proph·et /ˈprɒfɪt $ ˈprɑː-/ ●○○ noun [countableC] → profit2 the Prophet RRIMuhammad, who began the Muslim religion 穆罕默德〔伊斯兰教的创始人〕 followers of the Prophet 穆罕默德的追随者
3. the Prophets RRJthe Jewish holy men whose writings form part of the Old Testament (=first part of the Bible), or the writings themselves 犹太教诸先知〔其著作构成《圣经·旧约》的一部分〕;先知书 4 PREDICTsomeone who claims that they know what will happen in the future 预言者prophet of doom/disaster (=someone who says that bad things will happen) 预言厄运/灾难的人
false prophet (=someone whose claims about the future are not true) 伪先知〔作虚假预言的人〕
5 ALINTRODUCEsomeone who introduces and spreads a new idea 〔新观念的〕提倡者,首倡者,倡导者prophet of Gandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest. 甘地是非暴力抗议的倡导者。