shaft1 /ʃɑːft $ ʃæft/ noun [countableC] 1 passage 通道TBBTI a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out 竖井mine/elevator/ventilation etc shaft a 300-foot elevator shaft 一个300英尺深的电梯井
3 of light 光束LIGHT a narrow beam of light 〔光的〕一道,一束shaft of light/sunlight 一束光线/一缕阳光
4 engine part 引擎部件TTCTE a long thin piece of metal in an engine or machine, that turns and passes on power or movement to another part of the machine 〔机器的〕轴;传动轴 6. arrow 箭 literaryPMW an arrow 箭 7. get the shaft informalUNFAIR to be treated very unfairly 受到亏待,遇到不公正对待