opt /ɒpt $ ɑːpt/ ●●○ verb [intransitiveI] 1 CHOOSEto choose one thing or do one thing instead of another 选择,挑选opt for We finally opted for the wood finish. 最后我们选择了用木材作为终饰。
opt to do something Many young people are opting to go on to college. 许多年轻人都选择上大学继续深造。
2 opt in phrasal verbphr v to decide to join a group or system 决定加入,选择参加〔团体或制度〕 to Employees have the choice to opt in to the scheme. 员工有权选择加入该计划。
3 opt out phrasal verbphr v a) AVOIDto avoid doing a duty 逃避职责 of You can’t just opt out of all responsibility for the child! 你不能就这样对孩子完全撒手不管!
b) TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto decide not to be part of a group or system 决定不参与 of Britain wants to opt out of the new European regulations. 英国想选择不受欧盟新规定的约束。
c) PEPGif a school or hospital in Britain opts out, it decides to control the money that it is given by the government, instead of being controlled by local government 〔英国学校或医院〕自主管理政府拨给的经费〔而非由地方政府来管理〕 opt of• The sixties had been a very difficult decade to opt out of.• None of us can opt out of it.• The cracks in the moral edifice are visibly growing: people are beginning to opt out of its orthodoxies.• Income transfers, in contrast, allow individuals to effectively opt out of the capitalistic process.• The lines gave their employees the choice of opting out of the trip.