gestation period• A singlefoal is born after a gestation period of a year.• Females give birth to as many as five offspring in late winter, after a gestation period of up to 10 months.• This is hardly surprising, since its gestation periodcomprised the years in which Eliot was working on the Notes.• To get to the pay review body involved an interesting and long gestation period by Ministers.• Humans have a nine-month gestation period.• It seems that the nine-month gestation period has a psychological as well as a physicalreality in human life.• An elephant's gestation period is almost two years.• As work continues to reduce the gestation period at which screeningtests can be conducted, the practical problems will decrease.• The gestation period from first inquiry to first completedshipment is rarely less than a couple of years.• Super-SARA has had a long and troubledgestation period.