rare occasions• You will only want to do this on rare occasions.• He had not cried except on rare occasions of enormoussorrow in all the years thereafter.• On rare occasions one even sings, but haltingly.• So on the rare occasions they did report themselves in a State of Readiness they knew an AgileBlade was likely.• On rare occasions, they preach.• And on rare occasions, we may actually experience something of that sort.• Perfectexcuse on the mercifully rare occasions when he hinted, showed any interest.• This may well be one of those rare occasions when light aircraft pilots have the opportunity to shape something that affects them.
rare old• I gave the man a rare oldrace round.• There's a rare oldruck before the police arrive.• I knew I was taking some rare oldstick mentally, though.
1. (1400-1500)Latinrarus
2. (1600-1700)rear“lightly cooked”((15-19 centuries)), from Old Englishhrer