ldoce_733_zneed1 /niːd/ ●●● S1 W1 verb → knead1 NEED[transitiveT] to have to have something or someone, because you cannot do something without them, or because you cannot continue or cannot exist without them 需要〔某人或某物〕 SYN requireYou don’t really need a car. 你其實並不需要一輛車。
Plants need light in order to survive. 植物需要光才能存活。
The camcorder needs a new battery. 這台攝像機需要一塊新電池。
Are you sure that you have everything you need? 你確定需要的都有了嗎?
need something for somethingI need glasses for reading. 我看書要戴眼鏡。
need somebody to do somethingI need you to help me with the cooking. 我需要你幫我做菜。
need something desperately/badly/urgentlyMore blood donors are urgently needed. 迫切需要更多人來獻血。
much needed/badly neededa much needed boost to the local economy 當地經濟迫切需要的一次推動
2 [transitiveT] to feel that you want something very much 需要〔做某事〕If you need anything, just say. 你需要什麽,說一聲就可以。
need to do somethingShe needed to go out for a walk. 她需要出去散散步。
3 need to do something used when saying that someone should do something or has to do something 有必要做某事He needs to see a doctor straightaway. 他有必要馬上去看醫生。
I need to catch up on my office work. 我有必要趕趕我的辦公室工作了。
You need to let me know by Monday if you want to take part. 你得在星期一之前告訴我你想不想參加。
4 [modal] British EnglishBrENEED used in negative sentences when saying that something is not necessary or not always true 需要〔在否定句中表示“不必,未必”〕 → have toneed not/needn’tYou needn’t stay long. 你不必待很久。
Going to the dentist need not necessarily be a painful experience. 看牙醫未必就是件痛苦的事。
need not have done something/need not do somethingYou needn’t have spent all that money. 你本可以不花那麽多錢的。
I needn’t have worried. 我本來是不必擔心的。
need I/we etc do sth? British EnglishBrE old-fashionedNeed we leave so soon? 我們一定要那麽快就走嗎?
somebody need never do somethingJim need never find out what I said. 吉姆永遠不需要知道我說了些什麽。
5 [transitiveT] used when saying that something should have something done to it, or has to have something done to it 需要〔對某物做某事〕something needs doingThe house needed painting. 這房子得粉刷了。
Does this shirt need ironing? 這件襯衫要熨燙嗎?
something needs to be checked/cleaned/done etcThe engine will need to be completely checked. 這台發動機需要徹底檢查一下。
The pie doesn’t need to be refrigerated. 這餡餅不需要冷藏。
need a (good) wash/clean/cut etc (=ought to be washed, cleaned etc) 需要(好好)洗洗/打掃/修剪等His hair needs a wash. 他的頭發該洗洗了。
6 [transitiveT] if a job needs a quality or skill, you must have that quality or skill in order to do it well 要求,需要〔某種素質或技能〕The job needs a lot of patience. 做這份工作需要很有耐心。
Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation. 當老師需要很高的積極性。
7 I need hardly say/tell/remind etc British EnglishBrE used when you think people should already know what you are going to say 不用我說/告訴/提醒等I need hardly remind you that this information is confidential. 這些信息是保密的,這就不用我提醒了。
I need hardly say/tell/remind etc• Birds have never been one of my major interests, I need hardly say.• How I welcomed Night Duty, I need hardly say.• Type 4 I need hardly say how glad I am.• I need hardly say how heartily I sympathize with the purposes of the Audubon Society.• I need hardly say that I don't care to have things so.• I need hardly say that my wife's first impression of Lewis differed somewhat from my own.• Mr Bawn, I need hardly tell you, is a man of considerable dignity and I would not leave him here. 8 you need only do something/all you need do is ... British EnglishBrENEED used when saying that you only have to do something in order to do something else 你只需要做某事/你所要做的只是…We need only look at the building to see how much money it will take to repair. 我們只要看一下那棟樓,就知道要花多少錢維修。
All we need do is threaten them. 我們只需要威脅他們一下。
9 need I ask/need I say more/need I go on etc? British EnglishBrE used to say that it is not necessary to ask or say more about something, because the rest is clear 這還用問?我還有必要說下去嗎?She’s lazy, slow, and stubborn. Need I say more? 她懶惰、遲鈍、頑固。 還要我說下去嗎?
10 that’s all I need/that’s just what I didn’t need spoken used when saying that you did not want something to happen, especially when it seems annoying 真是時候〔尤用於不喜歡的事偏偏發生之時〕‘There’s a customer for you on the phone.’ ‘That’s all I need!’ “有個顧客打電話找你。”“真是時候!”
11. need something like a hole in the head informal used when saying that you definitely do not need something 肯定用不着某物
12 who needs it/them? spoken a) used to say you are not interested in something 才沒人想要它/他們呢Make-up, who needs it? 化妝品,誰要啊!
b) used to say that someone or something is actually very important to you 非常重要Kids? Who needs them! 孩子?他們可太重要了!
5 GRAMMAR 語法: Verb patterns 動詞句型You can say that you need to do something. 可以說need to do something
I need to clean (NOT不說I need clean) the house.我得打掃一下房子了。
If someone else is going to do something for you, you can say that you need something done. 如果别人要爲你做某事,你可以說need something done
I need my car fixed urgently.我的車急需修理。
When you are talking about the object that is going to have something done to it, you can say that it needs cutting, cleaning etc or needs to be cut, cleaned etc. 當說到需要對某物做某事時,可以說it needs cutting,cleaning等或needs to be cut,cleaned等
My hair needs cutting.我的頭發該剪剪了。
You can say that you don’t need to do something or need not/needn’t do something. 可以說don’t need to do something或need not/needn’t do something
That box needs to be moved (NOT 不說needs moved).那個箱子需要挪一下。
Need not means that it is not necessary to do something. Do not use it to mean must not (= should not, or are not allowed to ). need not 的意思是“不必”做某事,不能表示must not (不準)的意思
I don’t need to leave (NOT 不說don’t need leave) until 10.我不必在10點以前走 。
If you say that someone needn’t have done something, you mean that it was not necessary for them to do it although they did it anyway. need’t have done 意爲某人“本不該”做某事,雖然已經做了
You needn’t apologize (NOT 不說needn’t to apologize).你不必道歉。
Do not use it when something was not necessary and was not done. Use didn’t need to. 如果某事不需要做也沒有做,不要用needn’t have done ,用 didn’t need to
You needn’t take any money.你不必帶錢 。
You mustn’t take any sharp objects on the plane.不準攜帶任何尖銳物品上飛機 。
We needn’t have ordered so much food.我們本不該點這麽多吃的 。
I didn’t need to tell him who I was – he already knew.我沒有必要告訴他我是誰——他已經知道了 。
n GrammarPatterns with need
You say that you need something: You’ll need some warm clothes.
You say that you need to do something: 可以說need to do somethingI need to clean the house. 我得打掃一下房子了。
You say that something needs cutting/cleaning etc (=it needs to be cut, cleaned etc): My hair needs cutting. 我的頭發該剪剪了。
You say that you need something done (=you want someone to do it for you): 如果别人要爲你做某事,你可以說need something doneI need my car fixed urgently. 我的車急需修理。
You say that you do not need something: 肯定用不着某物You don’t need a jacket. 你其實並不需要一輛車。
You say that you don’t need to do something or you need not/needn’t do something (=it is not necessary): 可以說don’t need to do something或need not/needn’t do somethingI don’t need to leave until 10. 我不必在10點以前走 。
You needn’t apologize. 你不必道歉。
✗Don’t say: I don’t need leave. | You needn’t to apologize. You say that someone didn’t need to do something (=it was not necessary): I didn’t need to tell him who I was – he already knew. 我沒有必要告訴他我是誰——他已經知道了 。
You say that someone needn’t have done something (=although they have done it, it was not necessary): We needn’t have ordered so much food. 我們本不該點這麽多吃的 。
Using the progressive
Need is not used in the progressive. You say: I need a break.
✗Don’t say: I’m needing a break. n THESAURUSneed if you need something, you must have it, because you cannot do something without itI need your help.
The people desperately need food and clean water.
require formal to need somethingChildren require a lot of attention.
The game requires great skill.
can’t do without something to be unable to do something without somethingA lot of people can’t do without their mobile phones.
could do with something/could use something informal to need or want somethingShall we stop? I could do with a rest.
be desperate for something to need something urgentlyLiz was desperate for a cigarette.
The people are desperate for food.
be dependent on something/somebody to be unable to live or continue normally without something or someoneThe refugees are dependent on outside food supplies.
demand formal if one thing demands another, it needs that thing in order to happen or be done successfullyThe situation is urgent and demands immediate action.