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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 774 COCA: 1517


Word family
la·dy /ˈleɪdi/ ●●● S1 W2 noun (plural ladies) [countableC]  
a) a woman of a particular type or age 〔某一类型或年龄的〕女士,女子
young/old/elderly etc lady 年轻女子/上了年纪的女士/老妇人等
b) a word meaning woman, used especially to describe women’s sports or products made for women 女子,女性〔尤用于指女子体育项目或女性使用的产品〕
ladies’ team/champion/championship etc
 the ladies’ darts team
ladies’ fashion/clothing/shoes etc
 ladies’ underwear
c) a word meaning woman, used in order to be polite 女士;小姐〔礼貌用语〕 gentleman
 The young lady at reception sent me up here.
 Give your coat to the lady over there.
lady doctor/lawyer etc (=a doctor, lawyer etc who is a woman. Some women think this use is offensive) 女医生/律师等〔礼貌用词,但很多女性认为此类称呼有冒犯性〕
see thesaurus at woman
Lady often sounds old-fashioned, especially when it is used about younger women. In everyday English, people usually say woman: lady一词常显过时,用于年轻女性时尤其明显。在日常英语中,人们一般说 woman
His cousin is a 26-year-old woman who works in a kindergarten.
2 POLITEa woman who is polite and behaves very well 举止文雅的女人,淑女 gentleman
 She knows how to behave like a lady.
n3. Lady
4 the ladies 
a) British EnglishBrETOILET a women’s toilet 女厕所,女洗手间 SYN American English ladies’ room the gents’
b) a word meaning women, often used humorously 女士〔常为幽默用法〕
 His boyish good looks made him a favourite with the ladies.
ladies' man
Examples from the Corpus
5 ladies spoken formal used to speak to a group of women 女士们
 Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?
6 a woman, especially one with a strong character – used to show approval 女人〔尤指个性强的女人;含褒义〕
 She can be a tough lady to negotiate with.
7 lady friend GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIENDa woman that a man is having a romantic relationship with – often used humorously 女朋友,女友 〔常为幽默用法〕 SYN girlfriend
 I saw Chris with his new lady friend.
Examples from the Corpus
8 lady of leisure JOB/TASKa woman who does not work and has a lot of free time – used humorously 休闲夫人〔指不上班、有大量闲暇时间的女子;幽默用法〕
 So you’re a lady of leisure now that the kids are at school?
Examples from the Corpus
9 American EnglishAmE spoken used when talking directly to a woman you do not know, when you are angry with her 女士;小姐〔对不认识的女子生气时用的称呼〕
 Hey, lady, would you mind getting out of my way?
Addressing a woman directly as lady sounds rude. In polite American English, people use Miss or Ma'am instead: 直接以 lady 称呼女性会显得无礼。 在美国英语中,人们用 Miss Ma’am 称呼女性以示礼貌
Can I help you, Miss?
10. Our Lady an expression used to mean Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ 圣母〔指耶稣基督的母亲马利亚〕
Examples from the Corpus
11. the lady of the house old-fashionedWOMAN the most important woman in a house, usually the mother of a family 女当家,女主人
Examples from the Corpus
12 old-fashionedHIGH POSITION OR RANK a woman born into a high social class in Britain 〔英国的〕贵妇人;贵族小姐
13 old-fashionedMARRY a man’s wife 妻子
bag lady, → cleaning lady at cleaning, first lady, → leading lady at leading1, lollipop lady, old lady, → young lady at young1(3)
Examples from the Corpus
HIGH POSITION OR RANKused as the title of the wife or daughter of a British nobleman or the wife of a knight 太太;夫人;小姐〔英国贵族女眷或爵士妻子的头衔〕
 Lady Spencer
Examples from the Corpus
The LadyLady, Then trademark  
na rather old-fashioned British magazine for women, typically read by older, upper-class women. It also contains advertisements for servants and nannies(nanny).
Origin lady
Old English hlæfdige, from hlaf bread + -dige one who kneads
la·dy noun →REGISTER1 →REGISTER2LadyLady, Then
LDOCE Online
BNC: 774 COCA: 1517


ADJECTIVE | LADY + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEelderly, middle-aged, old, young年長的/中年/年老的/年輕女士A little old lady opened the door.一位矮小的老太太開了門。attractive, beautiful, lovely, pretty, sexy有魅力的/美麗的/可愛的/漂亮的/性感的女士charming, fine, kind, lovely, nice, sweet, wonderful迷人的女士;文雅的女士;善良的女士;可愛的女士;極好的女士a sweet old lady一位親切的老太太proper得體的女士I was never taught how to be a proper lady.從來沒人教過我如何做一位淑女。cleaning, dinner, lunch, tea (BrE) 清潔女工;餐廳女工;午餐女服務員;端茶小姐a school dinner lady學校餐廳女工a high-school lunch lady中學午餐女服務員leading女主角Leading lady Uma Thurman does a great job in this picture.領銜女演員烏瑪・瑟曼在該片中有上佳表現。first第一夫人the former first lady of the United States美國前第一夫人church (especially NAmE) 女教友society上流社會女士lollipop (BrE) (手舉圓形示意牌引導兒童過馬路的)女交通安全員bag流落街頭的女人LADY + NOUNfriend女友We teased my uncle about his new lady friend.我們拿叔叔的新女友取笑他。PHRASESa lady of leisure (especially BrE) 悠閒的女士She's a lady of leisure now that she's retired.她退了休,現在可是位悠閒的女士了。ladies who lunch (humorous) 有錢的時髦婦人the lady of the house女主人 note at peer
BNC: 774 COCA: 1517
lady noun
lord (lords and ladies) woman (There's a lady waiting to see you.)
BNC: 774 COCA: 1517
Women and girls: woman, female, womankind...
Someone's husband, wife or partner: helpmate, hubby, husband...
A woman someone is having a relationship with: girlfriend, mistress, woman...
Members of royal families and the nobility: archduke, aristocracy, aristocrat...
Titles: baas, babu, dame...
BNC: 774 COCA: 1517
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Lady
  • # n.
    夫人: lady, madam, partner, spouse
    貴婦: dowager, lady, senhora
    奶: breast, lady, milk
    女士: lady, madam
    太太: lady, madam, married woman, mistress, wife

0_0: Definitions of Lady
  • # noun.
    - a woman (used as a polite or old-fashioned form of reference).
    * I spoke to the lady at the travel agency
    - a woman of superior social position, especially one of noble birth.
    * lords and ladies and royalty were once entertained at the house
    - a man's wife.
    * None

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