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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
propose verb
propose (propose an idea) intend (What do you propose to do?)


 See also the entry for recommend 1 另见recommend条第1义propose ♦︎ suggest ♦︎ put sth forward ♦︎ move ♦︎ advance ♦︎ mootThese words all mean to tell people about a plan, idea or theory for them to discuss or consider. 这些词均表示建议、提议。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to propose / suggest / put forward / advance / moot sth as sthto propose / suggest / be put forward / move / be mooted that...to propose / suggest / put forward / advance / moot an ideato propose / put forward / advance / moot a planto propose / suggest / put forward / moot a schemeto propose / suggest / put forward / advance a solutionto propose / put forward / advance a theoryto put forward / advance / moot a proposalto propose / suggest / put forward a / an change / measure / alternativeto propose / put forward / advance a view propose [transitive] (rather formal) to tell people about a plan or idea for them to think about and decide on; to tell people about a plan or idea at a formal meeting and ask them to vote on it; to suggest an explanation of sth for people to consider 提议;建议;提出⋯供表决;提供(解释)The measures have been proposed as a way of improving standards.提议采取这些措施是为了提高质量。He proposed changing the name of the company.他建议更改公司的名称。It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years.有人提议当选主席任期为两年。It was proposed to pay the money from public funds.有人建议用公款支付这笔钱。He will propose a motion (= be the main speaker in support of an idea) in tomorrow's debate.他将在明天的辩论会上提出一项动议。She proposed a possible solution to the mystery.她为这不解之谜提出了一个合理的解释。 see also oppose oppose , second support 1 , table present 3 suggest [transitive] to tell people about a plan or idea for them to think about 建议;提议I suggest (that) we go out to eat.我提议咱们出去吃吧。I suggested going in my car.我提议坐我的车去。He suggested to the committee that they should delay making a decision.他向委员会建议延期决定。It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early.有人提议天资聪明的孩子提前考试。The report suggested a two-stage process.该报告建议分两个阶段进行。 ˌput sth ˈforward

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put) (rather formal) to tell people about a plan or idea for them to discuss, usually so that sth can be decided 提出,提议,建议(以便作出决策)Several suggestions were put forward for possible venues.关于场地,已经提出了几个建议。He put forward some very convincing arguments.他提出了一些相当有说服力的论据。NOTE 辨析 Propose, suggest or put forward? Suggest is often used in less formal situations than propose or put sth forward, especially when making personal suggestions or arrangements. 与propose和put sth forward相比,suggest常用于不太正式的场合,尤指提出个人的建议和安排I suggest that we go out to eat.我提议咱们出去吃。You can say 'I propose that we go out to eat.' but this sounds very formal. Put sth forward is not used with I in this way. 可以说I propose that we go out to eat,但这听起来非常正式。表达此义时put sth forward的主语不能是II put forward that we go out to eat. Suggest is sometimes less certain than propose or put sth forward: you might suggest sth in order to be helpful, or in a gentle way because you are not sure how welcome your suggestion will be; you are more likely to propose or put sth forward in a confident way and when you definitely want your idea to be accepted. When sth is to be considered in a formal process it is more usual to use propose or put sth forward. * suggest有时显得不如propose或put sth forward有把握,suggest表示提出建议是为了有所帮助,或不清楚他人是否乐于听取而出言谨慎。propose或put sth forward较常指自信地提出建议,绝对希望被采纳。通过正式程序提出建议或动议时较常用propose或put sth forwardThey are ready to discuss plans proposed / put forward by the UN.他们准备就联合国提出的方案进行讨论。They are ready to discuss plans suggested by the UN. You can put forward but not propose or suggest a suggestion or argument. * put forward可以后接suggestion或argument,但propose和suggest不可以。
move [transitive] (formal) to suggest sth formally, for example in parliament or in a formal debate, so that it can be discussed and decided (正式地)提出,提议(如在国会或正式辩论会上)I move that a vote be taken on this.我提议就此进行投票。The Opposition moved an amendment to the Bill.反对派对法案提出了修正案。 advance [transitive] (formal) to suggest an idea, theory or plan for people to discuss 提出(想法、理论或计划供讨论)The article advances a new theory to explain changes in the climate.这篇文章提出了一个新的理论来解释气候变化。Advance is a more formal way of saying put sth forward; it is used especially in theoretical contexts, to talk about an idea, a theory, a thesis, an explanation or an argument, although it can also be used in practical contexts to talk about plans and solutions. * advance比put sth forward正式,尤用于理论研究的语境,宾语可以是idea、theory、thesis、explanation或argument。当然advance也可用于实际生活语境,表示提出计划和解决方案。 moot muːt [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to suggest a plan for people to discuss 提出⋯供讨论The idea was first mooted at last week's meeting.这一想法在上周的会议上首次提出。It had been mooted that there should be a study period after school.有人提出放学后应该有自习时间。An idea is usually mooted at a fairly early stage of thinking, before all the details have been worked out into a definite proposal. * moot通常指提出一个初步的想法,有待研究相关细节后才能提出确切的建议。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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