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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1055 COCA: 721


1of the weather天氣VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe天氣炎熱become, get, grow, turn變得炎熱;漸漸熱起來The sun shone fiercely down and it grew hotter and hotter.烈日當空,天越來越熱。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常炎熱baking, blazing, boiling, exceptionally, extremely, incredibly, intensely, oppressively, really, scorching, stiflingly, swelteringly, unbearably, uncomfortably, unusually炙熱;炎熱;滾熱;格外地熱;極其炎熱;酷熱;悶熱;灼熱;熱得喘不過氣來;熱得渾身大汗;熱得難以忍受;熱得叫人不舒服;異常地熱a boiling hot summer day酷熱的夏日It was unbearably hot in the car.汽車裏熱得難以忍受。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/略微有點兒炎熱This weather's a little hot for me.我覺得這天氣有點兒熱。


2of a personVERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, feel, look熱;感覺熱;看上去熱Don't you feel hot so close to the fire?靠火那麼近,你不覺得熱嗎?get, grow, turn逐漸熱起來;變熱She was beginning to get uncomfortably hot.她開始覺得熱得難受。His face grew hot at the memory of his embarrassment.他一回想起自己當時的尷尬,臉上就發燙。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常炎熱boiling, burning, uncomfortably滾熱;火熱;熱得難受I was boiling hot and sweaty.我渾身滾燙,大汗淋漓。His forehead was burning hot.他的前額熱得燙手。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍微有點兒熱


3of a thingVERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, feel, look, seem燙;摸起來熱;看上去熱;好像熱get發燙keep, stay保溫The food should stay hot until we're ready to eat.我們用餐之前,飯菜需保溫。keep sth使⋯保持溫熱The containers keep the food hot for five hours.食物在這種容器裏能保溫 5 個小時。eat sth, serve sth趁熱吃⋯;趁熱端上⋯Serve hot or cold accompanied by bread and a salad.佐以麪包和色拉食用,冷熱均可。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常滾熱Wash the tablecloth in fairly hot soapy water.桌布要用比較熱的肥皂水來洗。scalding熾熱piping, sizzling, steaming (all used about food皆用於食物) 滾燙;熱得噝噝作響;熱氣騰騰a bowl of piping hot soup一碗滾燙的湯Make sure the fat is sizzling hot.務必將脂油加熱到噝噝作響。a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍微有點兒燙moderately溫熱Bake in a moderately hot oven.放進烤箱裏用中等溫度烘烤。enough夠熱The ground was hot enough to fry an egg.地面熱得可以在上面煎雞蛋了。


4spicy辣味VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, taste辛辣;嚐起來辣ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常辛辣I love really hot food.我喜歡非常辣的食物。That was a pretty hot curry!那種咖喱可夠辣的!a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍微有點兒辛辣

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