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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 3975 COCA: 3493


Word family
Related topics: Household, Business basics
ldoce_115_efold1 /fəʊld $ foʊld/ ●●○ W3 verb  
1 bend 折叠 [transitiveT]FOLD to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc by laying or pressing one part over another 折叠,对折
 Fold the paper along the dotted line.
 It’ll fit in if you fold it in half.
fold something over/under/down etc
 Spoon the filling onto the dough, fold it over, and press down the edges.
2 smaller/neater 更小/更整齐 [transitiveT] (also fold up)DH to fold something several times so that it makes a small neat shape 折起,叠好 unfold
 I wish you kids would fold up your clothes!
 He folded the map neatly.
3 furniture etc 家具等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DHFFOLD if something such as a piece of furniture folds, or you fold it, you make it smaller or move it to a different position by bending it 可折叠;折叠
 The chairs fold flat for storage.
fold (something) away/up/down etc
 a useful little bed that folds away when you don’t need it
 Can you fold the shutters back?
4 fold your arms BENDto bend your arms so that they rest together against your body 交叉[交叠]双臂
 George stood silently with his arms folded.
Examples from the Corpus
5. business 企业 [intransitiveI] (also fold up)BB if an organization folds, it closes because it does not have enough money to continue 倒闭,歇业
6 cover 覆盖 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]COVER to cover something, especially by wrapping it in material or putting your hand over it 包,裹
fold something in something
 a silver dagger folded in a piece of white cloth
7. fold somebody in your arms literaryHOLD to hold someone closely by putting your arms around them 把某人抱在怀里
Examples from the Corpus
8fold something ↔ in (also fold something into something) phrasal verbphr v DFCto gently mix another substance into a mixture when you are preparing food 〔准备食物时〕拌入,把调入
 Next, fold in the sugar.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Agriculture, Geology
fold2 ●○○ noun [countableC]  
1 line 线条FOLD a line made in paper or material when you fold one part of it over another 〔纸张或材料上的〕褶,折痕,裥
 Bend back the card and cut along the fold.
5  See picture of fold a chair 折椅子, fold your arms 交叠双臂, fold clothes 叠衣服4  See picture of 见图 fold
2 skin/material 皮肤/材料 [usually plural]CF the folds in material, skin etc are the loose parts that hang over other parts of it 〔材料、皮肤等的〕褶子,褶皱,折叠处
 Her dress hung in soft folds.
3 the fold PMEMBERthe group of people that you belong to and share the same beliefs and ideas as 同一群体的人,志同道合的人
return to/come back into the fold
 The Church will welcome him back into the fold.
stray from/leave the fold
 a former advocate of free market economics who had strayed from the fold
Examples from the Corpus
4. sheepTA a small area of a field surrounded by a wall or fence where sheep are kept for safety 羊圈,羊栏 SYN pen, → corral
5. rock 岩石 technicalHEG a bend in layers of rock, caused by underground movements in the earth 〔岩石层的〕褶皱
Examples from the Corpus
-fold /fəʊld $ foʊld/ suffix 
1 [in adjectives]TYPE of a particular number of kinds 部分组成的
 The government’s role in health care is twofold: first, to provide the resources and, second, to make them work better for patients.
政府在医疗保健方面的作用有两个: 一是提供资源,二是使资源更好地为患者服务。
2 [in adverbs]INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT a particular number of times
From Longman Business Dictionary
foldfold /fəʊldfoʊld/ (also fold up) verb [intransitiveI]ECONOMICS
if a business folds or folds up, it stops operating or trading because it does not have enough money to continue
The U.K. engineering firm has folded today with the loss of 30 jobs.
His jewellery importing business folded in less than a year.
As the recession deepened, the company folded up.
-fold-fold /fəʊldfoʊld/ suffix
a particular number of times
The value of the house has increased fourfold in the last ten years (=it is now worth four times as much as it was ten years ago).
Origin -fold
Old English -feald
Old English fealdan
1. (1200-1300) → FOLD1
2. Old English falod
TOEFL BNC: 3975 COCA: 3493


1part of sth folded摺叠部份ADJECTIVE | VERB + FOLD | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEloose, soft鬆鬆的褶;柔和的褶deep, heavy深深的褶痕neat整齊的褶痕vertical豎褶VERB + FOLDbe hidden behind, be hidden by, be hidden in隱藏在褶皺之中The troops were hidden by the deep folds of the ground.部隊隱蔽在深深的谷地中。fall in folds, hang in folds起褶;有垂下的褶The fabric fell in soft folds.這織物起了柔和的褶。the heavy folds of his cloak他斗篷中深深的褶痕PREPOSITIONin a/the fold在褶中She hid the note in a fold in her robe.她把便條藏在袍子的一個褶皺裏。fold in⋯中的褶a fold in the land地面上的褶皺PHRASESfolds of flesh, folds of skin肌肉的/皮膚的褶皺the loose folds of flesh under her chin她下巴下鬆鬆的肉褶子


2the fold group of people who feel they belong歸屬的群體ADJECTIVE | VERB + THE FOLD | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEinternational (BrE) 國際社會VERB + THE FOLDjoin加入團體leave離開團體come back into, come back to, return to回歸團體;回到團體中be back in返回團體The country is now firmly back in the international fold.現在這個國家已再次牢牢立身於國際大家庭中。bring sb (back) into, bring sb (back) to使某人(回)到團體中The indigenous people were brought into the Catholic fold.這些原住民皈依了天主教。welcome sb (back) into, welcome sb (back) to歡迎某人(重新)加入團體His father finally accepted him back into the family fold.他父親最終接納他重返家中。PREPOSITIONwithin a/the fold在團體中opposing viewpoints within the international fold國際社會內部的對立觀點


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBcarefully, neatly仔細地/整齊地摺叠He carefully folded the typed sheets and replaced them in the envelope.他小心翼翼地將打有字的紙摺好重新放回信封裏。gently輕輕地摺叠Her hands lay gently folded in her lap.她十指輕輕交叉着放在腿上。loosely, tightly鬆鬆地/緊緊地摺叠in half, in two對摺;一摺為二She folded the piece of paper in half.她把紙對摺起來。back, down, over摺過來;摺起來up摺起I folded up the clothes and put them away.我把衣服叠好收起來。PREPOSITIONinto摺成⋯She folded the clothes into a neat bundle.她把衣服叠成整齊的一包。
TOEFL BNC: 3975 COCA: 3493
fold verb
fold (fold paper/a bed) close2 (a business folds)


fold ♦︎ wrinkle ♦︎ line ♦︎ creaseThese are all words for a line on fabric or on sb's skin. 这些词均表示织物上的皱褶或人皮肤上的皱纹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a fold / crease in stha wrinkle / line on sthwrinkles / lines / creases around the / sb's eyes / mouthdeep folds / wrinkles / lines / creasesfine wrinkles / linesa neat fold / creaseto have wrinkles / lines / creasesto get wrinkles / lineswrinkles / lines appear / form fold [countable] a part of sth, especially fabric, that is folded or hangs as if it had been folded; a mark or line made by folding sth, or showing where sth should be folded 褶;褶痕;褶线The child hid his face in the folds of his mother's skirt.那孩子把脸埋在他妈妈的裙褶里。the loose folds of flesh under her chin她颏下松垂的肉褶Why is the place I want to find always on the fold of the map?为什么我想找的地方总是在地图的褶缝上? wrinkle ˈrɪŋkl [countable, usually plural] a line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that forms as you get older; a small fold that you do not want in a piece of fabric or paper (尤指脸上的)皱纹;(织物或纸上的)皱褶,皱痕There were fine wrinkles around her eyes.她眼角上出现了细细的鱼尾纹。Is there anything you can do to prevent wrinkles?你有什么防止起皱的办法吗? wrinkled


She kissed his wrinkled face.她吻了他满是皱纹的脸。
NOTE 辨析 Fold or wrinkle? Fold is more frequently used about fabric; wrinkle is more frequently used about skin. Folds in fabric are tidy or are made deliberately; wrinkles are usually unwanted, and appear because you have not ironed, folded or hung fabric properly or tidily. * fold多指织物的皱褶,wrinkle多指皮肤的皱纹。fold指织物上整齐的或是有意做出来的褶、褶层,wrinkles通常指织物上因为没有熨平、叠整齐或挂好而出现的难看的皱褶、皱痕I arranged the cloth so that it hung in neat folds.我把布叠好,这样挂起来就会有整齐的褶子。While she was waiting, she anxiously smoothed out the wrinkles in her skirt.她一边等待,一边焦虑地弄平裙子上的皱褶。 Wrinkles in the skin are thin lines; folds in sb's skin or flesh are fatter and occur because the person has loose skin, or because they are overweight. * wrinkle指皮肤上的细纹,fold指因皮肤松弛或体重超标而出现在皮肤或肉上的较厚大的褶子。
line [countable, usually plural] a mark like a line on sb's skin that people usually get as they grow older 皱纹;褶子He has fine lines around his eyes.他的眼角上有细细的鱼尾纹。laughter / frown / worry lines笑纹;眉心纹;愁纹A line in sb's skin may be thinner or less deep than a wrinkle, but in many cases you can use either word. 与wrinkle相比,line指皮肤上较细、较浅的皱纹。但在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。 lined


a deeply lined face布满深深皱纹的脸
crease kriːs [countable] a line that is made in fabric or paper when you press, crush or fold it; a line in the skin, especially on the face (织物或纸上的)褶痕,皱痕;(尤指脸上的)皱纹She smoothed the creases out of her skirt.她把裙子上的皱褶抚平。trousers with a sharp crease in the legs裤线笔挺的裤子She had lots of deep creases at the corners of her eyes.她的眼角上有许多深深的皱纹。 Crease is more often used about fabric or paper than about skin. It can be an untidy line, that appears when you press or crush fabric or paper, or it can be a neat line that you make in sth, for example when you fold it. * crease多指织物或纸上的褶痕而非皮肤上的皱纹。它可以是织物或纸上因为受压而产生的不整齐的皱痕,或是通过折叠等有意做出来的整齐的褶线He ironed out the creases in his shirt.他把他衬衫上的皱褶熨平。My mother always irons creases into my trousers.我母亲总是把我的裤子熨出裤线。 see also crease crumple verb crease


[transitive, intransitive] A frown creased her forehead.她一皱眉,额头显出了皱纹。Her face creased into a smile.她的脸上露出了微笑。


I can't wear this blouse. It's creased.我不能穿这件衬衫,它皱了。


fold ♦︎ tuck ♦︎ roll ♦︎ gatherThese words all mean to arrange sth such as clothing, fabric or paper or by bending or pulling it. 这些词均表示折叠、卷起、收拢。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fold / tuck / roll / gather (sth) upto fold / tuck / gather sth around sb / sth fold [transitive, intransitive] to bend sth, especially paper or fabric, so that one part lies on top of another part; to bend sth so that it becomes smaller or flatter and can be stored or carried more easily; to bend or be able to bend in this way 折叠,对折(纸、织物等);(可)折小,(可)叠平(以便贮存或携带)He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.他把地图折叠起来,放进了衣袋。First, fold the paper in half.首先,把纸对折起来。The blankets had been folded down.毛毯已折叠起来。The bird folded its wings.鸟收起了翅膀。The bed can be folded away during the day.这床在白天可以折叠收起。The table folds up when not in use.这桌子不用时可以折叠起来。OPP unfold spread tuck [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push, fold or turn the ends or edges of fabric, clothes or paper so that they are held in place or look neat 把(织物、衣服或纸张的边缘)塞进,折叠,卷起She tucked up her skirt and waded into the river.她撩起裙子蹚水走进河里。Tuck your shirt in (= into your trousers).把你的衬衫掖进裤子里。Tuck the flap of the envelope in.把信封的口盖塞进信封里。 roll [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to fold the edge of a piece of clothing or fabric over and over on itself to make it shorter 把(衣服或织物的边)卷起来Roll up your sleeves.把你的袖子挽起来。She rolled her jeans to her knees.她把牛仔裤卷到了膝盖处。 gather [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to pull a piece of clothing tighter to your body 收紧,拢起(衣服)She gathered up her skirts and ran.她提起裙摆就跑。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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