motif• The second level, that of poetic or dreamsymbolism, is inherent in all folk-tales, traditions and motifs of regeneration.• The use of these various processes may have provided the vehicles for the transmission of decorativemotifs, by copying.• She was wearing a plain white T-shirt with a fishmotif in blue and green.• Sylvia chose a set of china with a floralmotif.• Such an interpretation is probably possible, but two of the majormotifs of Walden argue against it.• Between these two mosaics, however, there are few obvioussimilarities of motif.• In this case we find a classic call-refusal motif.• Who, what, when, why, and how, the reportorial motif?• an action movie with a revengemotif• Tolkien however used the play for both more and less than motifs.