anesthesia• Laparotomy was carried out under etheranesthesia and cannulation of the bileduct was performed for continuous bile collection.• These rarely seen specialistsadminister local and general anesthesia, handlepain control and monitor your vital signs during the operation.• When bloodtests are taken, we use local anesthesia, sprayed on the skin.• There was no anesthesia, either, for the eighteen stitches it took to close all the wounds.• I remember his refusal of anesthesia when he had an operation on his leg and again a seri-ous abscess on his jaw.• Such postoperative headaches have traditionally been considered an unavoidable side effect of the anesthesia itself.• The doctors investigated their hunch by having 142 randomly selected patients fill out a questionnaire after they re-covered from their anesthesia.• Also, she learned that she had been under anesthesia for a much shorter time than she had thought.
(1700-1800)Modern LatinGreekanaisthesia, from aisthesis“feeling”