crack on• In the first week of the police crack-down, over 500 car thieves were arrested.• Teachers must crack down onbullying as soon as they become aware of it.• The government has promised to crack down oncrime.• Only by cracking down ondealers, can we stop young people getting involved with drugs.• The AthleticsFederation plans to crack down on drug and steroidabuse by athletes.• a crack-down on drug dealers• Synod members were under pressure to crack down ongayclergy, who were portrayed as leading lives of wildabandon!• President Clinton promptly announced a law to crack down on juvenile criminals and a new computer database to track gang activity.• The authorities have been reluctant to crack down onpachinko for other reasons as well.• We have to crack down onsoftwarepirates.• Davies was eventually caught during a government crack-down ontaxevasion.• The authorities are determined to crack down onterrorism.• It is too late to crack down on the oligarchs or seize their ill-gotten gains.• City authorities were quick to crack down on the rioters.• After all, the rangers said they were cracking down on the trade of money for tickets.• Airlines reportedly are cracking down on this thriving but illegal trade.• But a year ago, Putin came to power vowing to crack down onwaywardregions.