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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2456 COCA: 2674


Word family
Related topics: Human
cheek1 /tʃiːk/ ●●● W3 noun  
1 [countableC]HBH the soft round part of your face below each of your eyes 面颊,脸颊
 Lucy stretched up to kiss his cheek.
 Billy had rosy cheeks and blue eyes.
 her tear-stained cheeks
 Julie’s cheeks flushed with pleasure at the compliment.
red-cheeked/hollow-cheeked/rosy-cheeked etc
 a red-cheeked plump old fellow
2 [singular, uncountableU] British EnglishBrERUDE/IMPOLITE disrespectful or rude behaviour, especially towards someone in a position of authority 〔尤指对权威〕无礼[放肆]的行为;厚颜无耻
 I’ve had enough of your cheek.
have the cheek to do something
 He had the cheek to make personal remarks and expect no reaction.
 She’s got a cheek; she just goes on till she gets what she wants.
 It’s a bit of a cheek, asking me for money.
 What a cheek! Of course I read the instructions!
3 cheek by jowl (with somebody/something) NEARvery close to someone or something else 紧挨着(某人/某物)
 an expensive French restaurant cheek by jowl with a cheap clothes shop
Examples from the Corpus
4. turn the other cheek FORGIVEto deliberately avoid reacting in an angry or violent way when someone has hurt or upset you 〔对伤害自己的人〕不还手,不加报复,容忍
Examples from the Corpus
5. cheek to cheek NEARif two people dance cheek to cheek, they dance very close to each other in a romantic way 〔跳舞时〕面贴面,贴面
Examples from the Corpus
6. [countableC] informalHBH one of the two soft fleshy parts of your bottom 屁股 SYN buttock
tongue in cheek at tongue1(6), → tongue-in-cheek
Examples from the Corpus
cheek2 verb [transitiveT]  
British EnglishBrERUDE/IMPOLITE to speak rudely or with disrespect to someone, especially to someone older such as your teacher or parents 对〔尤指老师、家长等〕无礼地说话 SYN American English sass
 You can cheek some teachers and they just don’t do anything.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin cheek
Old English ceace
cheek1 nouncheek2 verb
BNC: 2456 COCA: 2674


1part of the face面頰ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHEEK | CHEEK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEflushed, hot, warm發紅的/發燙的/熱乎乎的面頰cool冰涼的面頰smooth, soft光滑的/柔軟的面頰ashen, pale, pallid灰白的/蒼白的/慘白的面頰blushing, crimson, pink, red, rosy臊紅的/通紅的/粉紅的/紅撲撲的/玫瑰紅的面頰hollow, sunken凹陷的面頰His red-rimmed eyes and sunken cheeks betrayed his lack of sleep.他紅紅的眼圈和凹陷的雙頰暴露出他缺乏睡眠。chipmunk, chubby, plump, puffy (NAmE) 花鼠般胖乎乎的/圓嘟嘟的/圓潤的/腫脹的面頰unshaven鬍子拉碴的面頰bruised青腫的面頰tear-stained, wet淚痕斑斑的/沾濕的面頰Her cheeks were wet with tears.她淚痕滿面。VERB + CHEEKbrush, caress, dab, dab at, pat, rub, stroke, touch拂拭面頰;撫摸面頰;輕搌面頰;輕拍面頰;揉搓面頰;碰觸面頰She dabbed at her cheeks with a handkerchief.她用手絹搌了搌面頰。kiss, peck親吻面頰;匆匆吻一下面頰press, rest將面頰貼着/靠着⋯He rested his cheek on her shoulder.他把面頰靠在她肩頭。CHEEK + VERBblaze, blush, burn, flame, flush, grow hot, redden, warm面頰發燒/臊紅/發燙/飛紅/發紅/發熱/潮紅/發暖He felt his cheeks burning with shame.他因為羞愧而感到兩頰發燒。PREPOSITIONacross sb's/the cheek劃過(某人的)臉頰She gave him a sharp slap across his cheek.她對着他的臉狠狠地搧了一巴掌。against sb's cheek貼着某人的面頰She laid her cheek against his.她把自己的面頰貼在他的面頰上。down sb's cheek順着某人的面頰而下A tear slid down her cheek.一滴淚順着她的臉頰滑落下來。in sb's cheeks在某人的面頰上She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.她雙頰健康紅潤。on sb's/the cheek在(某人的)面頰上He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train.他親了親她的雙頰,然後上了火車。PHRASESbring the colour/color (back) to sb's cheeks使面頰(重又)現出血色color floods (to) your cheeks, the colour/color rises to your cheeks, the colour/color rushes to your cheeks血色湧上面頰Colour / Color flooded to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.意識到有人在看她,她頓時漲紅了臉。She smiled at him and the colour / color rose to his cheeks.她衝他微微一笑,他的臉騰地就紅了。a kiss on the cheek, a peck on the cheek吻面頰;在面頰上匆匆的一吻She gave him a peck on the cheek and said goodbye.她匆匆吻了一下他的面頰,道了別。


2 (BrE) lack of respect不尊敬ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHEEK | PHRASES ADJECTIVEawful, barefaced, colossal極其無禮;厚顏無恥It's an awful cheek, the way he keeps asking you to lend him money.真是不知廉恥,他不停地要你借錢給他。VERB + CHEEKhave有臉He's got a cheek, making you wait outside his office.他竟然有臉讓你在他的辦公室外面等待。PHRASESof all the cheek!, what a cheek!真沒皮沒臉!He asked you for money? Of all the cheek!他居然向你要錢?真沒皮沒臉!
BNC: 2456 COCA: 2674
BNC: 2456 COCA: 2674
BNC: 2456 COCA: 2674
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of cheek
  • # n.
    膽大妄為: cheek
    頰: chap, cheek, chops, jowl
    臉頰: cheek, chops
    腮: cheek, gill
  • # v.
    放肆: cheek, wanton

0_0: Definitions of cheek
  • # noun.
    - either side of the face below the eye.
    * tears rolled down her cheeks
    - impertinent talk or behavior.
    * he had the cheek to complain

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