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IELTS BNC: 163 COCA: 174


Word family
Related topics: Human, Cards, Chronology, Horses
ldoce_145_dhand1 /hænd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 part of body 人体部位 [countableC]HBH the part of your body at the end of your arm, including your fingers and thumb, that you use to hold things
 Steve gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands.
 In her hand was a tattered old photograph.
5  See picture of middle finger 中指, index finger 食指, palm 手掌 ...4  See picture of 见图 hand
2 HELP 帮助a hand HELPhelp with something – used in the following phrases 帮忙,支援
need/want a hand
 Do you need a hand packing?
give/lend (somebody) a hand
 Can you give me a hand to lift this?
 If you get stuck, Denise is always willing to lend a hand.
I could do with a hand/use a hand (=it would be useful to have some help) 我需要帮忙
 We could certainly do with a hand.
a helping hand at help1(9)
Examples from the Corpus
3 control 控制 [singular, uncountableU] control, power, or influence that someone has 控制;支配;影响
 The president has strengthened the hand of the gun lobby.
 This matter is too important to be left in the hands of (=in the control of) an inexperienced lawyer.
 a manager with a firm hand (=who controls things strictly)
4 get out of hand if a situation or person gets out of hand, they become impossible to control any longer 失控
 The demonstration was getting out of hand.
Examples from the Corpus
5 on the other hand  (also on the one hand ... on the other hand)BUT used to give another opinion or fact that should be considered as well as the one you have just given 另一方面;从一方面来说,从另一方面来说
 I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.
Don’t say ‘on one hand’. Say on the one hand.
不要说 ‘on one hand’. 而要说 on the one hand.
Examples from the Corpus
6 hands off spoken used to say that someone cannot have, take, or touch something 不许拿;不许碰
 Hey! Hands off that CD! It’s mine!
 Tell your little brother to keep his hands off my car.
Examples from the Corpus
7 in hand 
a) if something is in hand, it is being done or dealt with 在处理中
 Plans are in hand to perform ‘Oz’ next semester.
 Lisa seemed to have things in hand by the time he returned.
job/task/matter etc in hand
 Our officers have to concentrate 100 per cent on the task in hand.
take somebody in hand (=begin to deal with someone’s problems etc) 管起某人
b) British EnglishBrE if you work a week, a month etc in hand, you do not get paid until after you have worked two weeks, two months etc 押〔一周、一个月等的工资〕先干活〔即工作两周、两个月等后领薪〕
c) British EnglishBrE if you have time, money etc in hand, you have it available 有,在手头
 I usually have a few days’ leave in hand at the end of the year.
d) British EnglishBrE if a team or player has a game in hand in a competition, they still have another game to play in which they could gain more points 〔球队或球员〕还有一场比赛
Examples from the Corpus
8 in the hands of somebody/in somebody’s hands DEAL WITHbeing dealt with or cared for by someone 由某人处理[照料]
Examples from the Corpus
9 hands up 
Examples from the Corpus
10 at hand formal
Examples from the Corpus
11. to hand British EnglishBrEHAVE something that is to hand is close to you, so that you can reach it easily 在手头,在近旁
12 on hand NEARclose by and ready when needed 在手头,在近旁
Examples from the Corpus
13 by hand 
Examples from the Corpus
14 (at) first hand if you know or experience something first hand, you have personal experience of it 第一手的[];直接的[]
Examples from the Corpus
15 (at) second/third/fourth hand if you know something second, third etc hand, someone tells you about it, but you have no personal experience of it 第二//四手的[]
Examples from the Corpus
16 at the hands of somebody caused or done by a particular person – used about something bad or unpleasant that someone does 在某人那里大吃苦头
Examples from the Corpus
17 get your hands on something GET informal to succeed in getting something 获取[得到]某物
Examples from the Corpus
18 lay your hands on something to find or get something 找到[得到]某物
Examples from the Corpus
19 come to hand if something comes to hand, it is there for you to use – used especially about something that is there by chance 顺手,随手
Examples from the Corpus
20 get your hands on somebody spoken to catch someone you are angry with 抓住某人
Examples from the Corpus
21 have a hand in something TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto influence or be involved in something 插手某事,参与某事
Examples from the Corpus
22 hand in hand CONNECTED WITH
Examples from the Corpus
23 have something/somebody on your hands DEAL WITHto have a difficult job, problem, situation etc to deal with 手头有某事/某人待处理〔指困难的事情、问题等〕
Examples from the Corpus
24 be off your hands RESPONSIBLEif something or someone is off your hands, you are not responsible for them anymore 不再负责
Examples from the Corpus
25 try your hand at (doing) something to try to do something you have not tried before 着手尝试()某事
Examples from the Corpus
26 turn your hand to (doing) something TRY TO DO OR GET somethingto do something well, even if it is the first time you have tried 能做好某事〔即使是第一次尝试的事〕
Examples from the Corpus
27 out of hand REFUSEwithout even stopping to consider what someone has suggested, asked for etc 断然,即时,不假思索
Examples from the Corpus
28 hands down easily 轻易地,不费力地
Examples from the Corpus
29 have your hands full BUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DOto be very busy or too busy 非常忙,忙得不可开交
Examples from the Corpus
30. good with your hands GOOD ATskilful at making things 手巧的,有一双巧手的
Examples from the Corpus
31 on either/every hand written on both sides or in every direction 在两边/在各个方向
Examples from the Corpus
32 get your hands dirty 
33 keep your hand in PRACTISE/PRACTICEto do something that you used to do a lot, so you do not forget how to do it 继续练习以免生疏
Examples from the Corpus
34 hand in glove WITHclosely connected with someone, especially in an illegal activity 关系密切;互相勾结
Examples from the Corpus
35 hand over fist informalLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT if you gain or lose something hand over fist, you gain or lose it very quickly 〔获得或失去某物〕迅速地
36 a big hand PRAISE spoken used to tell the people who are watching a performance to clap or cheer loudly 〔请观众〕热烈鼓掌,大声喝彩
Examples from the Corpus
37 all hands on deck  (also all hands to the pumps British English) informal used to say that everyone is needed to help in a particular situation 齐心协力
Examples from the Corpus
38. the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing used to say that two parts of an organization that should be doing the same thing are each doing different things without the other knowing 〔同一机构中的两个部门〕各干各的,各自为政
39 worker 工人 [countableC]WORKER someone who does physical work on a farm, factory, ship etc 〔农场、工厂或船上等的〕体力劳动者
40 cards 纸牌游戏 [countableC]
41 watch.jpg clock 时钟 [countableC]TMC a long thin piece of metal that points at the numbers on a clock 指针
42. writing 文字 [singular] old-fashionedMP someone’s handwriting 笔迹
43 somebody’s hands are tied if someone’s hands are tied, they cannot help in a particular situation because of rules, laws etc 某人受到约束〔因而无能为力〕
Examples from the Corpus
44 tie/bind somebody hand and foot 
Examples from the Corpus
45. can do something with one hand (tied) behind your back spoken used to say that you can do something very easily 能轻而易举做某事
46. not do a hand’s turn British EnglishBrE old-fashioned informalLAZY to do no work at all 一点工作也不做
47 somebody’s hand (in marriage) old-fashionedMARRY permission for a man to marry a particular woman 某人〔对求婚〕的应允
Examples from the Corpus
48. horse [countableC]DSH a unit for measuring the height of a horse, equal to about ten centimetres 一掌,掌宽〔用于量度马匹高度的单位,约10厘米〕
cash-in-hand, freehand, hands-on, left-hand, right-hand, → be an old hand (at something) at old(17), → bite the hand that feeds you at bite1(15), → have blood on your hands at blood1(2), → have your hands/fingers in the till at till2(3), → force somebody’s hand at force2(7), → overplay your hand at overplay(2), → shake somebody’s hand/shake hands with somebody at shake1(4), → wash your hands of something at wash1(5)
somebody’s right/left hand 某人的右手/左手
She held the book in her right hand.
nsomebody’s free hand (=the hand someone is not already using)
Amy was stroking the dog with her free hand.
na gloved hand (=covered with a glove)
He stretched out a gloved hand.
nan outstretched hand (=stretched out towards someone or something)
She took her father’s outstretched hand and began to walk from the room.
nsomebody’s cupped hand (=in the shape of a cup)
Hamil shook the dice in his cupped hand.
wave your hand 挥手
Marta waved a hand to attract his attention.
clap your hands 拍手
They were singing and clapping their hands.
wash your hands 洗手
Go wash your hands before dinner.
hold hands (with somebody) (与某人)拉手,手牵手
Joanne and Kevin held hands on the sofa.
shake somebody’s hand (also shake hands with somebody) 和某人握手
‘Nice to meet you, ’ he said, as they shook hands.
take somebody’s hand (=hold someone’s hand) 拉某人的手
nHe reached across the table and took her hand in his.
take somebody by the hand (=hold someone’s hand in order to take them somewhere) 牵某人的手〔带某人去某地〕
nShe took the boy by the hand and led him across the street.
join hands (=take hold of the hands of people on either side of you) 〔与两边的人〕挽手,携手
nThey stood in a circle and joined hands.
clasp your hands (=hold them together tightly) 紧握双手
nEmily clasped her hands together and stood there nervously.
fold your hands (=put your hands together and rest them on something) 双手合拢
nLily folded both hands on her stomach.
raise your hand (also put your hand up) (=lift your hand, especially when you want to ask or answer a question) 举手〔尤指想要提问或回答问题〕
nIf you know the answer, raise your hand.
nsomebody’s hands shake/tremble
His hands trembled as he lifted the cup.
nsomebody’s hand holds something
His other hand was holding his mobile phone.
nsomebody’s hand touches something
Daniel’s hand touched mine.
nsomebody’s hand grips something (=hold something firmly)
Her hands gripped the steering wheel very tightly.
nsomebody’s hand grabs/grasps something (=take and hold something firmly)
He felt Connor’s hand grasp his shoulder.
nsomebody’s hand tightens
Her hand tightened on the knife handle.
a hand movement
The disease means she has trouble controlling her hand movements.
a hand gesture/signal (=a movement of your hand to show what you mean)
He made a rude hand gesture at the other driver.
in somebody’s hand 在某人的手中
He had a suitcase in his hand.
on your hands and knees (=in a crawling position) 四肢着地,趴着
They got down on their hands and knees to search.
the palm of your hand (=the inside surface of your hand) 手掌,手心
The phone could fit into the palm of his hand.
the back of your hand (=the outside surface of your hand) 手背
nLet a dog sniff the back of your hand, rather than your fingers.
with your bare hands (=without using a tool, weapon, machine etc) 徒手,赤手空拳
nWith his bare hands he forced the doors apart.
Examples from the Corpus
hand2 ●●○ W2 verb [transitiveT]  
1 GIVEto give something to someone else with your hand 传,递;交;给
2 you have to hand it to somebody spokenADMIRE used to say that you admire someone 你不得不佩服某人
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
handhand1 /hænd/ noun [countableC]
1JOBFARMINGsomeone who does physical work on a farm, in a factory etc
Cooper held several odd jobs before coming to California to work as afactory hand.
Jones hired himself out as a deck hand and cook on a Mexican fishing boat.
2by hand using your hands, not a machine
Workers at the factory sand and finish the furnitureby hand.
3by hand delivered directly by one person to another, not sent through the post
His letter of confirmation will leave today by hand.
4change hands if something changes hands, it is sold or goes from its old owner to a new one
More than 1.2 million IBM shares changed hands on Friday.
5on hand American EnglishAmE, to hand British EnglishBrE close by and ready when needed
The company had to keep enough cash on hand to pay the bills.
6time/money etc in hand extra time or money that is available to be used
The report is not finished yet, but we still have some time in hand.
7at hand likely to happen soon
Not all indicators of European economic performance suggest that a crisis is at hand.
8in hand being dealt with
Don’t worry - all the contract arrangements are in hand.
9show of hands a situation where people vote by raising their hands
A show of hands revealed that nearly half of the people agreed with the chairman’s resolution.
10shake hands to hold someone’s hand in order to greet them or to show that you have reached an agreement
Smiling broadly, the two leaders shook hands.
see also handshake
handhand2 verb
Origin hand1
Old English

See also: ldoce4473jpg

IELTS BNC: 163 COCA: 174


1part of the body身體部位ADJECTIVE | VERB + HAND | HAND + VERB | HAND + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEleft, right左手;右手beautiful, delicate, long-fingered, pretty, slender美麗的手;手指修長的手;纖細的手manicured, well-manicured指甲經過修剪的手;指甲經過精心修剪的手calloused/callused, rough起繭的手;粗糙的手soft柔軟的手firm, strong強壯有力的手limp無力的手He offered a limp hand to shake.他無力地與人握手。frail柔弱的手arthritic有關節炎的手gnarled扭曲的手clawed, claw-like爪子似的手bony瘦骨嶙峋的手He holds out a bony hand for her to shake.他伸出一隻瘦骨嶙峋的手與她握手。hairy多毛的手cool冰涼的手His hand, when she shook it, was cool and firm.握手時她感覺他的手冰冷有力。clammy, sweaty濕冷的/汗淋淋的手He clutched the cane in his clammy hand.他用一隻濕乎乎的手握住手杖。dirty, filthy, greasy, grimy, grubby, sticky, unwashed髒手;油乎乎的手;髒兮兮的手;黏糊糊的手;未洗過的手He wiped his greasy hands on the front of his overalls.他在工裝褲正面擦了擦沾滿油污的手。clean乾淨的手gloved帶着手套的手open張開的手She gestured to the window with an open hand.她張開手朝着窗戶做手勢。outstretched伸出的手She walked up to him with her hand outstretched to take his.她一邊朝他走去,一邊伸手去拉他的手。free空手With his free hand he took hold of the knife.他用空着的那隻手抓住了刀。cupped握成杯狀的手She rested her chin in her cupped hand.她單手托着下巴。busy, deft忙碌的手;靈巧的手Her busy hands had transformed the tiny room into a work of art.她用勤勞的雙手把小屋變成了一件藝術品。willing積極肯幹的人There's plenty of work for willing hands.勤快的人總有大量的活兒。eager熱切的援手Eager hands reached out to help him.許多人向他伸出熱切的援手。nervous, shaking, shaky, trembling, unsteady緊張的手;哆嗦的手;顫抖的手steady不抖的手A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand.外科醫生的眼要尖,手要穩。comforting, friendly, gentle, sympathetic給人安慰的手;友好的手;溫柔的手;充滿同情的手He put a friendly hand on his friend's knee.他親切地把手放在朋友的膝蓋上。He laid a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder.他把手輕輕搭在弟弟肩上。generous, liberal (both figurative) 慷慨之手She filled our glasses with a generous hand.她大方地把我們的酒杯斟滿。capable, expert, guiding, practised/practiced, reassuring, skilful/skillful, skilled有能力的手;經驗豐富的手;引導的手;老練的手;給人寬慰的手;技術高超的手With a practised hand he motioned a waiter to bring a fresh pot of coffee.他老練地用手示意侍者送來一壺新煮的咖啡。careless, clumsy粗心的手;笨拙的手invisible (figurative) 無形的手the invisible hand of the market市場的無形之手VERB + HANDtake拉住手She took the child's hand and helped him climb the steps.她拉住孩子的手牽着他爬上台階。grab抓住手He grabbed my hand and motioned for me to follow him.他抓住我的手,示意我跟着他走。reach for伸手去抓⋯的手He reached for her hand and held it tightly.他伸手抓住她的手並緊緊握住。hold, hold on to握着手;緊抓着手They walked along, holding hands.他們手拉手並肩走着。She held on to my hand as I tried to leave.我想離開時她緊緊抓住了我的手。clutch, grasp緊握/抓住⋯的手Hannah grasped her hand.漢娜抓住了她的手。clutch sth in, clutch sth with, grasp sth in, grasp sth with, hold sth in手中抓着⋯;用手抓着⋯;手裏拿着⋯He held the key in his hand.他手裏拿着鑰匙。Beth grasped the rope with both hands.貝絲雙手抓着繩子。press, squeeze, touch按壓手;緊握手;觸摸手She pressed his hand. 'I know,' she said softly.她揑了揑他的手,溫柔地說:“我知道。”shake握手He shook Blake's hand as if they were long lost friends.他跟布萊克握手的樣子就好像他們是失散多年的老朋友。He shook hands with all of us before leaving.他跟我們一一握手告別。feel感覺到手I felt a hand on my shoulder.我感覺有一隻手搭在我肩上。extend, hold out, put out, reach out伸出手She smiled and extended a hand in welcome.她笑着伸出一隻手錶示歡迎。He put out a hand as if to touch her.他伸出一隻手,好像要去撫摸她。lay, place, press, put, rest把手搭(在);把手放(在)He laid a hand on her arm.他把一隻手搭在她的胳膊上。She put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment.窘迫之中她用雙手捂住了臉。She rested her hand on my shoulder.她把手搭在了我肩膀上。slap用手拍打Jimmy slapped his hand over his mouth.吉米用手拍打自己的嘴。slide悄悄移動手He slid his hands into his pockets.他兩手悄悄地插進口袋裏。run把手伸進Clive ran a hand through his hair.克萊夫用手順了一下頭髮。withdraw收回手Slowly Ruth withdrew her hand from his.露絲慢慢地從他的掌心裏抽出手來。hold up, lift, put up, raise, throw up抬起手;舉起手;猛地舉起手He lifted his hand to her face.他抬手摸她的臉頰。Several students raised their hands to answer the question.好幾個學生舉手回答這個問題。She held up her hand in farewell.她揮手告別。He threw up his hands in despair when he saw the damage.看到損壞情況,他絕望地揚起了雙手。spread攤開手She shrugged and spread her hands. 'That's all I can tell you.'她聳聳肩,攤開雙手說:“我只能告訴你這麼多了。”wave揮手clap拍手We were all clapping our hands in time to the music.我們全都隨着音樂的節奏拍着手。clasp, clench, wring兩手十指交錯;攥緊手;扭絞雙手He had his hands clasped behind his head.他雙手抱在腦後。She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling.她攥緊雙手放在腿上,以掩飾顫抖。He was sobbing and wringing his hands by the grave.他在墳墓旁嗚咽着,雙手絞扭在一起。beat以手拍擊He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.他沮喪地用手敲打着方向盤。cup手握成杯狀I cupped my hand over the mouthpiece of the phone so they couldn't hear me.我用手捂住電話話筒,免得他們聽見我的話。fold交叠雙手She folds her hands in prayer.祈禱時她雙手交叠。rub搓手She shivered, rubbing her hands together fiercely.她一邊顫抖,一邊使勁兒搓着雙手。wash洗手wipe擦手HAND + VERBshake, tremble手顫抖Her hand shook as she lifted the glass to her lips.她的手顫抖着把杯子送到唇邊。be outstretched, reach out, shoot out手伸出;手突然伸出She stood up and went over to him, her hands outstretched.她起身朝他走來,伸開着雙手。A strong hand reached out and caught hold of her arm.一隻強有力的手伸過來抓住了她的胳膊。grope for sth, reach for sth, seek sth手摸索⋯;伸手去夠⋯;手尋找⋯My hand groped for the door handle.我摸索着找門把手。His hand sought hers.他伸手尋找她的手。find sth手找到⋯His hand eventually found the light switch.他的手終於摸到了電燈開關。catch sth, clamp, clasp sth, grab sth, grasp sth, seize sth手抓住⋯;手鉗住⋯;手攥緊⋯;手一把抓住⋯The policeman kept a firm hand clamped on his shoulder.警察的手牢牢地鉗住他的肩膀。clutch sth, grip sth, hold sth手緊抓⋯;手握着⋯clamp, clench, close around sth, close on sth用手鉗住;用手緊抓⋯A heavy hand clamped over her mouth.一隻大手捂住了她的嘴。My hands clenched together tightly.我雙手緊緊地握在一起。A hand closed around her wrist.一隻手緊緊地握住了她的手腕。claw sth, claw at sth, pull sth, tug sth手抓(向)⋯;手拉⋯;手拖⋯His hands clawed at the muddy earth.他的手抓向泥濘的土。cup sth(雙手)成杯狀托起His hands cupped her face.他雙手捧着她的臉。push sth手推⋯squeeze sth, tighten sth手擠⋯;手擰緊⋯brush sth, brush across sth, brush against sth, caress sth, stroke sth, touch sth手掠過⋯;手愛撫⋯;手輕撫⋯;手觸摸⋯His hand brushed against hers.他的手輕輕拂過她的手。creep, go, move, slide, slip, steal, stray手悄悄移動;手挪動;手移動;手滑動;手偷偷移動;手挪到一邊Muriel's hand crept to her neck to hold her pearls.繆麗爾的手慢慢伸向脖子,握住自己的珍珠項鏈。fly手飛快移動Her hand flew to her mouth. 'Oh no!'她急忙用手捂住嘴說:“啊,不!”jerk, twitch手猛拉run over sth, run through sth, trail手在⋯上迅速移過;手拖過(⋯)Her hand ran over the surface, feeling the different textures.她的手在表面上摸過,感受不同的質地。freeze, still手僵住;手停下His hand froze in mid-gesture.他的手勢做了一半就僵住了。hover, roam手在某處懸停;手摸遍My hand hovered over the switch for a moment.我的手在開關上方停留了片刻。His hands roamed over her shoulders.他的手在她的肩膀上摸來摸去。fumble手笨拙地摸找My hands fumbled with the key.我兩手胡亂地摸找鑰匙。lie, rest手放(在)⋯His hand rested on her shoulder.他的手搭在她肩上。go up, shoot up手抬起;手猛地抬起come down, descend, drop手放下;手落下A large hand descended on his shoulder.一隻大手搭上他的肩膀。His hands dropped to his sides and he fell to the floor.他雙手耷拉在身體兩側,接着人就癱倒在了地上。withdraw手收回lift, rise手舉起Her hand lifted to place a cigarette in her mouth.她抬手把香煙送到口中。cover sth手掩住⋯Her hand moved to cover his.她伸手放到他的手上。HAND + NOUNgesture, movement, position, signal手勢;手的動作;手的位置;手勢信號dryer, towel乾手器;擦手巾axe/ax, drill, saw (usually handsaw) , tools手斧;手鑽;手鋸;手動工具pump手泵blender, mixer手動攪拌器Purée with a hand blender or food processor.用手動攪拌器或食品加工器弄成泥狀。puppet布袋木偶drum手鼓mirror手鏡baggage, luggage (both especially BrE) (carry-on baggage in NAmE) 手提行李You can take your laptop on the plane as hand luggage.你可以把筆記本電腦作為隨身行李帶上飛機。cream, lotion, sanitizer, soap護手霜;護手乳液;洗手液;洗手皂grenade, gun (usually handgun) 手榴彈;手槍injury手部創傷count, recount (both especially NAmE) 手工計數;人工重新計數a hand recount of the vote for governor人工重新統計選舉州長的選票PREPOSITIONby hand用手Delicate clothes should be washed by hand.易損衣物應該手洗。by... hands經由⋯之手The rocks looked like they had been shaped by human hands.看上去,這些石頭是人工加工成形的。in your hand在手裏;由某人處理She had a piece of paper in her hand.她手裏拿着一張紙。Can I leave these queries in your capable hands? (figurative) 我能否把這些問題留給你這位能手來解答?on your hand在手上She had large rings on both hands.她雙手都戴着很大的戒指。with your hand用手Operate the gears with your left hand.用左手操作排擋。PHRASESball your hands into fists雙手握成拳fall into the wrong hands (figurative) 落入不適合的人手中Guards made sure that the food supplies didn't fall into the wrong hands.衞兵確保食物供給不落敵手。get your hands off sb/sth, keep your hands off sb/sth, take your hands off sb/sth不准碰⋯She warned her brother to keep his hands off her bag.她警告她的兄弟不許碰她的包。get your hands on sth, lay your hands on sth弄到⋯I desperately need to lay my hands on some money by Monday.星期一之前我急需弄到一筆錢。hand in hand手拉手They walked hand in hand along the path.他們手拉手地沿着小徑散步。hands on hips雙手叉腰She stood in the doorway, hands on hips.她雙手叉腰站在門口。head in your hands雙手抱頭He sat with his head in his hands.他雙手抱頭坐着。in safe hands (figurative) 在可靠的人手中He retired feeling confident that his company was in safe hands.他退休時確信自己的公司已託付給了可靠的人。a safe pair of hands (figurative) 讓人放心的幫手She gained a reputation as a safe pair of hands.她贏得了可靠夥伴的名聲。a show of hands舉手表決She asked for a show of hands (= asked people to vote).她要求大家舉手表決。on (your) hands and knees跪趴着He was on his hands and knees, looking for a contact lens.他跪趴在地上尋找一片隱形眼鏡。out of sb's hands (figurative) 不受某人的控制I don't work in that department any more, so the problem is out of my hands.我不在那個部門工作了,所以這個問題不歸我管了。the palm of your hand手掌She studied the object in the palm of her hand.她把那物件放在手心裏仔細端詳。with your bare hands赤手空拳He killed the lion with his bare hands.他赤手空拳殺死了那頭獅子。


2a hand help幫助VERB + A HANDgive sb, lend (sb)幫助(某人)Can you give me a hand with loading the van?你能幫我裝車嗎?At harvest time all the locals lend a hand.收穫時節所有當地人都來幫忙。need需要幫助Do you need a hand with those invoices?你需要人幫你整理這些發票嗎?want需要幫助Do you want a hand with that?你需要幫忙弄那個嗎?


3role in a situation作用VERB + HAND | PREPOSITION VERB + HANDhave參與strengthen增強影響The strategic alliance served to strengthen the country's hand in the region.戰略聯盟能夠增強該國在這一地區的影響。PREPOSITIONhand in在⋯中的介入Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall.他的下台幾名同事都插了一手。


4in card games紙牌遊戲ADJECTIVE | VERB + HAND ADJECTIVEbad, good一手壞牌;一手好牌VERB + HANDdeal (sb)(給某人)發牌;(使某人)遭遇⋯Who dealt the last hand?誰發的上一手牌?She felt that life had dealt her a bad hand. (figurative) 她覺得自己的遭遇坎坷。get, have有一手牌play玩一手牌overplay (usually figurative) 高估自己The party leadership overplayed its hand.該黨的領導過分自信。reveal, show (usually figurative) 攤牌;透露底細Now the EU has revealed its hand.這一下歐盟攤牌了。


ADVERB | VERB + HAND | PREPOSITION ADVERBeffectively, practically事實上交出formally, officially正式交出formally handing over power to the new government正式把權力移交給新政府personally親手交出She wanted to hand the petition to the president personally.她想親手把請願書交給總統。just, merely, simply只是交出They would simply hand her over to the magistrate as a thief.他們只會把她當成竊賊交給地方法官。quickly快速移交immediately, promptly立即交出grudgingly, reluctantly不情願地交出He grudgingly handed me the money.他不情願地把錢交給了我。carefully, gently小心地/輕輕地交付Keith gently handed me the little baby girl.基思小心地把女嬰交給了我。silently, wordlessly默默交出back, down, in, out, over交還;傳給;上交;分發;移交She handed out the exam papers.她分發了試卷。VERB + HANDagree to, be happy to, be prepared to, be ready to, be willing to同意交出;願意交出be reluctant to, refuse to不願交出;拒絕交出force sb to強迫某人交出get ready to, prepare to準備交出The court is getting ready to hand down a potentially historic decision.法庭正準備宣佈一項可能具有歷史意義的決定。PREPOSITIONto交給⋯He handed the book to Sally.他把書交給了薩莉。
IELTS BNC: 163 COCA: 174
hand noun
involvement (have a hand in sth) show of hands election lend (sb) a hand help verb1 the upper hand lead2 wash your hands of sb/sth reject verb
hand verb
IELTS BNC: 163 COCA: 174
General words for limbs and appendages: ankle, appendage, arch...
General words for workers and types of worker: ancillary, apparatchik, auxiliary...
Farmers and people who work on farms: bailiff, cattleman, cowboy...
Help: help, contribution, assistance...
Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
Parts of clocks and watches: crystal, dial, face...
Handwriting and spelling: calligraphy, crabbed, cursive...
General words meaning to give: give, present, hand...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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