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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 128 COCA: 114


life /laɪf/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural lives /laɪvz/)  
1 time SB is alive 某人的一生 [countableC, uncountableU]LIFE the period of time when someone is alive 一生,寿命
 Learning goes on throughout life.
 You have your whole life ahead of you.
in somebody’s life
 For the first time in my life I was happy.
 I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life!
 I’ve known John all my life (=since I was born).
 His main aim in life was to have fun.
 It was one of the best days of my life.
 The accident scarred him for life (=for the rest of his life).
 She knew she’d feel guilty for the rest of her life.
 Raj spent his life caring for others.
 Bonington spent his entire adult life in France.
 We don’t know much about the poet’s early life (=when he was young).
 Poor diet can lead to a whole range of diseases in later life (=when you are older).
 She married late in life (=when she was fairly old).
 He’s a life member (=continuing until he dies) of the club.
2 state of being alive 活着 [countableC, uncountableU]LIVING/ALIVE the state of being alive 生,生存;生命
 The right to life is the most basic of human rights.
 Danny was a cheerful little boy who loved life.
 Two firefighters risked their lives to save the children.
3 way SB lives 某人的生活方式 [countableC usually singular]LIFE the way you live your life, and what you do and experience during it 生活
lead/live/have a ... life
 The operation should enable Bobby to lead a normal life.
 She just wanted to live a quiet life.
 Having a baby changes your life completely.
 The family moved to Australia to start a new life.
 Ken’s whole life revolved around surfing (=that was the main interest and purpose of his life).
 You shouldn’t let your boyfriend rule your life (=control and affect everything you do).
 My grandmother had a hard life (=a life full of problems).
 She’s led a very sheltered life (=a life in which you have been protected from unpleasant things).
a life of crime/poverty/misery etc
 He had been drawn into a life of crime.
4 particular situation/job 独特的情形/工作 [countableC, uncountableU]LIFE
5 social/personal/sex etc life LIFEthe activities in your life relating to your friends, your family, sex etc 社交/个人/性生活等
Examples from the Corpus
6 human existence 人的生活 [uncountableU]LIVING/ALIVE human existence, considered as a variety of experiences and activities 生活;人生
7 time when STH exists/works 某事物的存在期/使用寿命 [countableC usually singular]
8 living things 生物 [uncountableU]
9 be somebody’s (whole) life IMPORTANTto be the most important thing or person to someone 是某人的(全部)生活;是某人的生命
Examples from the Corpus
10 life and death  (also life or death)SERIOUS SITUATION used for emphasizing that a situation, decision etc is extremely urgent and important, especially because someone is at risk of dying 生死攸关(),决定生死()
Examples from the Corpus
11 game 游戏 [countableC] a chance in a game, especially a computer game, in which you can be defeated or do something wrong and can still continue playing 命〔尤指计算机游戏中继续玩下去的机会〕
12 BUSY PLACEactivity 活动 [uncountableU] activity or movement 生气,生机
13 interest/excitement 兴趣/兴奋 [uncountableU] a quality of being interesting or exciting 活力;精彩
14 come to life/roar into life/splutter into life etc START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCto suddenly start working 突然开始运作
15 make life difficult/easier etc EASYPROBLEMto make it difficult, easier etc to do something 使生活变得困难/较容易等
Examples from the Corpus
16. the life and soul of the party British EnglishBrE, the life of the party American EnglishENJOY/LIKE DOING something someone who enjoys social occasions and is fun and exciting to be with 社交聚会中最活跃的人
17 life and limb formal your life and physical health – used especially when this is threatened in some way 生命,生死安危〔尤用于生命受到某种威胁时〕
Examples from the Corpus
18 get a life! spoken used to tell someone that you think they are boring and should find more exciting things to do 来点有意思的吧!
19 that’s life  (also such is life) spokenDISAPPOINTED used to say that something is disappointing but you have to accept it 生活就是这样,这就是生活〔用于表示某事令人失望,但必须接受〕
Examples from the Corpus
20. life’s a bitch spoken not polite used to say that bad things happen in life 生活真是狗屁
21 this is the life spoken used when you are relaxing and doing something you enjoy 这样才是生活,生活就该这样〔用于放松并做自己喜欢的事时〕
Examples from the Corpus
22 the shock/surprise/game etc of somebody’s life ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingthe biggest shock or surprise, the best game etc that someone has ever had 某人平生最大的震惊/最大的意外/最出色的比赛等
Examples from the Corpus
23 how’s life? spoken used to ask someone if they are well, what they have been doing etc 你过得好吗?你生活得怎么样?
24 life goes on spoken used to say that you must continue to live a normal life even when something sad or disappointing has happened 生活还得继续
Examples from the Corpus
25 a life of its own 
Examples from the Corpus
26 cannot for the life of me spokenCAN'T used to say that you cannot remember or understand something even when you try hard 我拼了命也不能,我怎么也不能〔用于不能记起或理解某事时〕
27 life’s too short spoken used to say that you should not waste time doing something or worrying about something 人生苦短,生命太短暂〔用于表示不能浪费时间去做某事或为某事担心〕
28 not on your life spokenNO used as a reply to a question or suggestion to say that you definitely will not do something 决不〔用于回答问题或建议〕
29 the woman/man/girl etc in your life GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIENDthe woman or man you are married to or are having a relationship with – used especially in advertisements 你生命中的女人/男人/女孩等〔尤用于广告〕
Examples from the Corpus
30 prison 监狱 [uncountableU]SCPUNISH (also life imprisonment) the punishment of being put in prison for the rest of your life 终身监禁,无期徒刑
31 art 艺术 [uncountableU]AVP when you paint, draw etc something you are looking at, especially a person or animal 写生
32 frighten/scare the life out of somebody informal to make someone feel very frightened 把某人吓得魂不附体
Examples from the Corpus
33. there’s life in the old dog yet spoken used to say that although someone or something is old, they are still able to do something – used humorously 宝刀未老,老当益壮〔幽默用法〕
34 live/lead/have the life of Riley informal to have a very easy and comfortable life and not have to work hard 过着安逸的生活
Examples from the Corpus
35 book/film/电影 [uncountableU]STORY the story of someone’s life 生平,传记 SYN biography
36 the next life  (also the life to come, life after death)DIE the time after death, in which some people believe life continues in another form 下辈子,来生
Examples from the Corpus
as large as life at large1(7), → change of life, → for dear life at dear2(6), → double life, → high life at high1(22), → a new lease of life at lease1(2), → quality of life at quality1(5), → real life at real1(3), real-life, → true to life at true1(9), → walk of life
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: the state of being alive 生,生存;生命
save somebody’s life 救某人的命
The money you give will save the life of a child.
risk your life 冒生命危险
He risked his life to help Jews during the Second World War.
lose your life (=die) 丧生
Hundreds of people lost their lives on the first day of the fighting.
战斗第一天就有数百人丧生。take a/sb’s life (=kill someone) 夺去(某人的)生命,杀死某人 All cultures consider it wrong to take a life for no reason. 所有的文化均认为无故剥夺他人生命是错误的。
ntake a/somebody’s life (=kill someone)
All cultures consider it wrong to take a life for no reason.
take your own life (=kill yourself) 自杀,了结自己的生命
He was depressed and decided to take his own life.
claim the life of somebody (=kill someone – used of a thing) 〔某事物〕夺走某人的生命
The disease claimed the lives of up to a quarter of the population.
cost lives/cost somebody their life (=result in deaths/in someone’s death) 致死/致某人死亡
nThat decision may have cost him his life.
give your life/lay down your life (=die in order to save other people, or because of a strong belief) 捐躯,献出自己的生命
nThese men gave their lives during the war to keep us free.
endanger the life of somebody 危及某人的生命
nThey wanted to capture the gunman without endangering the lives of his hostages.
spare somebody’s life (=not kill someone, when you could kill them) 饶某人的命
nShe begged him to spare the life of her son.
be fighting for your life (=be so ill or injured that you might die) 与死亡搏斗
nOne badly burned man was fighting for his life in hospital.
cling to life (=try to stay alive, even though you are very ill or injured) 坚持活下去,努力求生
nShe clung to life, despite the pain.
owe your life to somebody (=be still alive because of someone’s actions) 多亏某人相救
The victim said he owed his life to the stranger who helped him.
take your life in your hands (=put yourself in a dangerous situation) 玩命,豁出性命
nJust crossing this road is taking your life in your hands.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘the cost of life’. Say the cost of living.
不要说the cost of life’. 而要说 the cost of living.
Examples from the Corpus
Lifen trademark  
na former US magazine known for having many interesting photographs of different places around the world. It stopped being published in 2007.
From Longman Business Dictionary
lifelife /laɪf/ noun (plural lives /laɪvz/) [countableC]
1the period of time during which something takes place or exists
industrial products used during the life of a mining operation
The rate of interest is often subsidized and fixed for the life of the loan.
2the period of time during which something is still good enough to use, fresh enough to eat etc
life of
Our general purpose machinery has an estimated useful life of 80,000 running hours.
Castrol GTX2 oil has been specially formulated to prolong the life of catalytic converters.
depreciable life economic life shelf life useful life
3service/working life the period of time during which a person works
The average remaining service life of employees at the end of the last financial year was 10 years.
Managers may spend as much as 50% of their working lives engaged in meetings.
4for life until a person’s death, or until the end of their working life
The balance of the pension fund is used for an annuity giving a guaranteedincome for life.
Few people can count on having a job for life.
Origin life
Old English lif
BNC: 128 COCA: 114


1living things生命ADJECTIVE | LIFE + NOUN ADJECTIVEintelligent外星生命Is there intelligent life on other planets?其他行星上存在外星生命嗎?animal, bird, human, insect, plant動物;鳥類;人類;昆蟲;植物aquatic, marine水生/海洋生物extraterrestrial外星生命LIFE + NOUNform生命形態cycle生命週期sciences生命科學


2existence生存ADJECTIVE | VERB + LIFE | LIFE + VERB | LIFE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEeternal, everlasting永生;長生past, previous前世VERB + LIFElose失去生命He lost his life in an air crash.他在一次空難中喪生。bring sb back to, restore sb to救某人的性命cling to, fight for在生死線上掙扎She clung to life for several weeks.她在生死線上掙扎了幾個星期。jeopardize, risk危害生命;冒生命危險She risked her life for the sake of the children.她為了孩子冒生命危險。endanger, threaten危及/威脅生命protect, save保護/挽救生命a drug that will save lives救命藥spare饒命She begged the soldiers to spare her son's life.她乞求那些士兵饒她兒子一命。give, lay down, sacrifice獻出生命;犧牲生命claim, cost奪走/付出生命The crash claimed 43 lives.這起撞車事故奪去了 43 人的生命。His foolishness almost cost him his life.他的愚蠢幾乎要了他的性命。end, take結束/奪去生命She took her own life.她結束了自己的性命。value珍視生命start (figurative) 開始存在The hotel started life as a prison.這家旅館最初是一座監獄。LIFE + VERBbe lost生命喪失No lives were lost in the accident.這起事故中無人死亡。LIFE + NOUNassurance, insurance人壽保險jacket, preserver, vest (NAmE) 救生衣;救生用具boat, raft救生艇;救生筏saver救生員support維持生命She's critically ill, on life support.她病情危重,全靠設備維持着生命。a life-support machine生命維持設備a life-support system生命維持系統PHRASESan attempt on sb's life謀殺某人的企圖There have been three attempts on the president's life.已經有 3 起企圖謀殺總統的事件了。in fear for your life, in fear of your life為性命擔憂Witnesses are living in fear for their life after giving evidence against the gang.證人提供對犯罪團夥不利的罪證後為自己的生命安全擔憂。life after death來生Do you believe in life after death?你相信有來世嗎?loss of life死亡The plane crashed with heavy loss of life.在這起飛機失事中多人喪生。a matter of life and death生死攸關的事情These talks are a matter of life and death for the factory. (figurative) 這些談判對這家工廠來說是生死攸關的事。owe sb your life受某人救命之恩I owe my life to the doctors at the hospital.多虧了醫院的那些大夫,我才活了下來。the right to life生存的權利signs of life生命跡象The driver showed no signs of life.這位司機沒有任何生命跡象。


3period between birth and death一生ADJECTIVE | VERB + LIFE | LIFE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong, short長命;短命entire, whole一生early早年adult成年期later晚年In later life he took up writing.他在晚年開始寫作。past, previous過去的生活;前世He never discussed the unhappiness of his past life.他從來不談論以前生活的不幸。I think I may have been an animal in a previous life.我想我前世或許是個動物。future, next未來的生活;下輩子working工作生涯He was a miner all his working life.他幹了一輩子礦工。VERB + LIFEgo through, live, spend度過一生She went through life always wanting what she couldn't get.她終其一生總是想得到她得不到的東西。He spent his whole life in Rhode Island.他的一生都生活在羅得島。end結束生命He ended his life a happy man.他快樂地度過了人生的最後階段。shorten縮短生命prolong延長生命dedicate, devote奉獻生命He devoted his life to the education of deaf children.他為聾兒的教育事業奉獻了一生。LIFE + NOUNhistory, story生活史;生活經歷membership終身會員資格imprisonment, sentence終身監禁expectancy, span (usually lifespan) 預期壽命;壽命Japanese people have a very high life expectancy.日本人的預期壽命非常長。the lifespan of a mouse老鼠的壽命mate, partner終身伴侶PREPOSITIONfor life終身She thought marriage should be for life.她認為婚姻是終身的事。in your life生命中for the first time in her life她人生中的第一次throughout your life一生Throughout her life she was dogged by loneliness.她一生孤寂,備受折磨。PHRASESall your life一輩子I've known her all my life.我認識她有一輩子了。at sb's time of life在某人的年紀At his time of life he should be starting to take things easy.在他這個年紀他應該開始休息放鬆了。the end of your life生命末期Her paintings became more obscure towards / toward the end of her life.她人生最後階段的畫變得越發晦澀了。late in life年齡大的時候She discovered jazz quite late in life.她年齡頗大時才接觸爵士樂。the... of your life一生的⋯I had the fright of my life when I saw the snake in my bed.看到牀上有條蛇是我平生最恐懼的事。He met the love of his life at college.他在上大學時遇到了自己一生的最愛。a phase in (sb's) life, a phase of (sb's) life, a stage in (sb's) life, a stage of (sb's) life(某人)生命的階段She sensed she was entering a new phase in her life.她感覺自己正進入人生的新階段。the prime of life盛年You're still in the prime of life.你還正當盛年。the remainder of your life, the rest of your life餘生He'll be haunted by the crash for the rest of his life.他的餘生將一直生活在撞車事故的陰影中。


4activity in the world生活ADJECTIVE | VERB + LIFE | LIFE + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdaily, day-to-day, everyday, ordinary日常生活real現實生活a real-life drama取材於現實生活的戲劇modern現代生活personal, private個人生活;私生活She did not tolerate press intrusion into her private life.她不能容忍媒體侵擾自己的私生活。inner內心世界Only his wife had access to his inner life.只有他的妻子能進入他的內心世界。family, married家庭/婚姻生活domestic, home居家生活social社交生活love, sex愛情生活;性生活public經常拋頭露面的生活His fame was so sudden that he was unprepared for public life.他一夜成名,還沒做好當公眾人物的準備。academic, business, cultural, economic, intellectual, political, professional, school, spiritual學術/商務/文化/經濟/知性/政治/職業/學校/精神生活civic市民生活night (usually nightlife) 夜生活What's the nightlife like in the town?這個鎮的夜生活怎麼樣?city, village, etc.城市、鄉村等生活rural, urban田園/都市生活VERB + LIFEbuild, rebuild創建/重建生活He built his whole life around his children.他一生都以子女為中心。She is still rebuilding her life after the accident.事故後她還在重建自己的生活。LIFE + VERBbe complicated, be unfair生活複雜/不公be precious, be sacred生活珍貴/神聖PHRASESan attitude to life, an outlook on life, a philosophy of life, a view of life生活態度;人生觀;生活哲學I've always had a fairly optimistic outlook on life.我對生活總是抱着一種相當樂觀的心態。a love of life對生活的熱愛He always had a great love of life.他一向非常熱愛生活。a man in your life, a woman in your life生命中的男人/女人There has only been one woman in his life.他一生中只有一個女人。see sth of life見世面I wanted to see something of life before I settled down.我想先見見世面再安頓下來。the... side of life生活的⋯面His time in London was his first glimpse of the seamier side of life.在倫敦的時候他初次見到了生活的陰暗面。want sth from life, want sth out of life在生活中尋求⋯They both seem to want the same things out of life.他們倆的人生追求看上去是相同的。


5way of living生活方式ADJECTIVE | VERB + LIFE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfulfilling, good, great, happy, perfect, wonderful富有成就的/舒適的/快樂的/幸福的/完美的/美妙的生活lonely, miserable, sad, unhappy寂寞的/痛苦的/悲傷的/不幸的生活boring乏味的生活difficult, hard艱難的/艱辛的生活easy安逸的生活charmed似有神靈保護的生活active, busy, hectic積極的/忙碌的/緊張忙亂的生活exciting刺激的生活full充實的生活peaceful, quiet安寧的/平靜的生活simple簡單的生活normal, ordinary正常的/普通的生活healthy健康的生活sheltered備受呵護的生活double雙重(人格的)生活He had been leading a double life, married to two women.他和兩個女人結了婚,過着雙重生活。secret秘密生活VERB + LIFEhave, lead, live過生活She leads a busy social life.她的社交生活繁忙。enjoy享受生活change改變生活方式Learning meditation changed her life.學習冥想改變了她的生活。dominate, take over支配/控制生活He never let his work dominate his life.他從不會讓工作主宰自己的生活。ruin毀壞生活He ruined his life through drinking.喝酒毀了他的一生。enrich豐富生活PHRASESbuild a new life, make a new life, start a new life建立新生活;開始新生活They went to Australia to start a new life.他們去澳大利亞開始了新生活。enjoy life to the full, live life to the full充分享受生活He always believed in living life to the full.他一向崇尚要好好享受生活。the high life奢華的生活They were enjoying the high life in the smartest hotels of New York.他們正在紐約最高級的賓館裏享受着燈紅酒綠的生活。live a life of...過⋯的生活They're living a life of luxury in the Bahamas.他們在巴哈馬過着奢華的生活。a/the pace of life生活節奏The pace of life is much gentler on the island.島上的生活節奏慢多了。the quality of life生活質量He gave up his high-flying job and now enjoys a better quality of life.他放棄了如日中天的工作,正享受更高品質的生活。a way of life生活方式She loved the Spanish way of life and immediately felt at home there.她喜歡西班牙的生活,一到那裏就覺得舒適自在。


6liveliness生命力VERB + LIFE | PHRASES VERB + LIFEcome to煥發生機The city only comes to life at night.這個城市只有在晚上才會煥發生機。breathe, bring sth to, inject(給⋯)帶來生機They need some new, younger staff to breathe some life into the company.他們需要一些年輕的新員工為公司注入生機。burst with, hum with, teem with充滿生機a child bursting with life充滿活力的孩子PHRASESbreathe new life into sb/sth(給⋯)注入新的生機He hopes the development will breathe new life into the community.他希望此次開發會給社區注入新的生機。full of life精力旺盛It's nice to see an old man still so full of life.真高興看見精力依然如此充沛的老人。
BNC: 128 COCA: 114
life noun
life1 (no signs of life) life2 (all your life) life3 (make life easier) energy2 (inject some new life into the project) nature2 (marine/pond life) real life fact a/the/sb's way of life life3


no signs of life 没有生命迹象all your life 一辈子make life easier 使生活轻松些life ♦︎ existence ♦︎ survivalThese are all words for the state or fact of living or existing. 这些词均表示生存、存活或存在。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb / sth's very / continued / day-to-day existence / survivalto threaten sb / sth's life / existence / survivalto fight for your life / survivala struggle for existence / survival life [uncountable, countable] the state or fact of being alive as a person, animal or plant, shown by activities such as breathing, growing and reproducing; the state of being alive as a human being; an individual person's existence 生命;性命;人命;人的存活The body was cold and showed no signs of life.那具躯体冰凉,没有一点儿生命迹象。In spring the countryside bursts into life.春天乡村里一片生机盎然。The floods caused a massive loss of life (= many people were killed).洪水造成许多人丧生。He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire.他冒着生命危险把女儿从火中救了出来。The operation saved her life.手术挽救了她的生命。My grandfather lost his life (= was killed) in the Second World War.我祖父在第二次世界大战中丧生。You mustn't let anyone know-it's a matter of life and death (= sb's life depends on it).你千万别告诉任何人-这可是件生死攸关的事。The life of a thing is the period of time when it exists or functions. 事物的life指的是它的存在期或有效期The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop.国际证券交易所起初是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。The product has a guaranteed shelf life (= the length of time that food or other items can be kept before it is too old to be sold) of 60 days.这种产品的保存期为60天。 OPP death dead see also live exist , live survive existence [uncountable] the state or fact of being real or living 存在;生存I was unaware of his existence until today.直到今天我才知道有他这么个人。This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最古老的希伯来语手稿。Pakistan came into existence as an independent country after the war.战后巴基斯坦成为一个独立的国家。The crisis threatens the industry's continued existence.那次危机对这个行业的继续生存构成了威胁。 see also exist exist survival [uncountable] the state of continuing to live or exist, often in spite of difficulty or danger (继续)生存,存活;幸存His only chance of survival was to make his own way down the mountainside.只有找到下山的路,他才有望能活下来。Rhino poaching is now threatening the survival of the species.偷猎犀牛目前已危及这个物种的生存。Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.出口对经济发展是必不可少的。OPP extinction Extinction is a situation in which a plant, animal, way of life, etc. stops existing. * extinction指某种动物、植物或生活方式等不复存在、灭绝、消亡The mountain gorilla is in danger of extinction.山地大猩猩有灭绝的危险。 see also survive survive life2


no signs of life 没有生命迹象all your life 一辈子make life easier 使生活轻松些life ♦︎ career ♦︎ lifetime ♦︎ in sb's dayThese are all words for the time during which sb is alive or is doing a particular thing. 这些词均表示人的一生或某段生活经历。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in / of sb's life / career / lifetime / dayduring sb's life / career / lifetimesb's entire / whole life / career / lifetimesb's school life / careera life / career / lifetime of doing sth life [countable, uncountable] the period between sb's birth and their death; a part of this period 一生;终身;人生中的某个时期He's lived here all his life.他在这里已经住了一辈子。He will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.他将在轮椅上度过余生。My mother took up tennis late in life.我母亲晚年打起了网球。There's no such thing as a job for life any longer.不会再有终身职业这回事了。She is a life member of the club.她是这个俱乐部的终身会员。He spent his entire adult life in France.他整个成年时期都是在法国度过的。 see also live exist career [countable] the period of time that you spend in your life working or doing a particular thing 生涯;一段工作经历She started her career as an English teacher.她以当英语教师开始了自己的职业生涯。He is playing the best tennis of his career.他正处于自己网球事业的巅峰时期。Her stage career spans sixty years.她的舞台生涯长达六十年。 lifetime ˈlaɪftaɪm [countable, usually singular] the length of time that sb lives or that sth lasts 一生;有生之年;(某物的)存在期限,使用寿命Only two volumes of his poetry were published during his lifetime.他生前只出版了两本诗集。He has nothing to look forward to but a lifetime of misery.他的生活没有任何盼头,只有无尽的痛苦。These spending commitments are not achievable in the lifetime of the present government.这些开支承诺在本届政府的任期内是完成不了的。For the chance of a lifetime (= a wonderful opportunity that you are not likely to get again) fill in the coupon below and send it to the following address.这个机会千载难逢,请填写下面的参赛表格并邮寄至下述地址。 in sb's ˈday


during the middle or most important part of sb's career; when sb was young (某人的)昔日盛时,鼎盛时期;年轻时;当年In her day she was one of the most famous dancers in Britain.当年她曾是英国最著名的舞蹈演员之一。It was different in my day, there were plenty of jobs when you left school.我年轻时情况截然相反,毕业后就业机会很多。 Of sb's/the day is used to talk about a particular period of time when sb lived or which has already been mentioned. * of sb's/the day指某人生活的时代或前面提及的一段时期He was regarded as the greatest architect of his day.他被认为是他那个时代最伟大的建筑师。The event attracted all the great names and popular artists of the day.那个活动吸引了当时所有杰出人物和当红艺术家出席。 see also day period


no signs of life 没有生命迹象all your life 一辈子make life easier 使生活轻松些life ♦︎ experience ♦︎ lifestyle ♦︎ way of life ♦︎ living ♦︎ existenceThese are all words for the way in which people live. 这些词均表示人的生活方式。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(sb's) day-to-day life / experience / living / existence(sb's) daily / everyday life / experience / existencea comfortable / busy life / lifestyle / existencea miserable / communal life / existencea traditional lifestyle / way of lifeto have / lead / enjoy a ... life / lifestyle / existence life [countable] the activities and experiences of a person during their life; a particular period of sb's life; the activities and experiences that are typical of all people or a particular way of living 个人生活;生活经历;(某种方式的)生活He has had a hard life.他一直过着艰难的生活。She led a life of luxury.她那时过着奢侈的生活。Many of these children have led very sheltered lives (= they have not had many different experiences).这些孩子很多都是温室里的花朵。He doesn't like to talk about his private life.他不愿谈及自己的私生活。She has a full social life.她的社交活动非常频繁。They emigrated to start a new life in America.他们移居美国,开始了新的生活。She has been an accountant all her working life.她在整个职业生涯里一直是会计师。They were very happy throughout their married life.他们婚后的生活一直非常幸福。He is young and has little experience of life.他还年轻,缺乏生活经验。We bought a dishwasher to make life easier.为使生活轻松些,我们买了一台洗碗机。In real life (= when she met him) he wasn't how she had imagined him at all.一见面才发现,他完全不是她所想象的那样。She enjoyed political life.她喜欢政治生活。How do you find life in America?你觉得美国的生活如何? experience [uncountable] the things that have happened to you that influence the way you think and behave 经历;阅历Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair.经历过的事使我懂得生活有时是很不公平的。It is important to try and learn from experience.努力从经验中学习是很重要的。In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.据我的经验看,很少有人真正理解这个问题。She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily.她凭以往的经验知道,安是不会轻易放弃的。The book is based on personal experience.这本书是根据个人经历写成的。He has had direct / first-hand experience of poverty.他对贫穷有着切身感受。 see also experience event noun 1 , experience knowledge noun , experience have verb 3 lifestyle ˈlaɪfstaɪl [countable, uncountable] the way in which a person or a group of people lives and works 生活方式;工作方式She has had to curb her lavish lifestyle after losing millions in legal fees.损失了数百万诉讼费之后,她只得收敛自己挥霍无度的生活方式。Many people are trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle these days.如今许多人正试图选择一种健康的生活方式。 a way of ˈlife sb's way of ˈlife the way of ˈlife


the typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group (个人或群体)特有的行为模式,典型的生活方式Making small adjustments to your way of life can allow you to find more time.对生活方式做一点小小的调整会使你有更多的时间。The expansion in tourism is seen as a threat to the islanders' traditional way of life.旅游业的扩张被视为对岛上居民传统生活方式的威胁。NOTE 辨析 Lifestyle or way of life?Often you can use either word. 这两个词常可通用to change / make adjustments to your lifestyle / way of life改变/调整你的生活方式However, a lifestyle is typically more modern and more individual than a way of life. An individual person might have a busy/hectic lifestyle or choose to adopt a modern/healthy/alternative lifestyle. A way of life is more likely to be traditional, old or British, Western, etc. and shared by a whole community. 不过,lifestyle通常比way of life更富现代感和个性化,一个人可能有一种busy/hectic lifestyle,或选取一种modern/healthy/alternative lifestyle;way of life更多与traditional、old或British、Western等词搭配,而且是整个群体共有的。
living [uncountable] (especially in compounds or fixed phrases 尤用于构成复合词或固定短语) a way or style of life 生活方式The classes are about helping children make informed choices about healthy living.这些课程旨在帮助孩子对健康的生活方式作出明智的选择。The prisoners' living conditions were appalling.囚犯的生活条件极为恶劣。Their standard of living is very low.他们的生活水平很低。The cost of living has risen sharply.生活成本已急剧上涨。 existence [countable] a way of living, especially when this is difficult or boring (尤指艰难或无聊的)生活,生活方式The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped and noisy apartment.这家人在一个狭小而又吵闹的公寓里艰难度日。They eke out a precarious existence (= they have hardly enough money to live on).他们勉强过着朝不保夕的生活。The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence (= in order to continue to live).农民靠丰收才能活命。
BNC: 128 COCA: 114
General words for life: life, lifespan, lifetime...
Ways of life: life, lifestyle, existence...
General words meaning event: episode, event, incident...
Alive: alive, living, live...
General words for living things: animal, creature, organism...
Actions in playing games or sports: backhand, backhander, ball...

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