1.ROMAGICa woman who is supposed to have magic powers, especially to do bad things 〔尤指邪恶的〕女巫,巫婆 → wizard
2.informalINSULTUNPLEASANT an insulting word for a woman who is old or unpleasant 丑老太婆,老巫婆〔侮辱性用语〕
Examples from the Corpus
witch• He wants me to be a witch.• A black witch, castingspells from her hiding-place in the corner.• We have witches all year round.• It was probably this practice that gave rise to the popularimage of witchesflying on broomsticks.• They paintwitches and goblins in black and in primarycolors.• Almost immediately afterward, Rapunzel was spirited away by the witch.• The old woman had only pretended to be so kind; she was in reality a wickedwitch.