freeway• Hfreewayretrofit and replacement, sourcesfamiliar with it said Monday.• Like trafficcaught in rush hour, freewayconstruction moves glacially -- especially when well-organized locals try to spike it.• Gallegos said the expressway could be built by 2005 and later expanded into a six-lane freeway.• To the northliesfreeway and its speeding traffic.• The more freewayaccess there is, the less San Franciscans have to share their streets with out-of-towners.• His city has pushed for the freeway for four decades, saying that its streets have been clogged by run-off traffic.• Rising all around are thick walls of rough-cut travertine, the slightly goldenstone that dominates the view from the freeway.• Caltrans says it could begin work on the freeway renovation by 2000.• the Ventura Freeway