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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1706 COCA: 840


Word family
Related topics: Weapons, Daily life, Technology
gun1 /ɡʌn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 PMWa metal weapon which shoots bullets or shells 枪;炮
have/hold/carry a gun
 I could see he was carrying a gun.
 I’ve never fired a gun in my life.
 Jake was pointing a gun at the door.
 Two policemen were killed in a gun battle.
2 put/hold a gun to somebody’s head 
a) to put a gun very close to someone’s head to shoot them or to force them to do something 用枪指着某人的头
 He put a gun to her head and told the cashier to hand over the money.
b) to force someone to do something they do not want to do 逼某人,胁迫某人就范
 You chose to live here. Nobody put a gun to your head.
Examples from the Corpus
3 DTa tool that forces out small objects or a liquid by pressure 喷射器,喷枪
 a paint gun
 a nail gun
flashgun, spray gun
4. (also starting pistol) a gun which is fired into the air at the start of a race 发令枪
5 big/top gun American EnglishAmE informal someone who is very important within an organization 大人物,头号人物
 Jed wanted to impress a Harvard professor and some other big guns.
Examples from the Corpus
6. hired gun American EnglishAmE informalKILL someone who is paid to shoot someone else 雇用的枪手[刺客]
Examples from the Corpus
7. with all guns blazing if you do something with all guns blazing, you do it with a lot of energy, determination, and noise 劲头十足,热火朝天
Examples from the Corpus
son of a gun, → stick to your guns at stick1, → jump the gun at jump1(11), → be going great guns at great1(11), → spike somebody’s guns at spike2(6)
Examples from the Corpus
gun2 verb (gunned, gunning)  
1 be gunning for somebody informalCRITICIZE to be trying to find an opportunity to criticize or harm someone 伺机批评[伤害]某人
 Why is he gunning for me?
Examples from the Corpus
2 be gunning for something informal to be trying very hard to obtain something 力图获取某物
 He’s gunning for your job.
Examples from the Corpus
3. [transitiveT] American EnglishAmE informalTTCFAST/QUICK to make the engine of a car go very fast by pressing the accelerator very hard 使加速,猛踩的油门
4gun somebody ↔ down phrasal verbphr v SHOOTto shoot someone and badly injure or kill them, especially someone who cannot defend themselves 开枪击伤[击毙]〔尤指不能自卫的人〕
 A policeman was gunned down as he left his house this morning.
Gun down is usually passive.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin gun1
(1300-1400) Perhaps from Gunnilda, a woman's name, from Old Norse Gunnhildr
gun1 noungun2 verbn GRAMMAR1
LDOCE Online
BNC: 1706 COCA: 840


ADJECTIVE | VERB + GUN | GUN + VERB | GUN + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, heavy大型槍炮;重炮loaded裝有彈藥的槍炮enemy敵方的火力They succeeded in silencing the enemy guns.他們成功地打啞了敵人的炮火。anti-aircraft, anti-tank, artillery, field, hand (usually handgun) , machine, semi-automatic高射炮;反坦克炮;大炮;野戰炮;手槍;機關槍;半自動槍a .50-calibre / .50-caliber machine gun一挺 0.5 英寸口徑的機關槍.45-calibre/.45-caliber, .50-calibre/.50-caliber, etc. * 0.45 英寸、0.5 英寸等口徑的槍stun, taser, tranquillizer/tranquilizer眩暈槍;泰瑟電擊槍;麻醉槍laser, radar (used by the police to check the speed of cars) 激光槍;雷達槍(警察用來檢查車速)harpoon, spear (usually speargun) 捕鯨炮;捕魚槍glue, nail, pellet, spray, staple噴膠槍;射釘槍;彈丸槍;噴槍;鐵絲訂書機fake, replica, toy假槍;仿真槍;玩具槍air氣槍squirt, water (both NAmE) (water pistol in BrE) 水槍paintball彩彈槍VERB + GUNbe armed with, carry, have, tote (informal, especially NAmE) 裝備有槍;攜槍;有槍;帶槍Look out! He has a gun!小心!他有槍!load, reload給槍上子彈/重新上子彈I loaded the gun with my last two bullets.我把最後兩顆子彈裝入槍膛。draw, produce, pull, pull out拔槍;掏槍He pulled a gun from his pocket.他從衣袋裏拔出槍。brandish, wave, wave around, wield揮舞槍;揮動槍She brandished the gun menacingly.她意帶威脅地揮舞着槍。aim, hold, point, raise用槍瞄準;持槍;把槍炮指向;舉起槍He raised his gun, aimed and fired.他舉起槍,瞄準並射擊。cock扳上扳機He grinned and cocked the gun with his thumb.他咧嘴笑着,用拇指扳上扳機。man(對槍炮手下令)就位Enemy ship approaching! Man the guns!敵艦開過來了!槍炮手就位!handle, use司炮;用槍fire, shoot開槍;用槍炮射擊drop, lay down, lower, put down放下槍;放低槍;擱下槍holster (especially NAmE) 把槍放入槍套Jorge quickly holstered his gun.若熱迅速地把槍放進槍套。silence打啞炮火GUN + VERBblaze, fire, go off槍炮射擊/開火/發射Guns were firing and grenades going off all around.槍聲大作,手榴彈四處爆炸。aim at sb/sth, point at sb/sth槍炮瞄準⋯/指向⋯shoot sth槍炮射出⋯This new gun shoots a laser beam at the target.這支新槍會向目標物射出激光束。jam槍膛卡住be mounted槍炮架好There was a machine gun mounted on the back of the Jeep.吉普車的後部架着一挺機關槍。GUN + NOUNcontrol, law槍支管制;槍支法a state that has strict gun control laws有嚴格的槍支管制法的一個州a gun control advocate提倡槍支管制的人crime, violence槍支犯罪/暴力Anyone can be affected by gun violence.每個人都可能受到槍支暴力事件的影響。culture槍支文化These kids have grown up in a drugs and gun culture.這些孩子在充斥着毒品和槍支的文化環境中長大。safety (especially NAmE) 槍支安全My big brother taught me about gun safety.我的哥哥教我槍支使用安全知識。ban (especially NAmE) 槍支禁令amnesty (BrE) 槍支特赦The police pointed to the success of a gun amnesty earlier this year.警方談到了今年早些時候槍支特赦行動的成功。lobby反禁槍的院外活動集團the powerful gun lobby in the US美國強大的反禁槍游說勢力shop, store (both especially NAmE) 槍支經銷店dealer, maker, manufacturer槍炮經銷商/製造者/生產商owner槍支所有人ownership, possession槍支所有權;擁有槍支enthusiast, nut (especially NAmE) 槍支愛好者/痴迷者club槍支俱樂部show (NAmE) 槍炮展示attack, battle槍炮攻擊;槍戰crew炮手組;機槍手組emplacement, position炮位turret回轉炮塔;旋轉槍架carriage (especially BrE) 炮架barrel槍管;炮管rack槍炮支架belt槍帶They grudgingly took off their gun belts and holsters.他們很不情願地摘下槍帶和槍套。PHRASESthe barrel of a gun槍管I found myself looking down the barrel of a gun.我發現一支槍的槍口正對着我。guns and ammunition軍火We're very short of guns and ammunition.我們非常缺乏槍支彈藥。hold a gun on sb, hold a gun to sb's head用槍指着某人;用槍指着某人的頭Two armed men held a gun to his head and made him empty the safe.兩名武裝分子用槍指着他的頭,讓他把保險櫃中的東西全拿了出來。a/the smoking gun (= something that shows that sb has done sth wrong or illegal) 確鑿的證據There's no smoking gun that they have found to date.迄今為止他們還未發現確鑿的證據。turn a gun on yourself掉轉槍口對準自己The gunman turned the gun on himself.持槍者掉轉槍口對準了自己。
BNC: 1706 COCA: 840


gun ♦︎ rifle ♦︎ pistol ♦︎ shotgun ♦︎ artillery ♦︎ cannon ♦︎ firearm ♦︎ handgun ♦︎ mortar ♦︎ revolver ♦︎ machine gunThese are all words for weapons that fire bullets, bombs or shells. 这些词均表示枪、炮。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配heavy guns / artillery / cannon / mortars / machine gunsto be armed with a gun / a rifle / a pistol / a shotgun / cannon / a handgun / mortars / a revolver / a machine gunto carry a gun / a rifle / a pistol / a shotgun / firearms / a handgun / a revolverto draw a gun / pistol / revolverto load a gun / rifle / pistol / shotgun / cannon / handgun / revolverto fire a gun / rifle / pistol / shotgun / cannon / handgun / mortar / revolver / machine gunto shoot sb / sth with a gun / rifle / pistol / shotgun / handgun / revolver / machine gun gun [countable] a weapon that is used for firing bullets or shells (= metal cases filled with explosives) 枪;炮He walked into the bank and pointed his gun at the cashier.他走进银行,用枪指着出纳员。He was injured in a gun battle between rival gangs.他在对立帮派之间的枪战中受伤。Anti-aircraft guns opened fire (= started to shoot) as the bombers flew overhead.高射炮向从头顶上飞过的轰炸机开火。 rifle [countable] a long gun that can be fired from the shoulder and is designed to be accurate at long distances 步枪;来复枪a hunting rifle猎枪an assault rifle突击步枪An air rifle (or air gun) is a gun that uses air pressure to fire pellets (= small metal balls). * air rifle或air gun指气枪。 pistol [countable] a small gun that can be held and fired with one hand 手枪The assassin shot the two men with a 9mm automatic pistol.行刺者用9毫米自动手枪向那两个男人开枪。The official fired a starting pistol to begin the race.那名官员扣响发令枪开始比赛。A water pistol (BrE) or water gun (NAmE) is a toy gun that shoots water. * water pistol(英式英语)或water gun(美式英语)指玩具喷水枪。 shotgun ˈʃɒtgʌn; NAmE ˈʃɑːtgʌn [countable] a long gun that fires a lot of small metal bullets (called shot) and is used especially for shooting birds or animals (尤用于射杀鸟或动物的)猎枪,火枪The farmer kept a shotgun for killing crows and foxes.那个农民有一支火枪,用来猎杀乌鸦和狐狸。 (BrE) The raiders were armed with sawn-off shotguns.袭击者携带了枪管锯短的猎枪。 (NAmE) sawed-off shotguns枪管锯短的猎枪 artillery ɑːˈtɪləri; NAmE ɑːrˈtɪləri [uncountable] large, heavy guns which are often moved on wheels 火炮(常装有轮子)The town is under heavy artillery fire.该镇受到密集的炮火攻击。A stray artillery shell struck the hospital.一发火炮流弹击中了那家医院。 cannon (plural cannon) [countable] an old type of large heavy gun, usually on wheels, that fires solid metal or stone balls; a gun fitted in an aircraft that fires small explosive shells (通常装有轮子,发射铁弹或石弹的旧式)大炮;(飞机上的)自动机关炮Three cannon opened fire.三门大炮开火了。The helicopter directed a burst of cannon fire at the target.那架直升飞机上的自动机关炮向目标猛烈开火。 firearm ˈfaɪərɑːm; NAmE ˈfaɪərɑːrm [countable, usually plural] (formal) a gun that fires bullets and that can be carried with one or both hands (单手或双手可携的)枪The police were issued with firearms.警察都配发了小型枪支。 handgun ˈhændgʌn [countable] a small gun that can be held and fired with one hand 手枪A man carrying a handgun ordered bank employees to fill a large plastic bag with cash.一名持手枪的男子命令银行职员往一个大塑料袋里装满现金。 mortar ˈmɔːtə(r); NAmE ˈmɔːrtər [countable] a heavy gun that fires bombs high into the air; the bombs that are fired by this gun 迫击炮;迫击炮弹Two soldiers were killed when their patrol came under mortar fire.两名士兵巡逻时遭遇迫击炮弹袭击身亡。 revolver [countable] a small gun that has a container for bullets that turns around so that shots can be fired quickly without having to stop to put more bullets in 左轮手枪The man stood over him, aiming the revolver at his head.那个男人站在他上方,用左轮手枪指着他的头。NOTE 辨析 Pistol, handgun or revolver?A revolver and a pistol are both types of handgun that fire the bullets in different ways. However, in non-technical use the words are often used in the same way. * revolver和pistol都属于handgun的一种,发射子弹的方式不同。不过,在非专业语境中这些词常通用。 maˈchine gun [countable] a gun that automatically fires many bullets one after the other very quickly 机关枪Suddenly there was a long burst of machine-gun fire.突然,机关枪猛烈扫射了很长时间。A sub-machine gun is a short, light machine gun that can be held in the hands to fire. * sub-machine gun指冲锋枪,短小轻便,可手持开火。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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