ldoce_162_bhorn1 /hɔːn $ hɔːrn/ ●●○ noun 1
animal 动物 b) [uncountableU] the substance that animals’ horns are made of 角质 a knife with a horn handle 一把有角质柄的刀
c) [countableC] a part of an animal’s head that sticks out like a horn, for example on a snail 〔蜗牛等头上的〕触角 →5 See picture of horn 触角, horn 角 3 musical instrument 乐器 [countableC] c) a French horn 法国号,圆号
d) APMa musical instrument made from an animal’s horn 〔用动物的角做的〕号角 → English horn 5. draw/pull in your horns SPEND MONEYto reduce the amount of money you spend 减少开支 6. be on the horns of a dilemma CHOOSEto be in a situation in which you have to choose between two equally unpleasant or difficult situations 进退维谷,左右为难 → blow your own trumpet/horn at blow1(19), → lock horns at lock1(7), → take the bull by the horns at bull1(3)