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BNC: 1055 COCA: 721


Related topics: Music
hot1 /hɒt $ hɑːt/ ●●● S1 W2 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp hotter, superlativesupl hottest)  
1 high temperature 高温HOT
a) something that is hot has a high temperature – used about weather, places, food, drink, or objects 热的;烫的;炎热的 OPP cold
 a hot day in July
 It’s so hot in here. Can I open the window?
 Be careful, the water’s very hot.
 The bar serves hot and cold food.
 people who live in hot countries (=where the weather is usually hot)
scorching/baking/roasting hot (also boiling/broiling hot American English) (=used about weather that is very hot) 〔天气〕炎热的
 a scorching hot week in August
stifling/sweltering/unbearably hot (=used about weather that is very hot and uncomfortable) 〔天气〕闷热的,热得令人发昏的
 The office gets unbearably hot in summer.
boiling/scalding/steaming hot (=used about liquid that is extremely hot) 〔液体〕滚烫的
 The coffee was scalding hot.
piping hot (=used about food that is nice and hot) 〔食物〕热腾腾的
 Serve the soup piping hot.
red hot (=used to describe an object or surface that is very hot) 〔物体或表面〕炽热的,热得发红的
 The handle was red hot.
white hot (=used to describe metal that is extremely hot) 〔金属〕白热的
 He held the metal in the flame until it became white hot.
b) HOTif you feel hot, your body feels hot in a way that is uncomfortable 〔感觉〕热的,热乎乎的
 I was hot and tired after the journey.
 The wine made her feel hot.
c) if clothes are hot, they make you feel too hot in a way that is uncomfortable 〔衣服〕使人感到热的
 This sweater’s too hot to wear inside.
2 spicy 辣的 food that tastes hot has a burning taste because it contains strong spices 辛辣的 OPP mild
 a hot curry
see thesaurus at taste
3 very popular/fashionable 非常受欢迎的/流行的 informalSUCCESSFUL something or someone that is hot is very popular or fashionable, and everyone wants to use them, see them, buy them etc 很受欢迎的,红极一时的
 one of the hottest young directors in Hollywood
5 Michael Owen is already one of soccer’s hottest properties (= actors or sports players who are very popular ) .
n Gareth Bale is one of soccer’s hottest properties (=actors or sports players who are very popular).
 The movie is going to be this summer’s hot ticket (=an event that is very popular or fashionable, and that everyone wants to go and see).
be the hottest thing since (sliced bread) (=used about someone or something that is very good and popular, so that everyone wants them) 热门人物;抢手货
4 good 好的 informal very good, especially in a way that is exciting 非常棒的
 a hot young guitar player
 a hot piece of software
 His new film is hot stuff (=very good).
be hot at doing something
 She’s pretty hot at swimming, too.
not so hot/not very hot informal (=not very good) 不太行
 Some of the tracks on the record are great, but others are not so hot.
be hot shit American EnglishAmE informal not polite (=used about someone or something that people think is very good) 真他妈的棒
5 sexy 性感的
6 difficult/dangerous 困难的/危险的 [not before noun] informalPROBLEM difficult or dangerous to deal with 棘手的,难办的
7 a hot issue/topic etc DISAGREEa subject that a lot of people are discussing, especially one that causes a lot of disagreement 热门话题
Examples from the Corpus
8. in the hot seat in an important position and responsible for making difficult decisions 处于责任重大的位置
Examples from the Corpus
9 in hot water SERIOUS SITUATIONif someone is in hot water, they are in trouble because they have done something wrong 〔因做错事而〕陷入困境
Examples from the Corpus
10 angry 愤怒的ANGRY
11 hot and bothered informal upset and confused because you have too much to think about or because you are in a hurry 烦躁不安的,焦急的;被搞糊涂的
Examples from the Corpus
12 have/hold something in your hot little hand informal used to emphasize that you have something 拥有某物〔用于强调〕
13 recent/exciting news 最近的/令人激动的消息INTERESTING hot news is about very recent events and therefore interesting or exciting 最近的,令人兴奋的
14. be hot off the press if news or a newspaper is hot off the press, it has just recently been printed 〔消息〕刚见报;〔报纸〕刚印好
Examples from the Corpus
15 chasing SB/STH closely 紧追某人/某物
16 come/follow hot on the heels of something AFTERto happen or be done very soon after something else 紧接某事之后发生
Examples from the Corpus
17 hot on the trail of something very close to finding something 快要找到[发现]某事物
Examples from the Corpus
18 blow/go hot and cold to keep changing your mind about whether you like or want to do something 摇摆不定,反复无常
Examples from the Corpus
19. go hot and cold to experience a strange feeling in which your body temperature suddenly changes, because you are very frightened, worried, or shocked 〔因害怕、担心或震惊而〕感到浑身一阵热一阵冷
Examples from the Corpus
20 I don’t feel too hot/so hot/very hot spoken informal I feel slightly ill 我有点不舒服
21 be hot on something informal
Examples from the Corpus
22 be hot for something informal to be ready for something and want it very much 渴望某事物
Examples from the Corpus
23 be hot to trot informal
Examples from the Corpus
24 hot competition if the competition between people or companies is hot, they are all trying very hard to win or succeed 激烈的[紧张的]竞赛
Examples from the Corpus
25. hot favourite the person, team, horse etc that people think is most likely to win 最被看好的选手,最热门的参赛者
Examples from the Corpus
26 hot tip a good piece of advice about the likely result of a race, business deal etc 〔有关赛马、交易等的〕好建议
Examples from the Corpus
27. stolen goods 赃物 informalSTEAL goods that are hot have been stolen 偷来的
28. music 音乐 informalAPM music that is hot has a strong exciting rhythm 节奏强劲的
29 more something than you’ve had hot dinners British EnglishBrE spoken humorous used to say that someone has had a lot of experience of something and has done it many times 做某事比你吃过的饭还多
30. hot money BFmoney that is frequently moved from one country to another in order to make a profit 〔在各国间频繁流动以获利的〕游资,热钱
Examples from the Corpus
hotly, hots
hot used especially when you feel uncomfortable 热的 热的〔尤指令人不舒服〕
I feel really hot.
nThe travellers were hot, tired, and thirsty.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that feels comfortable 暖和的
Are you warm enough?
nWe had to keep moving in order to keep warm.
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 极热的
You must be boiling in that sweater!
n‘I’m going for a swim, ' said Gary. ’I’m boiling.'
nI felt boiling hot and tried to open one of the windows.
feverish feeling very hot because you are ill 发烧的
His head ached and he felt feverish.
nHannah was slightly feverish, so we decided to call the doctor.
weather 天气
hot used especially when you feel uncomfortable 热的 炎热的
a hot day
It’s too hot to do any work.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that seems pleasant 温暖的,暖和的
a warm summer’s evening
nIt’s supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow.
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 酷热的
The weather was boiling hot.
a boiling hot day
nIt was absolutely boiling this lunchtime.
baking (hot) British EnglishBrE very hot and dry 灼热的,又干又热的
a baking hot afternoon
nThe weather was baking hot and conditions at the camp became unbearable.
It’s baking out there in the garden – I need a drink.
scorching (hot) very hot 极热的,灼热的
It was another scorching hot July day.
nWhen we got there, the weather was scorching.
nArizona is scorching hot every day.
humid/muggy hot and damp 潮湿炎热的
nThis week sees a return to more humid conditions.
Hong Kong gets very humid at this time of year.
nIn June the weather was often muggy in the evenings.
nIt was a warm muggy afternoon, and it looked like it would rain.
room 室内
hot used especially when you feel uncomfortable 热的 热的〔尤指令人不舒服〕
The office was uncomfortably hot.
nThe meeting was in a tiny hot room with no air conditioning.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that seems pleasant 暖和的
It’s nice and warm by the fire.
nThey were all sitting in the warm kitchen, sipping mugs of cocoa.
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 极热的
It’s boiling in here. Can I open the window?
na boiling hot New York recording studio
like an oven much too hot in a way that is uncomfortable – used about rooms and buildings 〔房间、建筑物〕(火炉般)炎热的
The inside of the shed was like an oven.
food/liquid/something you touch 食物/液体/触摸之物
hot 热的
a hot drink
hot meals
nEat your food while it’s hot.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that seems pleasant 温热的
The bread was still warm from the oven.
nthe warm waters of the Caribbean
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 滚烫的
The water’s boiling hot.
nBoiling-hot steam shoots out from underground.
nThe mud in the pools is boiling.
lukewarm /ˌluːkˈwɔːm◂ $ -ˈwɔːrm◂/ slightly warm, but not hot enough – used about liquids 〔液体〕微温的
a cup of lukewarm coffee
The bath water was lukewarm.
Examples from the Corpus
hot2 verb (hotted, hotting)  
1hot up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal 
a) INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETCif something hots up, there is more activity or excitement 加剧,变得激烈
 Things generally hot up a few days before the race.
b) the pace hots up used to say that the speed of something increases 速度加快
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin hot
Old English hat
BNC: 1055 COCA: 721


1of the weather天氣VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe天氣炎熱become, get, grow, turn變得炎熱;漸漸熱起來The sun shone fiercely down and it grew hotter and hotter.烈日當空,天越來越熱。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常炎熱baking, blazing, boiling, exceptionally, extremely, incredibly, intensely, oppressively, really, scorching, stiflingly, swelteringly, unbearably, uncomfortably, unusually炙熱;炎熱;滾熱;格外地熱;極其炎熱;酷熱;悶熱;灼熱;熱得喘不過氣來;熱得渾身大汗;熱得難以忍受;熱得叫人不舒服;異常地熱a boiling hot summer day酷熱的夏日It was unbearably hot in the car.汽車裏熱得難以忍受。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/略微有點兒炎熱This weather's a little hot for me.我覺得這天氣有點兒熱。


2of a personVERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, feel, look熱;感覺熱;看上去熱Don't you feel hot so close to the fire?靠火那麼近,你不覺得熱嗎?get, grow, turn逐漸熱起來;變熱She was beginning to get uncomfortably hot.她開始覺得熱得難受。His face grew hot at the memory of his embarrassment.他一回想起自己當時的尷尬,臉上就發燙。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常炎熱boiling, burning, uncomfortably滾熱;火熱;熱得難受I was boiling hot and sweaty.我渾身滾燙,大汗淋漓。His forehead was burning hot.他的前額熱得燙手。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍微有點兒熱


3of a thingVERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, feel, look, seem燙;摸起來熱;看上去熱;好像熱get發燙keep, stay保溫The food should stay hot until we're ready to eat.我們用餐之前,飯菜需保溫。keep sth使⋯保持溫熱The containers keep the food hot for five hours.食物在這種容器裏能保溫 5 個小時。eat sth, serve sth趁熱吃⋯;趁熱端上⋯Serve hot or cold accompanied by bread and a salad.佐以麪包和色拉食用,冷熱均可。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常滾熱Wash the tablecloth in fairly hot soapy water.桌布要用比較熱的肥皂水來洗。scalding熾熱piping, sizzling, steaming (all used about food皆用於食物) 滾燙;熱得噝噝作響;熱氣騰騰a bowl of piping hot soup一碗滾燙的湯Make sure the fat is sizzling hot.務必將脂油加熱到噝噝作響。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍微有點兒燙moderately溫熱Bake in a moderately hot oven.放進烤箱裏用中等溫度烘烤。enough夠熱The ground was hot enough to fry an egg.地面熱得可以在上面煎雞蛋了。


4spicy辣味VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, taste辛辣;嚐起來辣ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常辛辣I love really hot food.我喜歡非常辣的食物。That was a pretty hot curry!那種咖喱可夠辣的!a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍微有點兒辛辣
BNC: 1055 COCA: 721
hot adj.
hot (hot weather/water) popular (a hot new band) strong2 (hot, spicy food)


 See also the entry for humid 另见humid条hot ♦︎ warm ♦︎ heated ♦︎ burning ♦︎ feverish ♦︎ red-hot ♦︎ boilingThese words all describe a place, person or thing that is not cold. 这些词均表示热的、高温的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达热的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配hot / warm weather / sunshine / watera hot / warm climate / suna hot / burning / feverish foreheadhot / burning cheekshot / burning / red-hot coalsto feel / look hot / warm / feverishto keep sth hot / warm / heatednice and hot / warm hot having a high temperature; (of a person) feeling heat in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way; making you feel hot 温度高的;(人)觉得闷热不适的;使人感到热的It's hot today, isn't it?今天很热,对吗?It was the hottest July on record.那是有记录以来最热的7月。Be careful-the plates are hot.当心,盘子烫手。I'll feel better after a hot bath.我洗个热水澡就会没事的。The canteen provides hot meals as well as salads and snacks.食堂里有热饭菜,也有沙拉和小吃。Eat it while it's hot.趁热吃了吧。Is anyone too hot?有人觉得太热了吗?Her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment.她窘得双颊发烫。It had been a long hot journey.那次旅行路又远天又热。OPP cold cold 1 warm at a fairly high temperature in a way that is pleasant, rather than being hot or cold; (of clothes or buildings) keeping you warm or staying warm in cold weather 温暖的;暖和的;(衣服或建筑物)保暖的It's nice and warm in here.这里很暖和舒服。Are you warm enough?你够暖吗?They stood on the corner, stamping their feet to keep warm.他们站在拐角处,不停地跺着脚保暖。The leaves swayed slowly in the soft, warm breeze.叶子在柔和的暖风中轻轻摇曳。Wash the blouse in warm soapy water.这件衬衫请用温肥皂水洗涤。Make sure you pack some warm clothes.一定要带些保暖的衣服。OPP cold , cool cold 1 see also warm heat verb heated (of a room, building or other place) made warmer using a heater (房间、建筑物等用加热器)加热了的The hotel has a heated swimming pool, spa and sauna.这家酒店有温水游泳池、水疗会所和桑拿浴室。OPP unheated An unheated room, building, etc. has no form of heating. * unheated指房间或建筑物没有任何形式的供暖设施an unheated bathroom没有暖气的浴室 see also heat heat verb burning very hot; looking and feeling very hot, because of illness or emotion 炽热的;(因生病或激动而显得或感觉)热辣辣的They felt the burning heat of the sun on their backs.他们感到灼热的阳光烤在背上。The skin of his forehead was burning.他前额火辣辣的。She was burning hot with embarrassment and guilt.她感到极度尴尬和内疚。 see also burn hurt 2 feverish ˈfiːvərɪʃ suffering from a fever; caused by a fever 发烧的;发烧引起的She was aching and feverish.她疼痛发烧。He fell into a troubled, feverish sleep.他在发烧中昏昏沉沉地睡了。 see also delirious hysterical feverishly


Her mind raced feverishly.她思潮起伏。
ˌred-ˈhot (of metal or sth burning) so hot that it looks red (金属或燃烧物)炽热的,火红的Red-hot coals glowed in the fire.炽热的煤块在炉火里发着光。 boiling (rather informal) very hot 炽热的;很热的You must be boiling in that sweater!你穿着那件毛衣一定热死了! OPP freezing freezing boiling


(informal) It's boiling hot in here!这儿太热了!
BNC: 1055 COCA: 721
General words for warm and hot: warm, hot, burning...
Feeling or expressing strong emotions: emotional, passionate, ardent...
Important: important, major, key...
Making you feel excited: exciting, alive, fast...
Popular with many people: popular, fashionable, acclaimed...
Very good: cushdy, great, select...
Skilful and able: able, capable, professional...
Dangerous or harmful: dangerous, harmful, disastrous...
Difficult or impossible to deal with: difficult, impossible, trying...
Sexually attractive: sexy, desirable, seductive...
Determined and ambitious: determined, ambitious, persistent...
Illegal or dishonest: illegal, unlawful, shady...

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