thou·sand /ˈθaʊzənd/ ●●● W3 number (plural thousand or thousands) 1 HMNthe number 1,000 一千 a journey of almost a thousand miles 将近1,000英里的旅程
two/three/four etc thousand five thousand dollars 5,000美元
The company employs thirty thousand people. 公司雇用着3万名员工。
2 LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTan extremely large number of things or people 许许多多;数以千计a thousand I’ve been this route a thousand times before. 这条路线我以前走过无数次了。
thousands of There are thousands of things I want to do. 我有很多事情想做。
—thousandth adjectiveadj the thousandth anniversary of the founding of the city 该城市建城一千周年纪念
—thousandth noun [countableC]