays up late at night painting.• And I thought the newsroompizza was the only reason to stay up late election night.• It was downright ridiculous, if you ask anyone who stayed up late enough to watch the end.• The night before the trip, we sisters stayed up latepacking and gabbing.• Anne began acting worse-was rebellious, stayed up late, slept in the daytime.• I stayed up late to clear things up, and got up early to do the same thing.• Marguerite stayed up late watching the testpattern.• The Huskies would be advised to stay up late working on showing up early.
Examples from the Corpus
stay• How long are you staying?• I say it's a trick to persuade him to stay.• Lobbies were unheated and so if you hung your coat up wet then wet it stayed.• Are you sure you can't stay a little longer?• I was having such a good time in Paris that I phoned my mother to say I was staying another week.• I stayed at my brother's house for a couple of weeks.• John only stayed at the party for a couple of hours.• I've stayed at the same company for seven years, and I'd like to stick around for a while longer.• He often told Lennie to stay away from Curley and his wife.• He stayedbehind after class to ask the teacher a few questions.• Let's just staycalm and try to figure out what to do.• It will staycold for the next few days.• Are you staying for a drink, or do you have to go?• However, Lucy managed to convey that she intended to stay for several days, or perhaps for even a week.• After what she said, I don't think we can stay friends.• I'm coming too. I'm not staying here on my own.• Do you think she'd stay if we offered her a raise?• Alice has never stayed in the same job for more than a year.• Don't go so soon -- can't you stay just a little longer?• She is staying on campus for a while longer.• Got one up on Jackson Hill and the other one stay on Lombard Street.• Some travelagency offices normally closed on Saturdays will stay open if there is a strike.• The chocolate will staysoft for hours after baking but will eventually harden again into chips.• Is it all right if I stay the night?• Are you staying to watch the game?• I didn't want to stay with Jordan's all my life -- I wanted a realcareer, one with a future.• He stayed with the baby until she fell asleep.• He stayed with the company for over thirty years.
stay in• I've got to stay in and look after my sister on Friday night.
stayed the same• Sixteen people lost an insignificant amount, and nine others gainedweight or stayed the same.• The location has stayed the same.• I've stayed the same as I was before but now it's all right to be what I was before.• Its essencestayed the same but now there was something new in its texture, and it became clearer as it approached.• One of the tricks of this war was that nothing ever stayed the same, he thought.• Even if the price stayed the same, he would buy and eat more.• It might have been a tail light going the other way but it stayed the samesize.
stay at/with• So the prospect of her stay at Balmoral loomed large in Diana's mind.• So she demands that you stay with her for the night.• Jazz's target was to stay with him for the full four minutes.• Can those who stayed at home achieve as much?• He always liked staying at the Carlton.• He stayed at the deanery and talked far into the night about the needs of Durham and its diocese.• I got out, Kaiser stayed with the ship.• Patrick stayed with them until Doctor Stevie's match came along.• You're welcome to stay with us till you find a place of your own.
1.DHPNOT MOVINGused to tell a dog not to move 别動!〔用於對狗的命令〕
stay in/at• He stayed in hospital for three-and-a-half weeks, and then spent several more convalescing in the country.• I have been off for a while, but I stayed inshape while I was away.• Two troopsdeployednearby to the west, awaiting a short stay atcamp.• Now let them stay in their territory.• They may have to save before they marry, and both may need to stay in work for as long as possible.• What happens if her father is unwilling or unable to stay at home with her?• Bardot took the overdose on Saturday while staying at her villanear St Tropez with Bernard and friends.• And he can not do this while staying in the same inertial frame.
stay of execution• In the event a stay of execution was granted on March 6.• Consequently, she feels she must work for a stay of execution.• Scepticssuggest the Minitel's relaunch is little more than a stay of execution.• Her batting average there: five stays of execution, one commuted to life in prison, and two men freed completely.• There will be no stay of execution and few mourners for this spoiled concrete child of the Sixties.• The stay of execution was intelligentpolitics.
(1400-1500)Old Frenchester“to stand, stay”, from Latinstare
ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASESADJECTIVE➤lengthy, long, prolonged長期的逗留;延期的停留▸➤brief, short, temporary短暫的停留;短期逗留▸➤indefinite無限期的逗留▸➤three-week, week-long, etc.為期 3 週、1 週等的停留➤overnight留下來過夜▸➤comfortable, enjoyable, pleasant舒適的/愜意的/愉快的逗留▸➤hospital, hotel住院/住酒店時間◇In recent years the average hospital stay for elderly patients has decreased.近年來,老年人的平均住院時間縮短了。VERB + STAY➤enjoy逗留期間過得愉快◇Did you enjoy your stay in Prague?你在布拉格期間過得愉快嗎?➤shorten縮短逗留時間▸➤extend, prolong延長逗留時間◇She has extended her stay by three days.她把逗留時間延長了 3 天。PREPOSITION➤during a/the stay逗留期間◇We did a lot of walking during our stay.我們在逗留期間走了很多路。➤throughout a/the stay整個逗留期間◇It poured throughout their stay.他們整個逗留期間一直大雨如注。PHRASES➤the duration of sb's stay, the length of sb's stay某人的逗留時間stay
ADVERB | VERB + STAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASESADVERB➤behind, on落在後面;繼續留下◇Alex stayed behind when the others had gone.其他人走後,亞歷克斯留了下來。◇She failed her exam, and had to stay on at school for another year. (BrE) 她考試不及格,不得不在學校裏又待了一年。➤on保持◇My hat won't stay on!我的帽子戴不住!➤at home, home, indoors待在家裏;待在室內◇financial incentives for women to stay at home with their children將婦女留在家中照看孩子的經濟鼓勵➤away, out保持距離;待在戶外▸➤here, there待在這兒/那兒▸➤late待到很晚◇I'm staying late at the office tonight.今晚我會在辦公室待到很晚。➤overnight留下過夜▸➤indefinitely無限期逗留◇We can't stay here indefinitely.我們不能無限期地在這兒待下去。➤together待在一起VERB + STAY➤allow sb to允許某人留下➤can, manage to能夠/設法留下➤cannot不能留下◇I just couldn't stay away.我就是不能不留下。➤want to想要留下▸➤choose to, decide to選擇/決定留下▸➤be going to, intend to將要/打算留下▸➤let sb讓某人留下◇Won't you let me stay?你難道不讓我留下嗎?➤ask sb to, beg sb to, plead with sb to請求/乞求/懇求某人留下▸➤persuade sb to說服某人留下PREPOSITION➤at, in, on留在⋯▸➤for為⋯而留下◇We ended up staying for lunch.最後我們留下吃了午飯。➤till, until逗留到⋯◇I'm going to stay until tomorrow.我打算待到明天。➤with和⋯待在一起◇'Stay with me!' he pleaded.“別離開我!”他懇求道。PHRASES➤a place to stay逗留處◇He needs a place to stay.他需要個住的地方。➤a reason to stay留下的原因◇I had no more reason to stay in California.我再也沒有理由留在加州了。➤stay and chat, help, etc.留下來聊天、幫忙等◇I'd love to stay and chat but I must be going.我很願意留下來聊聊,可我必須得走了。➤stay in one place待在一個地方◇He never stays in one place for too long.他從不在一個地方久留。➤stay in place保持不變◇The tax cuts will stay in place for two more years.減稅政策今後兩年不會有變化。➤stay in touch保持聯繫◇Email is a great way to stay in touch with friends.電子郵件是朋友之間保持聯絡的極好方式。➤stay on top保持優勢;留在前沿◇the battle to stay on top為維持頂尖地位而進行的戰鬥◇I try to stay on top of musical trends.我努力堅守在音樂流行潮流的前沿。➤stay the course堅持到底◇He insists that he will not quit but will stay the course.他堅稱自己絕不半途而廢,將堅持到底。➤stay the night (at sb's/with sb) (especially BrE) (在某人處/與某人)過夜◇She stayed the night at Kathryn's.她在凱瑟琳那兒留宿一晚。➤stay this/that way保持原樣◇At the moment, it's all fine. Let's hope it stays that way!目前一切都好,讓我們期待這情形一直保持下去!
stay noun ⇨visitstay verb ⇨stay1 (stay where you are)⇨stay2 (stay at a hotel)⇨remain (stay awake)⇨a place to stay⇨housingnoun⇨stay put⇨stay1stay1
stay where you are待在原地stay at a hotel住旅館stay ♦︎ remain ♦︎ hang around ♦︎ stop ♦︎ stick around ♦︎ stay put ♦︎ linger ♦︎ loiterThese words all mean to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away.這些詞均表示在某處停留、逗留。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to stay / remain / hang around / stop / stick around / linger for a few minutes / weeks / years, etc.◆to stay / stop for sth◆to stay / remain / hang around / stop / stick around / linger here◆to stay / remain / hang around / linger there◆to stay / remain / stop at home◆to stay / remain / stop behind / indoors◆to stay / hang / stick around■stay [intransitive] to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away停留;待◆I just want to stay in bed today.今天我只想待在床上。◆Stay there and don't move!待在那兒别動!◆'Do you want a drink?' 'No thanks, I can't stay.'“你要不要喝一杯?”“不,謝謝,我不能久待。”◆We ended up staying for lunch.我們最終還是留下來吃午飯了。◆I'm staying late at the office tonight.今晚我要在辦公室待到很晚。◆She stayed at home(= did not go out to work) while the children were young.孩子們小的時候,她沒出去上班。◆My hat won't stay on!我的帽子怎麽都戴不住!◆We stayed to see what would happen.我們留下來看會發生什麽事。ⓘ In spoken English, stay can be used with and plus another verb, instead of with to and the infinitive, to show purpose or to tell sb what to do.在口語中,stay可與“and + 另一動詞”連用,代替帶to的不定式,表示目的或告訴别人做什麽◆I'll stay and help you.我會留下來幫你。OPPgo ⇨ leave1 see also stay ⇨ remain■remain [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常與副詞或介詞連用) (ratherformal) to stay in the same place; to not leave逗留;不離去◆They remained in Mexico until June.他們在墨西哥一直住到6月。◆The plane remained on the ground.飛機仍未起飛。◆She left, but I remained behind.她走了,而我留了下來。 see also remain ⇨ remain■ˌhang aˈround
phrasal verb
(hung, hung) (informal) to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much(在某處附近)等待,逗留,閒蕩◆You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead.你在這附近等着以防萬一他來了,我繼續往前走。■stop(-pp-) [intransitive] (BrE, informal) to stay somewhere for a short time, especially at sb's house(尤指在某人家中)逗留,待,留下◆I'm not stopping. I just came to give you this message.我不待了。我就是來告訴你這件事。◆Can you stop for tea?你能留下來喝茶嗎? see also stop by ⇨ visitverb■ˌstick aˈround
phrasal verb
(informal) to stay in a place, waiting for sth to happen or for sb to arrive不走開,待在原地(等某事發生或某人來到)◆Stick around-we'll need you to help us later.别走開-過一會兒我們還需要你幫忙呢。■stay ˈput
(ratherinformal) (of a person or thing) to continue to be in the place where they are or have been put(人或事物)待在原地,留在原處◆He chose to stay put while the rest of us toured the area.他決定待在原地,而我們其餘的人在周圍遊逛了一會兒。ⓘ Stay put is usually used to talk about a decision that sb makes not to move or go somewhere. * stay put通常用於表示某人決定留在原地。■linger ˈlɪŋgə(r) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常與副詞或介詞連用) (especiallywritten) to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing sth流連;逗留;花很長時間;磨蹭◆She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick.她多待了幾分鐘,想跟尼克談一談。◆We lingered over breakfast on the terrace.我們在露台上慢條斯理地吃着早餐。■loiter ˈlɔɪtə(r) [intransitive] (sometimesdisapproving) to stand or wait somewhere, especially with no obvious reason閒站着;閒蕩;徘徊◆Teenagers were loitering in the street outside.一些青少年在外面街上閒蕩。NOTE辨析 Hang around or loiter?If you hang around somewhere, you stay there without doing much, but you may have a reason for waiting and there is no real suggestion of disapproval; if sb loiters somewhere, there is often a suggestion that they have no good reason for being there and should really go away. * hang around指待在某處沒有多少事情做,但可能有原因留在那兒,沒有真正的貶義;loiter常意味着沒有充分的理由在那裏閒蕩,事實上應該離開。stay2
stay where you are待在原地stay at a hotel住旅館stay ♦︎ visit ♦︎ stop over ♦︎ doThese words all mean to go to or live in a place for a short time.這些詞均表示在某處暫住、做客或短期逗留。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆stay / visit / stop over for two nights, a week, etc.◆stay / stop over in / at a place◆to come / go to stay / visit■stay [intransitive] to live in a place temporarily as a guest or visitor暫住;逗留◆I'm staying at a hotel near the beach.我住在海灘附近的一家旅館裏。◆She's staying with her sister.眼下她在妹妹家暫住。◆He stayed for over a week.他住了一個多星期。◆Come and stay any time!歡迎随時來做客! see also stay ⇨ visitnoun■visit [intransitive, transitive] to stay somewhere for a short time(短暫地)做客,逗留◆We don't live here. We're just visiting.我們不住在這裏,只是短期停留。◆Next time you visit the States you'll have to come and see us.下次來美國你一定要來看我們。 see also visit ⇨ visitnoun, visitor ⇨ tourist■ˌstop ˈover
phrasal verb
(-pp-)to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey(長途旅行期間)中途停留◆We had to stop over in Kuala Lumpur for a night.我們中途得在吉隆坡停留一夜。 see also stopover ⇨ visitnoun, stop by ⇨ visitverb■do(does, did, done) [transitive] (informal) to visit a place as a tourist觀光;遊覽◆We did Tokyo in three days.我們在東京遊覽了三天。