Word familynounInsectainsectariuminsecticideinsectifugeInsectivorainsectivoreinsectologistinsectologyinsectadjectiveinsecticidalinsectiforminsectileinsectivorous
insectivore• It is related to the hedgehog, or rather it belongs to the same family of insectivores.• The very first mammals were small insectivores, probably very similar to this moderntreeshrew.• In addition to these spinyinsectivores there are two other armouredspecies, the extraordinaryhero shrews.• Again, the insectivores in closely related groups can coexist, whereas this is rare in the frugivores.• Until recently they were thought to be primitive primates but now science has put them firmly among the insectivores.• A great diversification of herbivorous and carnivorous forms developed from the insectivores.• The most primitive representatives are extremely similar to the insectivores.• It is thought that the very first placental mammals were tinyinsectivores, but no fossilevidence of them remains.