a number of lines of writing, for example a poem or a word puzzle, in which particular letters from each line form a word or phrase 离合诗(一种诗体或字谜,每一行的特定字母可组合成一个词或词组)
a word or phrase that you can make from another word or phrase by putting the letters in a different order. For example ‘mean' is an anagram of ‘name'. 变位词(组)(变换字母顺序后构成的词或词组,如name的字母变位后构成mean)
a statement in which you repeat a phrase in a sentence but with the words in the opposite order. For example 'some people eat to live, and others live to eat'.
a sentence in which two negative words such as ‘not', ‘don't', or ‘no one' are used when only one would be correct, for example in the sentence ‘I don't want no dinner.' 双重否定句(指使用两个诸如not, don’t 或no one 之类的否定词的句子,例如I don’t want no dinner,这时只用一个否定词才是正确的。)
a piece of language that is used to perform a language function. For example, 'Can you...' and 'Would you mind...' are functional exponents used for making requests.
It would be worth briefly looking beforehand at some functional exponents that students would need in the activity.
a word, phrase, or idea that is repeated several times in something such as a speech or book and is important for understanding the speech or book correctly (演讲或著作等的)中心思想,主题,主旨
[C]a phrase that describes something by comparing it to something else using the word ‘like' or ‘as', for example ‘He eats like a pig' 明喻(用用like 或as将某物与另一物作比较,如He eats like a pig)
words or expressions that are very informal and are not considered suitable for more formal situations. Some slang is used only by a particular group of people 俚语
In some areas ‘scran' is a slang word for food. 是表示食物的俚语。
the use of a word or phrase, when a part of something is used in order to refer to the whole of it, or the whole to refer to a part. For example, you can use the word ‘wheels' to mean a car, or you can say 'the Government' when you mean certain members of the government.
the separation of a word or phrase into two parts, with another word being said between it, used mainly in informal speech for emphasis, for example 'any old how', in which the word 'old' comes in the middle of the word 'anyhow'
the use of a single word in relation to two other parts of a sentence although grammatically or logically the word applies to only one of them. The sentence ‘She went home in a taxi and a bad mood' is an example of zeugma.