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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 463 COCA: 400


Word family
ldoce_757_zwait1 /weɪt/ ●●● S1 W1 verb   weight
1 not go/start STH 不走/未开始某事 [intransitiveI]WAIT to stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc 等,等候
 Hurry up! Everyone’s waiting.
 Would you mind waiting outside?
wait for
 a queue of people waiting for a bus
 Wait for me!
wait for somebody/something to do something
 She paused, waiting for Myles to say something.
 I sat waiting patiently for the wedding to end.
wait until/till
 I’ll wait till you come back.
wait (for) three hours/two weeks etc
 Can you wait for five minutes?
 We’ve been waiting ages.
wait to do something
 Are you waiting to use the phone?
keep somebody waiting (=make someone wait, especially by arriving late) 〔尤指因迟到而〕使某人一直等候
 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
5Don’t say that you ‘are waiting’ someone or something. Say that you are waiting for someone or something.
不要说 you ‘are waiting’ someone something 而要说 you are waiting for someone something
You wait for something or someone:
I waited for the next bus.
Don’t say: I waited the next bus.
You wait for someone to do something, or for something to happen: 等待〔已知将要发生或来临的事〕
She waited for him to finish speaking.
Don’t say: She waited him to finish speaking.
2 STH has not happened 某事没有发生 [intransitiveI]EXPECT if you are waiting for something that you expect or hope will happen or arrive, it has not happened or arrived yet 期待,等待
 ‘Have you heard about the job?’ ‘No, I’m still waiting.’
wait for
 I’m still waiting for my results.
wait for somebody/something to do something
 I’m waiting for him to realize how stupid he’s been.
3 wait a minute/second/moment etc spoken
Examples from the Corpus
4 somebody can’t wait/can hardly wait spoken
5 something can/can’t wait AFTERif something can wait, it is not very urgent. If something can’t wait, it is very urgent 某事可以等[不急]/刻不容缓[不能等]
Examples from the Corpus
6 wait and see spokenWAIT used to say that someone should be patient because they will find out about something later 等等看〔用于叫某人耐心等待事情的结果〕
Examples from the Corpus
7 wait until/till ... spokenEXCITED used when you are excited about telling or showing someone something 等到〔用于兴奋地向某人诉说某事或展示某物〕
Examples from the Corpus
8 be waiting (for somebody) WAITif something is waiting for you, it is ready for you to use, collect etc 〔某物已准备好〕可供(某人)使用[提取等]
Examples from the Corpus
9 wait your turn WAITto stay calm until it is your turn to do something, instead of trying to move ahead of other people 〔冷静地〕等着轮到你
Examples from the Corpus
10 something is (well) worth waiting for spokenGOOD/EXCELLENT used to say that something is very good, even though it takes a long time to come 某事物值得等〔表示某事物很好,值得久等〕
Examples from the Corpus
11 (just) you wait spoken
Examples from the Corpus
12 what are you waiting for? spokenDO something/TAKE ACTION used to tell someone to do something immediately 你还在等什么?〔用于叫某人马上做某事〕
Examples from the Corpus
13 what are we waiting for? spokenDO something/TAKE ACTION used to say in a cheerful way that you think everyone should start doing something immediately 我们还等什么?〔用于高兴地建议大家立即做某事〕
Examples from the Corpus
14 wait for it British EnglishBrE spoken
Examples from the Corpus
15 be waiting in the wings WAITto be ready to do something if it is necessary or if a suitable time comes 正伺机而动
Examples from the Corpus
16 wait tables American EnglishAmEDF to work in a restaurant serving food and drink to people at their tables 〔在餐馆〕端盘子,招待顾客
Examples from the Corpus
17. (play) a/the waiting game WAITif you play a waiting game, you try to gain an advantage for yourself in a particular situation by deliberately doing nothing until you have seen what other people do (采取)伺机而动的策略
Examples from the Corpus
wait two hours/ten minutes etc
William waited an hour for his sister to arrive.
wait long (=wait a long time – used especially in questions or negative sentences)
She did not have to wait long for a train.
wait ages informal esp British EnglishBrE (=wait a long time)
I had to wait ages for a bus.
They patiently waited for the rain to stop.
He waited impatiently for a reply.
All his friends were waiting anxiously for their exam results.
wait expectantly (=hoping that something good or exciting will happen soon)
He took out his camera and waited expectantly.
keep somebody waiting
He kept us waiting for half an hour.
wait with bated breath (=while feeling very anxious or excited)
She waited with bated breath to see what he would say.
wait in vain (=wait for something that never happens)
They waited in vain for their son to come home.
wait to stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc 等,等候
I’ll wait here while you call him.
He said he was waiting for a friend.
hang around (also hang about British EnglishBrE) informal to wait in a place not doing anything, especially so that you are wasting time 等着,闲待着
They kept us hanging around for hours at the hospital.
hold on/hang on to wait because you are hoping that something will happen 坚持住,等待
The captain decided it was best to hold on and wait for the other ship to arrive.
We hung on until the very last moment.
can you hold on/hang on? spoken used when telling someone to wait 你能稍等一会儿吗?
Can you hang on a minute? I just want to finish this email.
stand by/be on standby to wait and be ready to do something if needed – used especially about soldiers, police, medical teams etc 〔尤指士兵、警察、医疗队等〕待命
The army are standing by.
Emergency services were on standby after someone called to say there was a bomb in the city centre.
await formal to wait for something – used about something that you know will happen or arrive 等待〔已知将要发生或来临的事〕
I will await your reply (=in a formal letter).
In February, nearly 200,000 prisoners were awaiting trial.
nThe soldiers awaited the order to advance.
Examples from the Corpus
wait2 ●●○ noun [singular]  
1WAITa period of time in which you wait for something to happen, someone to arrive etc 等候[等待]的时间
wait for
 The average wait for an appointment at the clinic was eight weeks.
long/three-hour/two-week etc wait
 There was an hour wait before the next train departed.
 They’ll have a long wait.
lie in wait at lie1(8)
Examples from the Corpus
Origin wait1
(1100-1200) Old North French waitier to watch
BNC: 463 COCA: 400


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEendless, lengthy, long無盡的等待;長時間的等候We had a long wait to see the doctor.為了看醫生我們等了很長時間。short短時間的等待agonizing, anxious, nail-biting, nerve-racking, nervous, worrying (all especially BrE) 痛苦的等待;焦急的等候;緊張的等待frustrating令人沮喪的等待boring, tedious無聊的等待;令人厭煩的等候two-hour, one-month, three-year, etc.兩小時、一個月、三年等的等候VERB + WAITface, have面對等候;等待The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.陪審團作裁斷期間,被告面臨痛苦的等待。PREPOSITIONwait for等候a short wait for an ambulance等了一會兒救護車PHRASESbe worth the wait值得等待The dress was so beautiful when it arrived that it was well worth the wait.送到的連衣裙實在是太漂亮了,等待完全值得。


ADVERB | VERB + WAIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBa while, long等候一段時間;長時間等待You might have to wait a while before you get an answer.你可能要等候一段時間才能得到答案。Have you been waiting long?你等了很長時間嗎?forever永遠等待We can't wait forever.我們不可能永遠等下去。in vain白等They waited in vain for a response.他們等待答復,但沒有結果。quietly, silently安靜地/默默地等待patiently, politely耐心地/有禮貌地等待He waited patiently while she got ready.她收拾準備的時候,他耐心地等着。anxiously, impatiently, nervously, tensely焦急地等待;不耐煩地等待;緊張地等待Their parents waited anxiously for news.他們的父母焦急地等待着消息。breathlessly, eagerly, expectantly, with bated breath屏住呼吸地/急切地/滿懷期望地/焦慮地等待I waited with bated breath for what would happen next.我屏息以待接下來要發生的事情。about, around無所事事地乾等;空等VERB + WAIThave to, must不得不/必須等待You'll have to wait until you're older.必須等你再大一些再說。can hardly, cannot幾乎不能/不能等待I could hardly wait for the weekend.我幾乎等不及週末的到來。I can't wait to see their new baby.我急着要看他們的新生寶寶。PREPOSITIONfor等候I'm waiting for a bus.我在等公共汽車。till, until等到We'll have to wait until it stops raining.我們不得不等到雨停。PHRASEScan't afford to wait等不起We simply cannot afford to wait any longer.我們再也等不起了。keep sb waiting讓某人等候I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉讓你久等了。wait a long time久等She had to wait a long time for the right man to come along.她等了很長時間意中人才出現。wait a minute, moment, second, etc.等一會兒Hey! Wait a minute! I'll come with you!喂,等一下!我和你一起去!wait and see等等看We'll wait and see what the weather's like before we make a decision.先等一下,看看天氣如何我們再作決定。wait in line (especially NAmE) 排隊等候I had to wait in line at the bank.我不得不在銀行排隊等候。wait your turn等着輪到你You'll have to wait your turn. These people all come before you.你只能等着輪到你。這些人都比你先來。
BNC: 463 COCA: 400
wait verb
wait (Wait for me!) delay (This letter isn't urgent so it can wait.) hope (the opportunity I've been waiting for) be waiting ready adj.


 See also the entry for expect 另见expect条wait ♦︎ hang on ♦︎ hold on ♦︎ sit tightThese words all mean to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens. 这些词均表示等待、等候。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to wait / hang on / hold on / sit tight until sth happensto wait / hang on / hold on a minute / second wait [intransitive, transitive] to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens 等;等待;等候She rang the bell and waited.她按铃后等候着。Have you been waiting long?你等了很久了吗?I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.我等了二十分钟。Wait for me!等等我!We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.我们要等到雨停了再出去。Hurry up! We're waiting to go.快点儿!我们等着走呢。You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes).你得等着轮到你才行。 see also await expect wait


[countable, usually singular] We had a long wait for the bus.我们等公共汽车等了很久。It took six months for the house to be finished, but it was worth the wait.房子六个月才建好,但是等得值。
ˌhang ˈon

phrasal verb

(informal, spoken) used to tell sb to wait for a short time or stop what they are doing 等一下;停一下Hang on-I'm not quite ready.等一下-我还没准备好。Now hang on a minute-you can't really believe what you just said.等一会-你刚刚说的恐怕你自己都不信吧。
ˌhold ˈon

phrasal verb

(rather informal, spoken) to hang on 等一下;停一下Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.稍等一下,让我喘口气。Hold on! This isn't the right road.等一下!这条路不对。Hang on is slightly more informal than hold on. * hang on比hold on稍非正式。
ˌsit ˈtight


(sitting, sat, sat) (written) to stay in the same place, without moving away or changing position; to stay in the same situation, without changing your mind or taking any action 待着不动;守在原地;不轻举妄动We sat tight and waited to be rescued.我们守在原地,等待救援。Shareholders are being advised to sit tight until the crisis passes.股东们得到的忠告是,静待危机过去。
BNC: 463 COCA: 400
To remain in a place or situation: remain, stay, wait...
To delay action, wait or hesitate: delay, wait, hesitate...
Pauses, intervals and halts: pause, interval, halt...
BNC: 463 COCA: 400
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Wait
  • # i.
    等一下!: Wait!

0_0: Definitions of Wait
  • # verb.
    - stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens.
    * I rang the bell and waited
    - used to indicate that one is eagerly impatient to do something or for something to happen.
    * I can't wait for tomorrow
  • # noun.
    - a period of waiting.
    * we had a long wait
    - street singers of Christmas carols.
    * None

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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