blood vessel• If the plaque blocks a blood vessel, a heart attack or stroke can occur.• You have more sweat glands and blood vessels per square inch in your scalp than any other part of your body.• Heart tissue has a complexarchitecture that includes blood vessels and connective tissue, as well as musclecells.• The new softplasticprobe is designed to take microdialysis samples from soft tissues or blood vessels.• Vasomax is an oralversion of a currentinjection drug that dilates penileblood vessels.• My doctors performed a bypassoperation to clear away a blockage in the blood vessels that supply my heart.• Doctors first thought it reduced blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels, Rubin said.• The blood vessels then dilate, allowing blood to flow more easily.
(1300-1400)Old Frenchvaissel, from Late Latinvascellum, from Latinvas; → VASE