Word familynounobjectificationobjectionobjectionablenessobjectivationobjectivenessobjectivismobjectivistobjectivityobjectivizationobjectorobject codeobjectverbobjectifyobjectivateobjectivizeadjectiveobjectionableobjectivalobjectiveobjectivisticobjectlessadverbobjectionablyobjectively
1AGAINST/OPPOSE[countableC, uncountableU] a reason that you have for opposing or disapproving of something, or something you say that expresses this 反对的理由,异议
Her objection was that he was too young.
objection to
He had moral objections to killing animals for food.
over the objections of somebody (=in spite of their objections) 尽管某人反对
The bill was passed over the objections of many Democrats.
objection to• Her biggest objection to pets is that they're dirty.
spoken formal said by lawyers to a judge in a court when they think that what another lawyer has just said should not be allowed 反对!抗议!〔法庭上律师认为对方律师言辞不当时对法官的表态用语〕