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Word family
com·ment1 /ˈkɒment $ ˈkɑː-/ ●●● S1 W2 AWL noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]OPINION an opinion that you express about someone or something 意见,评论 SYN remark
comment on/about
 his comments about asylum seekers
 He was fined for making abusive comments to the referee.
no comment (=used by people in public life when they do not want to answer questions) 无可奉告〔公众人物不想回答问题时说的话〕
2 [uncountableU]CRITICIZE criticism or discussion of something someone has said or done 〔对某人所说的话或所做的事情的〕批评;议论
 The speech received much comment in the press.
3 be a comment on something SHOW/BE A SIGN OFto be a sign of the bad quality of something 是反映某事物不足之处的标志,是某事的写照
 The number of adults who cannot read is a sad comment on the quality of our schools.
Examples from the Corpus
make a comment 作出评论
Everyone was making appreciative comments about the delicious food.
have a comment (=want to make a comment) 有意见要发表
Do you have any comments on that, David?
pass (a) comment British EnglishBrE (=give an opinion) 发表看法
He looked at my photos but he didn’t pass comment.
invite comment(s) (=ask people to give an opinion) 邀请别人作出评论
The website invites comments from people who visit it.
welcome comments (=be glad to hear people’s opinions) 欢迎评论
nWe would welcome your comments and suggestions.
receive comments 获得评论
nIt is very helpful to receive comments from the public.
a brief/quick comment 简短的评论
I just want to make a very brief comment.
a helpful/constructive comment (=one that helps you make progress) 有用/有建设性的意见
Pay close attention to your teacher’s constructive comments.
a positive/negative comment 正面/负面的评论
There were some very positive comments in the report.
a critical comment 批评
The school has received critical comments from inspectors.
(a) fair comment (=a criticism that is reasonable) 公正的批评
I accepted as fair comment 90% of what he said.
a snide comment (=unkind and made in a secret or indirect way) 挖苦的话语
nShe made some really snide comments about you when you weren’t here.
a disparaging/derogatory comment (=criticizing someone or something in an unpleasant way) 贬低的话语
nNever make disparaging comments about a colleague’s work.
na scathing/damning comment (=a very critical one)
There were a lot of scathing comments about the film.
an appreciative comment (=showing that you think something is good or nice) 褒扬的话语
nAppreciative comments may improve your staff’s performance.
a sarcastic comment (=in which you say the opposite of what you mean, as an unkind joke) 讽刺的话语
nI tried to stay calm, despite his sarcastic comments.
na casual comment (=not very serious or important)
I only made a casual comment about finding the work a bit boring.
a passing comment (=a quick comment made without thinking about it very carefully) 脱口而出的话
nShe got upset about a passing comment I made about her clothes.
na shrewd comment (=good at judging people or situations)
His newspaper article is always full of shrewd comments.
na wry comment (=saying that something is bad in an amusing way)
‘Perhaps the food could be improved, ’ was the wry comment of one prisoner.
na bitter comment (=an angry one)
Several pensioners passed some bitter comments.
na public comment
The jury are forbidden from making public comments.
comment something that you say or write in order to give your opinion 评论,意见
Does anyone have any comments?
Readers are invited to send in their comments and suggestions.
remark something that you say 话语,言语
Just ignore them if they start making rude remarks.
I’m not sure what he meant by that last remark.
point something that someone mentions about a subject in a discussion, argument, article etc 论点,观点
That’s an interesting point, Steve.
He raises (=mentions) a number of important points in his paper.
observation a comment in which you say what you think or have noticed about something 〔根据所见所闻提出的〕看法,观点
Karl Marx made the observation that history repeats itself first as tragedy, second as farce.
卡尔·马克思说过: 历史总在重复——第一次是悲剧,第二次是闹剧。
aside a comment made in a low voice, that you intend only certain people to hear 悄悄话,低声说的话
‘Is that true?’ she whispered in an aside to Don.
quip /kwɪp/ a clever and amusing comment 俏皮话
She knew she should reply with some light-hearted quip.
dig informal a comment you make to annoy or criticize someone 挖苦的话
I’m tired of her little digs at me.
taunt /tɔːnt $ tɒːnt/ a comment intended to make someone angry or upset 辱骂,奚落,嘲笑,挑衅的言辞
The fans made racist taunts throughout the game.
Examples from the Corpus
comment2 ●●○ S3 W3 AWL verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]  
SAYto express an opinion about someone or something 评论;发表意见 SYN remark
comment on
 People were always commenting on his size.
comment that
 Smith’s lawyer commented that the decision was ‘outrageous’.
see thesaurus at say
Examples from the Corpus
Origin comment1
(1300-1400) Late Latin commentum, from Latin, invention, from comminisci to invent


ADJECTIVE | VERB + COMMENT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief短評fair合理的意見What she said was fair comment. (BrE) 她的評論很合理。What she said was a fair comment. (NAmE) 她的評論很合理。favourable/favorable, nice, positive正面的評論;中聽的意見adverse, derogatory, disparaging, negative, unfavourable/unfavorable不利的評論;誹謗性的評論;貶損的評論;負面的評論critical批評意見Highly critical comments have been made about the conduct of some politicians.一些政客的行為受到了十分嚴厲的批評。a book with critical comment on the various strands of feminism一本對形形色色女權主義進行批判的書hostile, snarky (NAmE, informal) , snide, unfair不友善的/尖刻的/挖苦的/不公正的評論
caustic, scathing刻薄的/尖刻的評論rude, sardonic, smart-ass (NAmE, informal) , stupid粗魯無禮的/嘲諷的/自作聰明的/愚蠢的評論
ironic, sarcastic, wry挖苦的/諷刺的/嘲弄的評論witty妙趣橫生的評論constructive, helpful, useful, valuable建設性的/有益的/有用的/有價值的意見incisive, insightful, interesting, perceptive, shrewd深刻的/有見解的/有意思的/犀利的/精明的評論cryptic含義隱晦的評論uninformed (especially BrE) 無知的話語general一般性評論detailed詳細評論casual, offhand, off-the-cuff, passing, throwaway非正式的評論;唐突的意見;即興的評論;隨便的評論;衝口而出的評語He made a few casual comments to her about her hair and now she's chopped it all off!他隨便評論了幾句她的頭髮,她就把頭髮都剪了!This idea deserves more than passing comment.這個想法值得慎重考慮。editorial, official, personal, press, public社論;官方評論;個人意見;新聞評論;公眾評價Editorial comment in the press tended to support the government in this matter.在這一問題上,報界的社論傾向於支持政府一方。written書面評論political, social政治/社會評論Her novels were a vehicle for shrewd social comment.她的小說是傳達她精闢的社會評論的媒介。sad令人遺憾的評論The attack is a sad comment on the public's understanding of mental illness.這種抨擊反映出公眾對精神疾病並不理解。VERB + COMMENThave, make, pass評論;進行評論;發表評論If you have any comments, please send them to the above address.如果有任何意見,請寄往上述地址。She made a cryptic comment about how the movie mirrored her life.她暗示這部電影是她人生的寫照。I would prefer not to pass comment before I have more information on the case.在我沒有得到更多關於這件事的信息之前,我寧願不發表意見。give, offer給出/提出意見add, leave, post (= on the Internet) , send, submit, write補充意見;留下評論;(在網上)發帖評論;發送意見;呈交意見;寫評論Feel free to post your comments if you have any.有意見歡迎隨時發帖評論。read讀評論hear聽取意見attract, cause, draw, elicit, excite引來評論;激起評論The article attracted much adverse comment.這篇文章引來了眾多非議。appreciate, invite, seek, welcome感謝評論;徵求意見;尋求意見;歡迎評論The school has invited comments from parents about the new curriculum.學校向家長徵求有關新課程設置的意見。get, receive收到意見We have received many helpful comments from fellow-sufferers.我們收到了病友的很多有益意見。decline (NAmE) 謝絕評論KPJ officials declined comment.南斯拉夫共產黨的官員謝絕評論。disregard, ignore不理會評論direct把評論對準She directed all her comments at Steve.她所有的意見都是針對史蒂夫的。PREPOSITIONwithout comment未作評論地She accepted his diagnosis without comment.她默然接受了他的診斷結果。comment about, comment on關於⋯的評論a general comment on the weather天氣概述comment from來自⋯的評論We welcome comments from readers.我們歡迎來自讀者的意見。PHRASESbe available for comment, be unavailable for comment有時間/無暇作出評論The spokesman was not available for comment last night.昨晚發言人無暇作出評論。no comment無可奉告When asked about the allegations, the chairman replied 'no comment'.當被問到有關傳聞時,主席回答“無可奉告”。a source of comment引發意見的緣由His visits were the source of much comment.他的訪問引發了大量評論。questions and comments問題與評論Viewers are encouraged to phone in questions and comments.鼓勵觀眾打電話提問和評論。


ADVERB | VERB + COMMENT | PREPOSITION ADVERBfavourably/favorably有利地評論adversely, critically, unfavourably/unfavorably不利地/批判地/負面地評論bitterly, sarcastically尖刻地/諷刺地評論drily, wryly冷淡地/挖苦地評論quietly, softly平靜地/溫和地評論publicly公開評論VERB + COMMENTdecline to, refuse to拒絕評論The president refused to comment on the affair.總統拒絕評論此事。PREPOSITIONabout評論有關⋯的事People were commenting about her abilities.人們在評論她的能力。on評論⋯He refused to comment on the proposals.他拒絕對這些建議發表意見。to向⋯發表意見She commented to me that she liked it.她對我表示喜歡它。
comment noun


comment ♦︎ note ♦︎ remark ♦︎ observeThese words all mean to say or write a fact or opinion. 这些词均表示说明事实或发表意见。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to comment / remark on sthto comment / remark / observe to sbto comment / note / remark / observe that...to comment on / note / remark / observe how...to comment / note / remark / observe drily / wrylyto comment / remark / observe coolly / acidly / casually comment [intransitive, transitive] to express an opinion or give facts about sth 发表意见;说明事实;议论说He refused to comment until after the trial.审判结束之前他拒绝发表评论。We were just commenting on how well you look.我们刚才正说你看起来多么健康。'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her.“这不是他的最佳表现。”她对坐在旁边的女士议论道。 see also comment statement noun note [transitive] (rather formal) to mention sth because it is important or interesting (因重要或有趣)特别提到,指出It is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices.值得指出的是最成功的公司价格最低。 Note is often used to draw sb's attention to an important or interesting fact. * note常表示提醒别人注意重要或有趣的事情Visitors should note that the tower is not open to the public.游客请注意:该塔不对公众开放。There are two other points to note from this graph.这一图表有另外两点需要特别提一下。 remark [intransitive, transitive] to say or write what you have noticed about a situation 说起;谈论;评论The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.众评委说明了参赛作品的高水准。Critics remarked that the play was not original.评论家指出这部戏剧缺乏创意。 see also remark statement noun observe əbˈzɜːv; NAmE əbˈzɜːrv [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (formal) to say or write what you have noticed about a situation 说起;谈论;评论She observed that it was getting late.她说天色晚了。 see also observation statement noun NOTE 辨析 Comment, remark or observe?If you comment on sth you say sth about it; if you remark on sth or observe sth, you say sth about it that you have noticed: there is often not much difference between them. However, while you can refuse to comment, you cannot 'refuse to remark' or 'refuse to observe'. * comment on表示谈论某事,remark on或observe表示谈论或评论注意到的事物。这几个词通常无太大区别。不过,拒绝评论可以用refuse to comment,不能用refuse to remark或refuse to observeHe refused to remark/observe until after the trial.
Comments and remarks: acknowledgment, afterthought, allusion...
Discussions and debates: discussion, debate, argument...
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...

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