1.DNa small area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake, that is either natural or artificially made 〔人工或自然的〕池塘
2across the pond (also on the other side of the pond) informalHEO on the other side of the AtlanticOcean in the US or in Britain 在大西洋的另一边〔指美国或英国〕
my cousins from across the pond
Examples from the Corpus
across the pond• Simply stretch the wire to and fro across the pond from picturehook to picture hook.• Sling a piece of gardennettingacross the pond to keep out leaves which will sour the water.
a garden pondBritish EnglishBrE
How can I attract wildlife to my garden pond?
an ornamental pond (=a pond made to look pretty, rather than a natural one)
They are ideal fish for the ornamental pond.
a fish pond
a duck pond
a lily pond (=one with water lilies)
the village pond
They were sitting in the shade of a tree beside the village pond.
pond + NOUN
pond life (=things that live in ponds)
The children are studying pond life this term.
a pond plant
pond water
Examples from the Corpus
pond• Pondpurloined: A Scarborough school's naturegarden has been scuppered by thieves who made off with their fish pond.• A water flea that is starving in a crowdedpond is the victim not of food shortage but of competition.• a goldfishpond• So far this seems to have helped, as the pond has stayed quite clear though it is in constantsunlight.• I gaze at the pond in awe.• Alternatively dirt and silt could find their way back into the pond.• Where is the pond and its lilies?• And you come to lakes and you come to ponds and you come to deer and you come up on some sheep.