o·ver·shoot /ˌəʊvəˈʃuːt $ ˌoʊvər-/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp overshot /-ˈʃɒt $ -ˈʃɑːt/) [intransitiveI, transitiveT] 1 TTCto accidentally go a little further than you intended 〔意外地〕超过,驶过〔预定地点〕 The plane overshot the runway and plunged into a ditch. 这架飞机冲出跑道,一头扎进沟里。
2 to spend more money than you had intended 超出〔预计费用〕 The school has overshot its cash limit. 这所学校的开支超出了预计的现金额度。
—overshoot /ˈəʊvəʃuːt $ ˈoʊvər-/ noun [countableC]