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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 619 COCA: 826


Word family
op·e·ra·tion /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən $ ˌɑːp-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 medical 医疗的 [countableC]MH the process of cutting into someone’s body to repair or remove a part that is damaged 手术
operation on
 She’s going to need an operation on her ankle.
operation for
 an operation for cancer
operation to do something
 He had an operation to reduce the swelling in his brain.
2 business/organization 企业/机构 [countableC]BBBUSINESS a business, company, or organization 企业,公司,机构
 The firm set up its own property development operation.
 a microchip manufacturing operation
 Nolan and Barnes were both involved in the operation.
3 work/activities 工作/活动 [countableC, uncountableU]BBWORK THAT somebody DOES the work or activities done by a business or organization, or the process of doing this work 经营;业务
 Many small businesses fail in the first year of operation.
 The Education Business Partnership has been in operation since 1989.
4 actions 行动 [countableC]DO something/TAKE ACTION a set of planned actions or activities for a particular purpose 〔为了专门目的而组织的〕行动
 The UN rescue operation started shortly after dawn.
5 machine/system 机器/系统 [uncountableU]TWORKING/NOT BROKEN the way the parts of a machine or system work together, or the process of making a machine or system work 运转,运行,操作
 The aircraft’s engine operation was normal.
in operation
 Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in operation.
 The device has a single button, allowing for easy operation.
 Careful checks must be made before the factory commences operation.
 The new investment system came into operation in 1999.
6 principle/law/plan etc 原理/定律/计划等 [uncountableU]EFFECT/INFLUENCE the way something such as a principle or law works or has an effect 作用,效力
in operation
 a clear example of the law of gravity in operation
come/go into operation (=begin to have an effect) 开始产生作用
 The new rule comes into operation on February 1.
put/bring something into operation (=make something start to work) 使某事物开始工作[生效]
 A scheme is being brought into operation to see how these changes would work.
7 military/police action 军事/警方行动 [countableC]PMSCP a planned military or police action, especially one that involves a lot of people 〔尤指涉及众多人员的〕军事行动,警方行动
 Britain will carry out a joint military operation with the US.
8. computers 计算机 [countableC]TD an action done by a computer 〔计算机的〕运算
have an operation (also undergo an operation formal) 接受手术
Harris had a hip operation in October.
nShe has undergone 50 operations since birth.
do/carry out an operation (also perform an operation formal) 施行手术
The operation was carried out by a team of surgeons at Papworth Hospital.
nI’ve done this operation hundreds of times.
recover from an operation 术后恢复
nA man is recovering from an emergency operation after his pet dog attacked him.
survive an operation 挺过手术
nOnly one person has survived an operation to implant an artificial heart.
a knee/heart/stomach etc operation 膝部/心脏/胃部等手术
He is almost back to full fitness after a knee operation.
a major/minor operation /小手术
The unit cares for patients recovering from major operations.
an emergency operation 紧急手术
He had to have his spleen removed in an emergency operation.
a routine operation (=an operation that is often performed) 常规[普通]手术
na routine operation to remove an appendix
a life-saving operation 挽救生命的手术
nThe child underwent a life-saving operation to remove a blockage in her stomach.
a transplant operation 移植手术
nHe is too weak to undergo a transplant operation.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘take an operation’. Say have an operation.
不要说take an operation’. 而要说 have an operation.
Don’t say ‘make an operation’. Say do an operation or perform an operation.
不要说make an operation’. 而要说 do an operation perform an operation.
operation noun [countableC] the process of cutting into someone’s body to repair or remove a part that is damaged
He had an operation to remove a blood clot from his brain.
procedure noun [countableC] an operation performed in a particular way on a particular part of the body. Procedure is used especially in medical English, for example by doctors and people who work in hospitals. In everyday English people usually say operation
a common surgical procedure
The procedure normally only takes a few minutes.
transplant noun [countableC] an operation to remove an organ from one person’s body and put it into another person’s body
There is a shortage of donors for heart transplants.
She had to have a kidney transplant.
surgery noun [uncountableU] medical treatment involving an operation
She required surgery on her right knee.
He was taken in for surgery.
plastic surgery noun [uncountableU] surgery to improve someone’s appearance
The singer has just had plastic surgery on her nose.
bypass noun [countableC] an operation to make someone’s blood flow past a part of their heart that is blocked or damaged, often using a vein that has been removed from another part of their body
He went into hospital for a triple heart bypass.
skin graft an operation to repair an area of skin that has been badly damaged, especially using skin from another part of someone’s body
Her leg was severely burned and may require a skin graft.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
operationop·e·ra·tion /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənˌɑː-/ noun
1[uncountableU] the way the parts of a machine, system etc work together, or the process of making a machine, system etc work
the design and operation of specialized equipment
2in/into operationMANUFACTURING if something is in operation, or is put into operation, it is working or is made to start working
The nuclear plants in operation produce 400,000 megawatts.
The new subway lines are scheduled togo into operation at the end of the year.
The manufacturer put a $120 million joint venture in Hungaryinto operation last March.
3[countableC]COMMERCEORGANIZATIONS a business activity or company
It claimed to be the only European commuter rail operation not supported by public money.
4[countableC] a part of a large business or company that does a particular activity or type of work
Its West European operations have emerged as the biggest profit earners in the entire group.
The business has been able to shed its loss-making operations.
This move strengthens the company’s retailing operations in the Netherlands.
5[countableC, uncountableU]COMMERCE the process of operating as a business
Many small businesses fail in the first year of operation.
The publishing house ceased operations in 1998.
The firm is still in operation.
6operations [plural]FINANCE a company’s normal activities related to providing services or producing goods, rather than other actions with financial effects, such as selling assets
The company reported earnings from operations of about 88 cents a share.
7[countableC]FINANCE the action of buying or selling somethingSYN TRANSACTION
Their purchase was not the straightforward financial operation they claimed.
8come into operation/put something into operation when a law, system, or rule comes into operation, it starts having an effect or being used
The new rule comes into operation on 1 February.
We hope to put the new regulations into operation immediately.
9[countableC]COMPUTING an action done by a computer or a machine
Several operations can be carried out by the program at the same time.
10[countableC] a set of actions, usually involving a large number of people, that are planned to achieve a particular purpose
a salvage operation
The construction and administration of questionnaires is a highly skilled operation.
op·e·ra·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1n THESAURUS1
LDOCE Online
BNC: 619 COCA: 826


1medical醫療ADJECTIVE | VERB + OPERATION | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEmajor大手術minor, small小手術life-saving, vital救生手術;性命攸關的手術emergency急診手術routine (especially BrE) 例行手術delicate精細的手術a delicate eye operation精細的眼科手術exploratory探查性手術surgical, transplant外科/移植手術heart, knee, etc.心臟、膝部等手術VERB + OPERATIONhave, undergo接受手術He had an operation to remove a growth.他做了贅生物切除手術。come through, survive安然度過手術She came through the operation well.她順利地經受了手術。carry out, perform動手術the surgeon performing the operation動手術的外科醫生PREPOSITIONduring a/the operation在手術中She woke during the operation.她在手術過程中醒過來了。operation for為⋯進行的手術an operation for a kidney problem腎病手術operation on對⋯進行的手術a major operation on his heart對他的心臟進行的一次大手術


2organized activity有組織的行動ADJECTIVE | VERB + OPERATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, large-scale, major, massive大規模行動;重要行動covert, undercover秘密行動combined, joint聯合作戰tricky (especially BrE) 棘手的行動a tricky rescue operation棘手的營救行動successful成功的行動combat, intelligence, military, naval, police作戰/情報/軍事/海軍/警方行動air, flight, ground, land, sea空中/飛行/地面/陸地/海上行動US forces had to conduct ground and air operations.美軍不得不組織一系列地面和空中行動。The airline has appointed a new director of flight operations.這家航空公司新任命了一位航班業務主任。guerrilla游擊隊行動clean-up, counterterrorist, drilling, mining, mopping-up, offensive, peacekeeping, relief, rescue, salvage, security, tactical清理/反恐/演習/佈雷/清剿/進攻/維和/救助/營救/救援/安全/戰術行動UN troops supervised the relief operations.聯合國部隊監督了這次救助行動。banking, building, business, commercial銀行業務;建築施工;商業活動restrictions placed on business operations對商業活動的限制psychological operations, special operations心理活動;特別行動Special operations forces were on the ground in Afghanistan.特別行動部隊已經登陸阿富汗。VERB + OPERATIONbegin, launch, mount, undertake開始行動;發起行動The authorities launched a massive security operation in the city.當局在城內展開大規模的安全行動。carry out, conduct, run實施行動oversee, supervise監督行動PREPOSITIONduring a/the operation在行動中during joint military operations在聯合軍事行動中PHRASESa theatre/theater of operations (= where military operations take place) 戰區


3fact of sth functioning運作ADJECTIVE | VERB + OPERATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEeffective, efficient, smooth有效/高效/順利運轉normal正常運轉daily, day-to-day日常運轉the smooth day-to-day operation of the department該部門平穩的日常運轉VERB + OPERATIONcome into開始生效A ceasefire came into operation in May.停火於 5 月生效。bring sth into, put sth into使⋯生效cease停止運轉The factory will cease operation at the end of the year.這家工廠年底停工。PREPOSITIONduring operation運轉中The machine can get very hot during operation.這台機器運轉時會變得很熱。in operation在運轉中The current tax system has been in operation for ten years.現行稅制已運行 10 年了。PHRASESin full operation, into full operation處於/進入全面運轉the only reactor in full operation唯一全面運轉的反應堆
BNC: 619 COCA: 826
operation noun
company (a multinational operation) project (a rescue operation) trade (the firm's banking operations) treatment (a medical operation) in operation active adj.
BNC: 619 COCA: 826
General words for actions and activities: action, measure, doings...
A series of actions or activities: series, process, campaign...
Medical operations: abortion, angioplasty, appendectomy...
General types of business or company: account, acquisition, affiliate...
Systems and methods for doing things: modality, method, system...
Use of something: user, use, application...
BNC: 619 COCA: 826
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of operation
  • # n.
    手術: operation, surgery, surgical operation
    行動: action, operation
    作業: operation, production, school assignment, task, work

0_0: Definitions of operation
  • # noun.
    - the fact or condition of functioning or being active.
    * the construction and operation of power stations
    - an act of surgery performed on a patient.
    * I've never felt better since my bypass operation
    - a piece of organized and concerted activity involving a number of people, especially members of the armed forces or the police.
    * a rescue operation
    - a process in which a number, quantity, expression, etc., is altered or manipulated according to formal rules, such as those of addition, multiplication, and differentiation.
    * None

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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