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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 11505 COCA: 7149


Related topics: Government, Police
pre·cinct /ˈpriːsɪŋkt/ noun  
1. shopping/pedestrian precinct British EnglishBrETTR an area of a town where people can walk and shop, and where cars are not allowed 购物区/步行区
Examples from the Corpus
2. [countableC] American EnglishAmEPG one of the areas that a town or city is divided into, so that elections or police work can be organized more easily 选区;警区
3. [countableC] American EnglishAmESCP the main police station in a particular area of a town or city 〔城镇警区的〕警察分局
4 precincts [plural]AREA the area that surrounds an important building 〔某主要建筑物的〕周围区域
 the precincts of the cathedral
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
precinctpre·cinct /ˈpriːsɪŋkt/ noun [countableC]
1British EnglishBrE an area of a city with many different shops, where cars are not allowed
The hotel is within five minutes of the main shopping precinct.
2American EnglishAmE an area in a city with its own local government, police force etc
working-class black precincts
Origin precinct
(1400-1500) Medieval Latin praecinctum, from Latin praecingere to put a belt around
pre·cinct noun
BNC: 11505 COCA: 7149


1 (BrE) commercial area where cars cannot go區域ADJECTIVEshopping商業區the £1.3-million redevelopment of the shopping precinct花費 130 萬英鎊重建的購物區pedestrian步行區town-centre城鎮中心區


2 (NAmE) police district; a police station警察管區;警察局ADJECTIVE | PRECINCT + NOUN ADJECTIVEpolice警察管區He was handcuffed and taken down to the police precinct.他被戴上手銬,帶到了轄區警察局。17th, 102nd, etc.第 17 區、第 102 區等local當地分局I went down to my local precinct to make a report.我去當地的警察分局作了報告。PRECINCT + NOUNhouse警察分局的房子He wrote yesterday from a police precinct house in New Orleans.他昨天在新奧爾良警察分局的房子裏寫的。commander警區指揮官The former Queens precinct commander has slashed crime.前王后區警方指揮官抨擊了犯罪。


3 (NAmE) part of a town or city for elections選區ADJECTIVE | VERB + PRECINCT | PRECINCT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEkey, targeted關鍵/目標選區Campaigners walked door-to-door in targeted precincts.競選者們在目標選區進行了挨門挨戶的走訪。Democratic, Republican民主黨/共和黨選區African-American, Hispanic, etc.非裔美國人、西班牙裔等選區VERB + PRECINCTwalk巡查選區Did you walk your precinct on the day of the vote?選舉日那天你在你的選區巡查過了嗎?target選定目標區Republicans have targeted precincts throughout the country.共和黨人在全國各地都選定了目標選區。PRECINCT + NOUNcaucus選區黨團A number of issues will be discussed at the precinct caucus.許多問題要在選區黨團進行討論。captain, chairman, committeeman選區領隊/主席/委員會委員The precinct captains were able to round up 6 000 volunteers.選區領隊們能聚集起 6,000 名志願者。returns選區的統計The precinct returns show that the support received by both men was remarkable.選區的統計顯示,兩人都得到了顯著的支持。PREPOSITIONin precinct在選區裏You can register to vote in your precinct by showing proof of residence.你只要出示居住證明就可以在你的選區登記投票。PHRASESthe precinct level選區層面We're literally organizing leadership down to the precinct level.實際上我們把指導工作都組織到了選區。


4area around a building建築物周邊的圍地ADJECTIVE | VERB + PRECINCT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEsacred聖地the sacred precinct of Apollo阿波羅的聖地inner, outer內圍地;外圍地abbey, castle, palace, shrine, temple, etc.修道院、城堡、宮殿、神殿、寺廟等的周圍區域VERB + PRECINCTenter進入院落It was forbidden to enter the temple precincts.禁止進入寺廟院落。PREPOSITIONin precinct在⋯地域裏The event was held in the precincts of the parish church.該行動是在教區教堂周圍舉行的。within precinct在⋯專用區內He took up residence in chambers within the precinct of a monastery.他在一個修道院院落內的寢室裏住了下來。
BNC: 11505 COCA: 7149
precinct noun
BNC: 11505 COCA: 7149
Areas in towns or cities: agora, area, armpit...
Areas around buildings: alley, alleyway, arcade...
BNC: 11505 COCA: 7149
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Precinct
  • # n.
    管理區: precinct
    管轄區域: precinct

0_0: Definitions of Precinct
  • # noun.
    - the area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular building or place.
    * all strata of society live within these precincts

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